Hate crime laws! Should it be tossed from the law books?

Should hate crime laws be tossed from the law books?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Stay only if implemented equally.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Gateway Pundit is yellow journalism and conspiracy bullshit. The fee press is the New York Times that your fuck buddy Trump attacks
They are Americans. End your hate. Half of America are conservatives. All Americans deserve a right to have free press. Stop attacking Free Press you fascist sick man
You’re wrong. Would you say, we are going the party or us are going to the party?
Can anyone else help me out here? Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

Is it right to say WE liberals don't like Trump or US liberals don't like Trump?
Can anyone else help me out here? Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

Is it right to say WE liberals don't like Trump or US liberals don't like Trump?
Take out "liberals" and then rewrite the sentences. See how that goes for you....
Typical Liberal. Uneducated and then arguing with me over it.
Take out "liberals" and then rewrite the sentences. See how that goes for you....
Typical Liberal. Uneducated and then arguing with me over it.
Damn I think you are right. SHIT! Whatever. I'm old. I can't even spell anymore. I used to be good at spelling. My mom had early alzheimers and I'm 51. I'm scared. LOL
You’re wrong. Would you say, we are going the party or us are going to the party?
By the way, I love how you avoided the main point i was trying to make by derailing the conversation. Let's try this again. And again, I don't think it's "conservatives say we liberals are too soft on violent crimes. I think it's conservatives say us liberals are too soft on violent crimes." But that's neither here nor there. Or is it their. LOL.

In other threads you conservatives say we are too soft on violent crimes and we let violent people out and they repeat offend. You say If we just gave them stiffer penalties they'd never get out to repeat offend you say.

But now, when it's keeping white violent criminals in jail longer, you object. Weird

Also, didn't you like this point? When we say corporate America is systemically racist and misogynistic based and the percentages show 87% of corporate America is white male, how come that isn't proof? But if blacks were committing 87% of the crimes, that would be proof of something. Do you cherry pick when percentages matter?
By the way, I love how you avoided the main point i was trying to make by derailing the conversation. Let's try this again. And again, I don't think it's "conservatives say we liberals are too soft on violent crimes. I think it's conservatives say us liberals are too soft on violent crimes." But that's neither here nor there. Or is it their. LOL.

In other threads you conservatives say we are too soft on violent crimes and we let violent people out and they repeat offend. You say If we just gave them stiffer penalties they'd never get out to repeat offend you say.

But now, when it's keeping white violent criminals in jail longer, you object. Weird

Also, didn't you like this point? When we say corporate America is systemically racist and misogynistic based and the percentages show 87% of corporate America is white male, how come that isn't proof? But if blacks were committing 87% of the crimes, that would be proof of something. Do you cherry pick when percentages matter?
NBA is 85% black males. Black males make up 6% of the US population. Is the NBA racist?
85% Believe in removing the hate crime laws.. I’m sending this to Congress
NBA is 85% black males. Black males make up 6% of the US population. Is the NBA racist?
That's not a good analogy because we have PROOF the black guys are better given an equal chance at succeeding. We KNOW they are better. With white male CEO's, we sort of see systemic racism and bias down at the initial hiring stage all the way to promoting the next CEO's.

I heard another analogy the other day that was better. I can't remember what it was right now but let me think. Whatever it was, it was overwhelmingly one minority group who controlled that industry and it would be stupid to suggest we need to break it up. They have mastered that thing. They control it. And they get to decide who takes over for them after.

But I'll tell you this. The BOD's are starting to become more diverse and they are going to start leaning on these companies to become more diverse.

Because I don't believe white men are the best at everything that is business. And that's coming from a white man. I believe there is a good old boys network going on here and bias plays a role. We need to start hiring more young white collar blacks, then promote them, up the ranks, all the way to CEO, just like all the white boys get promoted.

And start promoting some women too. But not white women. They don't appreciate it.
We KNOW they are better.
The score would be 123-13 if the nba players of today played the Celtics of 1950 .. reasons why.. can’t play within the rules. 1.carrying
2. Offensive foul lowering the shoulder.
3. taking a hard foul with out getting ejected
today’s NBA players would have more turnovers in points
That's not a good analogy because we have PROOF the black guys are better given an equal chance at succeeding. We KNOW they are better. With white male CEO's, we sort of see systemic racism and bias down at the initial hiring stage all the way to promoting the next CEO's.

