Zone1 Hate Preacher Gives Vile Sermon Calling for LGBTQ+ to Be ‘Shot in the Back of the Head’

I don't suppose that you have been watching the Jan 6 hearings. Ofcourse not. And you have the nerve to call be one sided? Pull your head out!
That's just another sham of a waste of tax payor's money and time rigged by the far left and never Trumpers. Had they allowed Jordan and other real republicans on the committee, there would be more validity. But, the general public sees the sham and we aren't falling for it. It's been a big nothing burger. You want to charge some for trespassing and destruction of property, go ahead. But, remember, there was a lot of government property and private property destruction by the leftist loons after Trump's win in 2016 and also in the Summer of Love during the pandemic in your liberal run cities and no one was arrested even for murders. If there were arrests, the people were immediately let out of jail to do more damage. They brough weapons to the riots and so this is much more of an insurrection than January 6th. Waste of money and time. Nothing Burger.
Yes you did claim that states would not outlaw abortion . Stop lying,

I am not concerning with what Europe is doing. I am concerned with what this theocratic Supreme Court is doing
No I didn't. And, none have so far. There are limitations on when an abortion can take place. But, that aligns with public opinion as well. And, not your anti-public opinion.
They were also leary of creating a theocracy or a state reigion as per the 1St Amendment . That is why there is no mention of Christianity anywhere in the Constitution
Who do you think those listed in my post were? Muslim preachers? Keep trying to fool yourself and others. The signers and writers were Christian that I stated. It's funny that you would say they were leery of creating a theocracy or with a king when the people asked Washington to be their new king. He turned it down for the concept of President. And yes, they fought the war to get away from a monarchy that was about to force everyone to be members of the Church of England. But, the first 10 bill of rights are restrictions upon the Government, not the people. Therefore, it's incorrect to say "Separation of Church and State."
Holy shit? !! What? I want to reduce the population? Where in the name of holy franking fuck do you get that shiot from? As I said, I once had some level of respect for you. Now you are further eroding any semblace of my ability to even take you seriously
You've never had any respect for me. Stop it. All progressives want population control. Sanger wanted population control of Blacks. I think that is still the sentiment of most Democrats. That's why they want to keep Blacks poor in the Ghettos so they can perform more abortions on them.
That's just another sham of a waste of tax payor's money and time rigged by the far left and never Trumpers. Had they allowed Jordan and other real republicans on the committee, there would be more validity. But, the general public sees the sham and we aren't falling for it. It's been a big nothing burger. You want to charge some for trespassing and destruction of property, go ahead. But, remember, there was a lot of government property and private property destruction by the leftist loons after Trump's win in 2016 and also in the Summer of Love during the pandemic in your liberal run cities and no one was arrested even for murders. If there were arrests, the people were immediately let out of jail to do more damage. They brough weapons to the riots and so this is much more of an insurrection than January 6th. Waste of money and time. Nothing Burger.
Your inane rant is the nothing buger here. You are in denial of the fact that this was far more serious that trespassing and some destruction of property. It was about disrupting a lawful function of government for the purpose of preventing the certification of thew winning candidate. In addition it was panned and coordinated, in effect a conspiracy and Trump was at the cener of it. Thdid former members of theOath Keepers and many otherse parade of witnesses that we have een are not lying. Trumps own White House Lawyer confirmed much of it as

I do not give a rats ass if you believe that or not but you cant get awy with deflecting with some crap about the Summer of Love

And let me remind you that the Republicans had a chance at equal representation on a 9-11 style commission which they rejected

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