Zone1 Hate Preacher Gives Vile Sermon Calling for LGBTQ+ to Be ‘Shot in the Back of the Head’

Yes, I see grandma's and grandpa's in those videos with some people acting stupidly. What isn't there is an insurrection. Also, the fact that Pelosi refused Trump's 20,000 troops to guard the House of Congress shows that Pelosi and the Democrats wanted the crowd to come on in so they could blame Trump. Trump had nothing to do with the peaceful protest. Trump is on video and audio saying to go to the Building and peaceably protest. He said it more than once to the crowd. Had Pelosi done her job and had the National Guard there, there would have been no break in because no one in the crowd had a gun. Violent insurrections occur when the people have guns. Saying otherwise over and over doesn't make your statements true.
Amazing! You people have been fed that load of shit about Pelosi and the National Guard, and no matter how many times we show you that it's bullshit you keep repeating it: Now THAT is insanity'

  1. AP fact check rates GOP claim Pelosi blocked National …

    Jul 28, 2021 · A recent fact check by The Associated Press found that an assertion being made by members of the House Republican Conference that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was responsible for the Jan. 6...
As far as it having been a peaceful protest, you really have to stop listening to those voices in your head
The problem here is that you are adhering to a textualist reading of the constitution. You are not along but you are in a small minofity on that.

Most of thosewho study the constitution recognize the concept of unenumerated rights:

Get that ?"persona;lmatters" It does not get any more personal that the issue of what one does with thir own body

And, I understand very well what a Constitutional Republic is:

constitutional republic definition - Search

Get that " follow the rules of that country’s constitution in governing their people." The states have been notorious in passing all sorts of laws that violate the US Constitution. You say return the issue to the people but in most cases, it is not really the people who will decide it. Its the politicians. But in any case, when it comes to matters of civil rights, neither the people or the politiciansshould be deciding it.

