Zone1 Hate Preacher Gives Vile Sermon Calling for LGBTQ+ to Be ‘Shot in the Back of the Head’

Jesus Fucking Christ!! Now you are starting to really annoy me. How the fuck am I a liar?. I agreed tthat they did not ban abortion outright. I said that the ruling will result in many states banning abortion. Are you feeling ok?
You just said it again. “Many” states will ban abortion. Who says? And, now it’s up to the people if they don’t like their current representatives representations. Now, please. The Lord is my best friend. He loves the little children of the world including those waiting to enter into it if their mothers don’t kill them. Do be in more control of your emotions even though that is a trait of liberals.
And there in lies that problem. You are a theocrat and therefor beyond reason or rational thought.
So, using science and polling facts is now irrational. Just a short time ago, with Covid19, it was the tyrant demand for all to follow the science and facts. But, because of serious irrational emotional outbursts, Democrats and the left’s ideology forces you to throw away logical and rational thoughts.
Dillon Awes, an extremist pastor known for spewing hate, delivered a shocking sermon over the weekend, literally saying that all LGBTQ+ people should be lined up and “shot in the back of the head,” LGBTQ Nations reports.
Seriously doubt that really happened. More fake news.

which has been designated an anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC is just a cover for another far left, radicalized anti-American hate group promoting lies and propaganda.
You just said it again. “Many” states will ban abortion. Who says? And, now it’s up to the people if they don’t like their current representatives representations. Now, please. The Lord is my best friend. He loves the little children of the world including those waiting to enter into it if their mothers don’t kill them. Do be in more control of your emotions even though that is a trait of liberals.
Holy shit! You are impossibly dense! Do you read the news? Do you know what trigger laws are? Do you understand anything that I have said about the the folly of "leaving it to the people" It's interesting how you fail to address any of the points that I made while mindlessly repeating the same bullshit over and over again. I am quite in control of my emotions. You should be more in control of your thought process instead of blathering about the lord loving children
So, using science and polling facts is now irrational. Just a short time ago, with Covid19, it was the tyrant demand for all to follow the science and facts. But, because of serious irrational emotional outbursts, Democrats and the left’s ideology forces you to throw away logical and rational thoughts.
Religion is not science and whatever you call polling facts is not reality. What you call irrational emotional outbursts is actually righteous rage over the theocractic take over of what was a democract and a Constitutional Republic. You fuckers are destoying this country!
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Holy shit! You are impossibly dense! Do you read the news? Do you know what trigger laws are? Do you understand anything that I have said about the the folly of "leaving it to the people" It's interesting how you fail to address any of the points that I made while mindlessly repeating the same bullshit over and over again. I am quite in control of my emotions. You should be more in control of your thought process instead of blathering about the lord loving children
Again, abortions haven't been banned. Yes, most states had trigger laws already in place between 12-24 weeks. So, what has changed? Regardless of this, it's now a democracy again. The people of each state can decide if they want abortions and what the restrictions will be. The Federal Government stays out of it because it is a state's rights issue. Are you really this dense that you liberals claim we are a democracy unless you have to follow a law that you don't like. Then, you want your laws forced upon everyone even if the majority doesn't agree with you.
Religion is not science and whatever you call polling facts is not reality. What you call irrational emotional outbursts is actually righteous rage over the theocractic take over of what was a democract and a Constitutional Republic. You fuckers are destoying this country!
No, you dimwit communists are trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic.
No one said Religion is a science. Polling is statistical and mathematical science and is reliable when the numbers are clearly in favor of saving the unborn's life after the first trimester. You obviously forgot the post I had sharing real information about the founding fathers and that 47% of the Constitution is made up of bible verses. And, most of the founders were ministers and religious scholars. Atheists are a bad mark on the world.
Again, abortions haven't been banned. Yes, most states had trigger laws already in place between 12-24 weeks. So, what has changed? Regardless of this, it's now a democracy again. The people of each state can decide if they want abortions and what the restrictions will be.
Jesus fucking christ! What the hell is wrong with you? You do not have to keep bleating about how the decision did not ban abortion. I agreed with you on that. But what you don't seem to get is that it allows that states to ban or seriously restrict abortion, so the effect is the same. That is not democracy. It is tyranny because it ignores the plight of those effectd by a ban. It is a religiously motivated theocracy. And I am willing to be that in most cases it will not be "the people" of the state deciding. It will be the politicians. While in theory, the elected officials reflect the will of the people, that is not always the case. So not only is it tyranny. It is a tyuranny of the minority
The Federal Government stays out of it because it is a state's rights issue. Are you really this dense that you liberals claim we are a democracy unless you have to follow a law that you don't like. Then, you want your laws forced upon everyone even if the majority doesn't agree with you.
States rights does not trump civil rights. Just because certain issues are the perview of the states, it does not mean that they can ignore the constitution

I have not stated that this is a democracy, another thing that you dishonestly accuuse me of saying The fact is that this not a direct democracy, but rather a constitutional republic, but lall of that seems to have been lost on you.

