Hate the system not the religion

Clinton tried the peaceful methods for 8 years and all we got was 3000 dead and two buildings knocked down. I'm of the opinion that the Muslim world condones the actions of the jihadists, simply because they are telling their children that jihad is good and America is bad and evil. I don't see any Muslim clerics standing up and denouncing the 9/11 attacks. I saw a lot of Muslims dancing in the streets wehn 9/11 happened. Seems to me that Muslims are all for our destruction.
Originally posted by Myvoicecounts
The point here is that if they have the same facilities people usually do in America then they will stop with all the terrorism. Terrorism should not be fought with big armies with alot of our tax money dumped into them, but should be fought in a peaceful manner, making the world understand we are friends and we are more than just a military and economic power that is bossing everyone around.

Do you realize with every post you prove me right?

You are now making the excuse that islam promotes stealing and takeovers in order to economically survive. So.....we need to adress islam PEACEFULLY. -And we need to do so by giving over all of our money, time, luxuries, and all else or EVEN FORKING OVER OUR NATION TO THEM, just so they can have the same thing WE have?

Lemme put it to you in other words:

"America, if you want peace, hand over your nation, or give us all of your wealth. All else will be met with terrorism because we want what you have."

To stop terrorism we need to change the system and how do you do that? - with more peaceful methods, so that not only the people who are getting freed from tyranny support "YOU" the whole world including "The supposed muslim freak supporters" will also support "you".

Thank you.

Of course! They will have America robbed of EVERYTHING and they will get it all handed to them for free. -Just like the Palestinians try to do.

It is with absolute 100% confidence and proven dialog that I label you a terrorist and a person promoting such behavior. Expect every next statement you make along such lines to be met with a response from me.
I agree with New Guy. The Muslim terrorists are only after America's submission. You can't negotiate with someone who only wants your way of life's destruction. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on growing a beard and praying 5 times a day. And I don't want my woman wearing some burka because some Islamic guy can't control his urges if he sees her ankle.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Do you realize with every post you prove me right?

This is news to me, but go ahead and think whatever you want.

You are now making the excuse that islam promotes stealing and takeovers in order to economically survive. So.....we need to adress islam PEACEFULLY. -And we need to do so by giving over all of our money, time, luxuries, and all else or EVEN FORKING OVER OUR NATION TO THEM, just so they can have the same thing WE have?

I am not saying that Islam promotes terrorism, I am trying to say that stupid leaders out there promote terrorism and to stop them from being in power , we need to take them out in a more peaceful way than just bomb everyone and let them die.

I ask you this today, do you realize that other countries too have people in them with their own lives? Why destroy lives of millions of innocent people to take out a bad regime and why kill millions of people to take out a group that is controlling them? Why can't we or excuse me (you don't think I am an American so...) why don't you (pointing to the nationalist side)! if you are so powerful, try to create such a revolution in people that makes them get freedom and over throw the tyranny. I think thats much better than going into their homes and killing them, bombing them and making their lives a wreck don't ya think?

Lemme put it to you in other words:

It is with absolute 100% confidence and proven dialog that I label you a terrorist and a person promoting such behavior. Expect every next statement you make along such lines to be met with a response from me.

:p: Oh cool! , I want to be the biggest terrorist in the world= Mohan Das Karam Candra Gandhi.
:p: I am polluting your mind with my thoughts of peace, don't ever read my posts okay? they are bad for ya . Just concentrate on how evil everyone is, I am sure that will make the world a much better place and the best of all, it is even American too.
Originally posted by Bern80
Not admitted, but easily implied in the literal sense. If the book says kill people(i don't know if it does or not, never read it) and they claim to be muslims, but they're not killing people, they're not following the text.

P.s. just my interpretation of what he's trying to say. I mention it because whatever faith you are i don't think faith is something one can do half way.

exodus 21:7 "And if a man sell his daughter to be a maid-servant, she shall not go out as the men-servants do"

By the statement above, the jewish scriptures enable one to actually sell his daughter as a slave, now does that mean that it people in the jewish community are selling their sons and daughters to slavery today?

Answer : No .