The sad truth is that with an ineffectual congress and a president who has a very tenuous majority in Wasjhingron, it is the SCOTUS that is running the country and in doing so, they have pretty much chosen to disregard the Constitution and instead, rule like the Mullahsm of Afganastan
There is always something the left conveniently leaves out when it comes to privacy and basic rights. That is the rights of the unborn child in the womb. And, abortion is all about this. Therefore, the baby also has a right to privacy and not be intruded with forceps, knives and medicines to disturb his or her privacy. So, back to the states they go. By the way, Kavanaugh just let you leftist know that there should be no restriction on travel for abortions because of what you covered concerning travel. The thing about making up rights unenumerated or not is that they can be overturned. And, that's what happened. Just put abortion in the Constitution. Regardless of laws the states pass, the states have the right in the case of abortion. It's democratic and Constitutional Republic. If the laws are unConstitutional, bring it up to the courts. No problem. Stop complaining and do what Republicans do, take it and move on. To make changes, Republicans do it through the system and not around the system.
There is always something the left conveniently leaves out when it comes to privacy and basic rights. That is the rights of the unborn child in the womb. And, abortion is all about this. Therefore, the baby also has a right to privacy and not be intruded with forceps, knives and medicines to disturb his or her privacy.
What you conveniently leave out is the fact that there is no consensus on the issue of when life begins while we know full well that the mother is in fact a living , breathing human being with rights. An embryo is no a baby
So, back to the states they go.
You are ignoring my previous post regarding the fact that in a Constitutional Republic the Constitution is the supreme law of that land and trumps the "will of the people" If returned to the states and "the people" decide you have a tyranny of the majority. If the state lawmakers decide, you may well have a tyranny of a minority. In any case you have tyranny
By the way, Kavanaugh just let you leftist know that there should be no restriction on travel for abortions because of what you covered concerning travel.
Even if he said that I am not impressed or swayed. For one thing he is just one Justice and I doubt that the SCOTUS as a whole is about to rule that travel should not be restricted. The states will impose restrictions and I am sure that SCOTUS will let them. Aside from that, the need to travel to obtain an abortion will be a major hardship on many women and impossible for some.
What you conveniently leave out is the fact that there is no consensus on the issue of when life begins while we know full well that the mother is in fact a living , breathing human being with rights. An embryo is no a baby
That isn’t true. 72% of the public say no abortion after the first trimester. 93% say no abortion after the second trimester. That’s a huge consensus.
Life, from a scientific position, ends when there is no brainwave and no heartbeat. Therefore, a life begins when there are brainwaves and a heartbeat. Slam dunk! Case closed!
The thing about making up rights unenumerated or not is that they can be overturned. And, that's what happened. Just put abortion in the Constitution. Regardless of laws the states pass, the states have the right in the case of abortion. It's democratic and Constitutional Republic.
The fact is that all sides of an issue will interpret the constitution and manipulate the law to suit their idiology. We do and you do it. The difference is that to people like you, it is all about idiology and has little to do with the human aspects of these decisions. You care less about the Constitution than you do about finding a way to impose your far right agenda on people. You seem to be oblivious to that fact that this decision will cause a lot of pain and suffering in many ways such as by increasing the number of illegal abortions that will endanger the lives of women. This whole thing is more about controlling women than a right to life
. If the laws are unConstitutional, bring it up to the courts. No problem. Stop complaining and do what Republicans do, take it and move on. To make changes, Republicans do it through the system and not around the system.
I think that we did that and this is where we are
That isn’t true. 72% of the public say no abortion after the first trimester. 93% say no abortion after the second trimester. That’s a huge consensus.
And the SCOTUS said no abortion at all and many states will impliment that. So much for bleating about the will of the people
The fact is that all sides of an issue will interpret the constitution and manipulate the law to suit their idiology. We do and you do it. The difference is that to people like you, it is all about idiology and has little to do with the human aspects of these decisions. You care less about the Constitution than you do about finding a way to impose your far right agenda on people. You seem to be oblivious to that fact that this decision will cause a lot of pain and suffering in many ways such as by increasing the number of illegal abortions that will endanger the lives of women. This whole thing is more about controlling women than a right to life
I can say the exact same things about you and your side. Including that is your atheistic ideology and has nothing human about your decisions. And the pain and suffering of the living fetuses is unconscionable. There is no “controlling” women. That’s a red herring. And, you should know that 80% of women had they known about the alternatives to abortion would have done so.
The decision didn’t pose a total ban on abortion. It upheld the 15 week ban in Mississippi. About when the brainwaves and heartbeat can be detected. Slam Dunk!!! Who do you think you're kidding? They said that there is no right to abortion and at least half of the states will take that and run with it by banning all abortions.
Right , they did not impose a total ban, But they said that there is no right to abortion and as such, about half of the states will impose such a ban.
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I can say the exact same things about you and your side. Including that is your atheistic ideology and has nothing human about your decisions. And the pain and suffering of the living fetuses is unconscionable. There is no “controlling” women. That’s a red herring. And, you should know that 80% of women had they known about the alternatives to abortion would have done so.
Thank you for admitting that your position is rooted in religious ideology and as such, cling to the belief that a fetus is a person, while ignoring the fact that most people do not agree, and that in this country, we do not impose our religious beliefs on others. You contend that it is not about controlling women but will subit to you that that is very niev, or a flat out lie. And women are not stupid. They do know about alternatives to abortion. That is why abortions are already at an historic low. But sometimes there is no viable alternative
Right , they did not impose a total ban, But they said that there is no right to abortion and as such, about half of the states will impose such a ban.
Liar…They did not ban abortions. The restored the rights of the states to decide abortion. It’s now up to the people to decide. Most states will not ban abortions before a 12 or 15 week time period. Just like in 47 of the 50 European countries. Right in line with what 72% of the people want. If a woman in the 2nd or 3rd trimester wants to kill a living baby with brainwaves and a heartbeat, then go to a murderous blue state that will do it. Just stop lying.
Thank you for admitting that your position is rooted in religious ideology and as such, cling to the belief that a fetus is a person, while ignoring the fact that most people do not agree, and that in this country, we do not impose our religious beliefs on others. You contend that it is not about controlling women but will subit to you that that is very niev, or a flat out lie. And women are not stupid. They do know about alternatives to abortion. That is why abortions are already at an historic low. But sometimes there is no viable alternative
Yes we do make decisions in law and the Constitution based on religious belief straight from the Bible. If you actually knew the history of the people that wrote the Constitution you wouldn’t write ignorant things like this.
I’ve given you the factual statistics that means woman don’t agree with abortions after the first trimester.
The fact that death is based on brainwave and heartbeat activity, so is then when life begins. So, you are wrong about the fetus in both cases of what people believe and when life begins.
Liar…They did not ban abortions. The restored the rights of the states to decide abortion. It’s now up to the people to decide. Most states will not ban abortions before a 12 or 15 week time period. Just like in 47 of the 50 European countries. Right in line with what 72% of the people want. If a woman in the 2nd or 3rd trimester wants to kill a living baby with brainwaves and a heartbeat, then go to a murderous blue state that will do it. Just stop lying.
Jesus Fucking Christ!! Now you are starting to really annoy me. How the fuck am I a liar?. I agreed tthat they did not ban abortion outright. I said that the ruling will result in many states banning abortion. Are you feeling ok?
Yes we do make decisions in law and the Constitution based on religious belief straight from the Bible. If you actually knew the history of the people that wrote the Constitution you wouldn’t write ignorant things like this.
I’ve given you the factual statistics that means woman don’t agree with abortions after the first trimester.
The fact that death is based on brainwave and heartbeat activity, so is then when life begins. So, you are wrong about the fetus in both cases of what people believe and when life begins.
And there in lies that problem. You are a theocrat and therefor beyond reason or rational thought.
You don't hear anything about abortion from liberals? You are in need of a hearing aide and reading glasses. What you do not understand is that we are not insensitive to the aversion to abortion and that we can respect those who oppose abortion, those who are pro life in all respects . Today, those who call themselves pro life are really just pro fetus and do not really give a shit about life beyond thw womb
HAHAHA. Liberals are the most intolerant scumbags in America. If anyone needs to be lined up against a wall and twelve M-14 Carbines aimed at their pathetic little hearts, it's them.
To gay haters.


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