You are the ones seeking to force your laws on others by prohibiting and restricting abortion. As far as we are concerned, if you do not believe in abortion do not get one. We will stay out of your private life. You stay out of ours.
No one said Religion is a science. Polling is statistical and mathematical science and is reliable when the numbers are clearly in favor of saving the unborn's life after the first trimester. You obviously forgot the post I had sharing real information about the founding fathers and that 47% of the Constitution is made up of bible verses. And, most of the founders were ministers and religious scholars. Atheists are a bad mark on the world.
You know, at one point I had a level of respect for you. It is one yhing to have political, religious and philosophical differences. It is quite another to push an alternative reality that flies in the face of all reason and escues verifiable facts,

You have repeatedly accused me of claiming that the Supreame court decision bans abortion when any nitwit knows that they could not have done that since that was not the question before the court

You have insisted that most Americans do not support abortion. No So

You have claimed that no states will outlaw abortion as a result of the decision when that is already happening. Yes there were those trigger laws on the books but they could not be enforced until now

On another topic, you have insisted that the capital insurection was a harmless peacful protest .

You have NO creability None!
States rights does not trump civil rights. Just because certain issues are the perview of the states, it does not mean that they can ignore the constitution

I have not stated that this is a democracy, another thing that you dishonestly accuuse me of saying The fact is that this not a direct democracy, but rather a constitutional republic, but lall of that seems to have been lost on you.

You are the ones seeking to force your laws on others by prohibiting and restricting abortion. As far as we are concerned, if you do not believe in abortion do not get one. We will stay out of your private life. You stay out of ours.
Yes they do when there is no "civil rights" law as there isn't with abortion. It's why Ginsburg didn't agree with you. And, why the Court finally did what's right. And, we are not forcing laws on women. But, we are writing laws supporting the least to be able to fight for themselves, the unborn baby. You are forcing death to those who have brainwaves and heartbeats with your laws. We are saying that is wrong because they have no way to defend themselves against a big huge mother. And, science agrees that life ceases to exist when the brainwaves and heartbeats stop. So, science then is saying to the deaf that life begins at the brainwaves and heartbeats of the unborn human.
You know, at one point I had a level of respect for you. It is one yhing to have political, religious and philosophical differences. It is quite another to push an alternative reality that flies in the face of all reason and escues verifiable facts,

You have repeatedly accused me of claiming that the Supreame court decision bans abortion when any nitwit knows that they could not have done that since that was not the question before the court

You have insisted that most Americans do not support abortion. No So

You have claimed that no states will outlaw abortion as a result of the decision when that is already happening. Yes there were those trigger laws on the books but they could not be enforced until now

On another topic, you have insisted that the capital insurection was a harmless peacful protest .

You have NO creability None!
You are one-sided with information. Probably from CNN, right! There was no insurrection at the Capitol (spelling).
I never claimed a state would not outlaw abortion. I said they will regulate abortion just like Europe does. 47 of 50 countries do so after an average of 12 weeks. The left thinks we should be more like Europe, so we are becoming more like them.
I've never said that most Americans do not support abortion. I've said that after the 1st trimester, 72% polled say they believe it should be illegal. And, after the 2nd trimester 93% polled said it should be illegal. But, most Americans abortion can be done in the 1st trimester.
All statements I've made are verifiable facts. 47% of the Constitution can find reference verses directly from the Bible. Several of the creators and signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were President's of Bible institutes and some were ministers 70 years prior to the signing of the Constitution. Some were Pastors preaching against the tyranny of the English Monarchy and there are direct passages from their sermons written into the Constitution.
I never claimed a state would not outlaw abortion. I said they will regulate abortion just like Europe does. 47 of 50 countries do so after an average of 12 weeks.
Yes you did claim that states would not outlaw abortion . Stop lying,

I am not concerning with what Europe is doing. I am concerned with what this theocratic Supreme Court is doing
Several of the creators and signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were President's of Bible institutes and some were ministers 70 years prior to the signing of the Constitution. Some were Pastors preaching against the tyranny of the English Monarchy and there are direct passages from their sermons written into the Constitution.
They were also leary of creating a theocracy or a state reigion as per the 1St Amendment . That is why there is no mention of Christianity anywhere in the Constitution
No, you are a communist because you want to kill the defenseless to decrease the population to increase the economy. What's "brillian" and "coomunist" and "freedome?"
Holy shit? !! What? I want to reduce the population? Where in the name of holy franking fuck do you get that shiot from? As I said, I once had some level of respect for you. Now you are further eroding any semblace of my ability to even take you seriously

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