But are they following their scriptures well? :

Answer : Yes.

It is the same with the muslims also.. their scriptures tell them to be in a "muslim" nation or try to convert people to Islam by any means possible, but today that is not possible. So, the people are not following certain instructions, while they follow their texts.
Originally posted by Doc Holiday
I agree with New Guy. The Muslim terrorists are only after America's submission. You can't negotiate with someone who only wants your way of life's destruction. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on growing a beard and praying 5 times a day. And I don't want my woman wearing some burka because some Islamic guy can't control his urges if he sees her ankle.

I am not saying that we should negotiate with terrorists, but we should make the people in those countries over throw the leaders supporting the terrorists.

Also, we should try to stop getting involved in the affairs of arab nations. A country should always try to have a good name so that other countries will support it. If we are just mean and nasty, no one will support us and every one will turn against us and that is pretty bad for our country.
Arab people are often generalized as all "bad" people. I was talking to a individual in a chat room yesterday, who wanted to completely blow Iraq off the face of the earth with nukes instead of invading, because "they must be bad if they live in the same country as Saddam, if they don't like him why don't they just leave?." It sickens and confuses me inside as to how a person could have come to a point where they hate their fellow man so.
Originally posted by CrazyLiberal
Arab people are often generalized as all "bad" people. I was talking to a individual in a chat room yesterday, who wanted to completely blow Iraq off the face of the earth with nukes instead of invading, because "they must be bad if they live in the same country as Saddam, if they don't like him why don't they just leave?." It sickens and confuses me inside as to how a person could have come to a point where they hate their fellow man so.

Liberals sicken me with their constant, unfounded, villainization of America.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Liberals sicken me with their constant, unfounded, villainization of America.

I guess I am a liberal :D ... considering you people are calling me a terrorist.

Well, the fact is no liberal wants America look like a villain. In fact, no American would want America to look like a villain. However, we have to accept what we see in this world as it comes. We have to see all facts rather than good old red white and blue dreams- which are ofcourse something we all share.

The fact is this, America has been a super power and like all super powers it also holds alot of responsibility for its actions, because other countries will follow America and its culture.

We made many good choices in the past, we also made many bad choices. When ever we are making a bad choice, we have a set of chastisers (whether they are liberals or republicans). The conservative bush administrations is making many bad choices and it is time we have to show them what they are doing- whether you are liberal or conservative- it is your sole responsibility to speak for the good of America and the good of America lies in peace, NOT in sending its troops to different countries to kill millions of people and make its own troops die by hundreds and thousands.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Terrorism is something that needs to be dealt with! Shall we try to make peace with the terrorists? Wont happen as they are not about peace! While your thought's are on course, it's not very realistic!

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.- Martin luther king Jr.

Hi there,
War can only be toggled and stopped with peace, not with hate and more revenge. Trying to make everyone against terrorism is something we need and it can only happen through a realization, not by force.

Also Sir Evil, you got a really cool avatar. cool enough to give me nightmares , but still cool :p:
There are radicals , because there are people who promote them. Just like there are animal slaughterhouses in our country because people support them.

Education is what is truly needed and it can be done, once people are open to such ideas.

We made it harder for Iraqis to see how we are their friends today- because of all the atrocities going on in their nation and we are responsible, but it is not impossible.

There are civil people who just want to just live their lives there, just like there are people who are living out their lives here. It is time that these people rise up and stop their governments from funding the terrorist activities.
Logically, if Mr.Bush up there in the big chair, really wanted to concentrate on ending terrorism rather than trying to get more votes, then he would probably try to educate the society and would have thought a whole lot before attacking Iraq.
The people should rise up? That's tough under a brutal dictatorial regime. Bush should educate the society? How? The tyrannical governments keep the people uneducated, and control all media. You're really out of touch.
How would you suggest these people prevent their governments from funding terrorists?

There is no educating the likes of Saddam! again it all sounds nice but nothing more then a pipe dream!
-Sir Evil.

The people should rise up? That's tough under a brutal dictatorial regime. Bush should educate the society? How? The tyrannical governments keep the people uneducated, and control all media. You're really out of touch.

