Hate crime?

Three men instantly recognized her from tv and jumped her for being gay? If you saw it in a movie you would call bullshit. This smells like a hoax in some ways, but the injuries are difficult to ignore.
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On other hoaxes they injured themselves. One even carved a cross into her chest to frame Christians
Lets not forget the woman who carved a backwards letter 'B' into her cheek and blamed it on a black man. And she was a Republican.
The chance that she was identified and attacked in the manner described is remote. Not saying it did not happen but likely not.
I give it three more days until they quietly reveal it was a hoax and the story vanishes
If you look, all the local reporting of the story has stopped, it's just the national news pushing hate crime legislation. You know what that means. Police have reason to believe (as it's obvious) that this crime did not take place. They will let a few more days pass, the quietely admit it, and the national media will ignore the story, though still push for LGBT laws.
Still no update in days now. If there was even a shred of truth to her claim, the liberals would not let this story drop from the front page. My question is, will they even release the info when they determine it was a hoax?
It's been nearly 2 weeks without any updates. Why isn't th eliberal media playing this story up?????

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