I heard another analogy the other day that was better. I can't remember what it was right now but let me think. Whatever it was, it was overwhelmingly one minority group who controlled that industry and it would be stupid to suggest we need to break it up. They have mastered that thing. They control it. And they get to decide who takes over for them after.

But I'll tell you this. The BOD's are starting to become more diverse and they are going to start leaning on these companies to become more diverse.

Because I don't believe white men are the best at everything that is business. And that's coming from a white man. I believe there is a good old boys network going on here and bias plays a role. We need to start hiring more young white collar blacks, then promote them, up the ranks, all the way to CEO, just like all the white boys get promoted.

And start promoting some women too. But not white women. They don't appreciate it.
We have proof that black guys are better? Really? What proof is that? By your own operational definition we have proof that white CEOs are better?

There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than players. Is the NFL antisemitic? Same for the NBA?
We have proof that black guys are better? Really? What proof is that? By your own operational definition we have proof that white CEOs are better?

There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than players. Is the NFL antisemitic? Same for the NBA?
They need to lick that black ass to keep the votes .
We have proof that black guys are better? Really? What proof is that? By your own operational definition we have proof that white CEOs are better?

There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than players. Is the NFL antisemitic? Same for the NBA?
We see whites competing with blacks at the high school and college level. We know who the better basketball players are. Google 50 greatest NBA players of all time.

And remember, they were held back from the NBA until 1950. Given the chance, they took over the sport.

What you are doing is suggesting white men are smarter than women and blacks, Mexican Americans, Arabic Americans, Asian Americans.

What you are suggesting is that white men win on an even playing field. That's bullshit and you should know it. When the hiring managers at every level of the company are white men how can you say that? I know, because you are a white man.

Companies spend millions on antibias training each year. The goal is to create work forces that are more inclusive, and thereby more innovative and more effective. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed, have higher collective intelligence, and are better at making decisions and solving problems. But research also shows that bias prevention programs rarely deliver. And some companies don’t invest in them at all.

The best bosses know bias exists. You must not be a good boss.

We see whites competing with blacks at the high school and college level. We know who the better basketball players are. Google 50 greatest NBA players of all time.

And remember, they were held back from the NBA until 1950. Given the chance, they took over the sport.

What you are doing is suggesting white men are smarter than women and blacks, Mexican Americans, Arabic Americans, Asian Americans.

What you are suggesting is that white men win on an even playing field. That's bullshit and you should know it. When the hiring managers at every level of the company are white men how can you say that? I know, because you are a white man.

Companies spend millions on antibias training each year. The goal is to create work forces that are more inclusive, and thereby more innovative and more effective. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed, have higher collective intelligence, and are better at making decisions and solving problems. But research also shows that bias prevention programs rarely deliver. And some companies don’t invest in them at all.

The best bosses know bias exists. You must not be a good boss.

Hold on you said this: "We see whites competing with blacks at the high school and college level. We know who the better basketball players are. Google 50 greatest NBA players of all time."

So we see whites competing with blacks for corporate jobs too. So then whites aren't better by the same metric you said blacks are better? Correct? Your words not mine.


What company in its right mind would hire a lesser person because of racism? That doesn't increase shareholder value?

Lastly, 5% of all plumbers are women. So are women bad plumbers? Just asking.
Hold on you said this: "We see whites competing with blacks at the high school and college level. We know who the better basketball players are. Google 50 greatest NBA players of all time."

So we see whites competing with blacks for corporate jobs too. So then whites aren't better by the same metric you said blacks are better? Correct? Your words not mine.


What company in its right mind would hire a lesser person because of racism? That doesn't increase shareholder value?

Lastly, 5% of all plumbers are women. So are women bad plumbers? Just asking.
No we don't see blacks competing with whites. We see blacks not getting hired or promoted.

They aren't lesser people. You white male hiring managers think they are. You think blacks will be late all the time and sue you if you fire them. You think women will quit to have kids. You have bias'.

And we see women who should be made managers not be made managers, sue, and win, because it's clearly bias in the workplace.

Companies are spending millions on anti bias programs. White men are not complaining that they should have made the NBA but weren't given a chance because they were white.

In fact, all the owners and managers in the NBA and NFL are white. So it's not like black managers and owners are showing bias towards white athletes.

Like I said, bad comparison.

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