These people will prevent their governments from funding terrorists through a widespread revolution. How do we go about doing that?

I can say that we can do lots of things to stop the terrorist activities peacefully. However, the quest for the answer to that question has also left me bewildered.
Still, I think there is a way and all we have to do is find it. I refuse to believe that our government which is the most powerful government in the world has fools sitting in those big chairs. If they really stop thinking about how to get more votes and start thinking about how to stop the terror threat once and for all- not just for America, but for the whole world, then! they will most definitely find the answer.
LOL Another person who believes that you can change these guys through education, negotiation etc. etc. You obviously don't understand the mindset outside the U.S. In my home country of Greece people are willing and have killed for their political beliefs, when one has that mindset nothing on this green earth is going to sway them. The only thing that will stop them, not sway them, is power and force, this is all they understand. To them our unwillingness to crush them is seen as a weakness and they know if they can just ride us out that with all our pacifists here that it is possible for them to come out on top. It happened in Vietnam it can happen in Iraq.
Originally posted by Myvoicecounts
exodus 21:7 "And if a man sell his daughter to be a maid-servant, she shall not go out as the men-servants do"

By the statement above, the jewish scriptures enable one to actually sell his daughter as a slave, now does that mean that it people in the jewish community are selling their sons and daughters to slavery today?

Answer : No .

But are they following their scriptures well? :

Answer : Yes.

Do you have ANY clue?

This is a verse regarding the OLD covenant. If you claim you can take these verses and know what they mean, then how about telling me what the OLD COVENANT is? If you can't or don't, I will consider that admission once again that you are talking out of your butt.

Reminder- You still have not proven your own koran scripture does not advocate killing infidels.

It is the same with the muslims also.. their scriptures tell them to be in a "muslim" nation or try to convert people to Islam by any means possible, but today that is not possible. So, the people are not following certain instructions, while they follow their texts.

Again, if they do not follow their text, they are not muslim. Simple.
Originally posted by OCA
LOL Another person who believes that you can change these guys through education, negotiation etc. etc. You obviously don't understand the mindset outside the U.S. In my home country of Greece people are willing and have killed for their political beliefs, when one has that mindset nothing on this green earth is going to sway them. The only thing that will stop them, not sway them, is power and force, this is all they understand. To them our unwillingness to crush them is seen as a weakness and they know if they can just ride us out that with all our pacifists here that it is possible for them to come out on top. It happened in Vietnam it can happen in Iraq.

Actually I have seen other countries- other than America. One of the 'other' countries that I am most familiar with is India. People over there "hate" muslims and most have good reasons. however the hate itself is so blind that it is targetted toward the individuals who have nothing to do with the things these victims went through, and most muslims are as normal as anybody and the people who have made their families suffer have themselves suffered and died.

The fact is , we have to realize that the people who are commiting crimes are only few and the people who are killing for the political beliefs are killing for their political beliefs because they can. When they cannot , they will not- that can only happen when public rises to them, not by force.

With force, you might get rid of a saddam, but you will have to get rid of another saddam who will rise up in his place.

Even if you force a democracy, with out the consent of the people who are being ruled by such a government- it will fall and such a government cannot be forced upon a population.

I am not saying "sit and do nothing" while they attack and destroy us, but what I am trying to say is there is a way to resolve these things with a nonviolent approach.

What I think, what you think and what the terrorist thinks is not important, when the very base that supports terrorism has been taken out from under their feet- it can happen through a widespread revolution in those countries.

I am not here to whine about how evil the bush administration's actions are. when you compare him to clinton, atleast he took some sort of an action- but what he did was very wrong and to make it right- he should not do the same thing again. However, He should try more peaceful methods to bring the arab leaders down.

The whole point of this thread was, we don't need unnecessary hating of muslims. They are people just like us- Even Mr. George W Bush cannot disagree with that.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Do you have ANY clue?

This is a verse regarding the OLD covenant. If you claim you can take these verses and know what they mean, then how about telling me what the OLD COVENANT is? If you can't or don't, I will consider that admission once again that you are talking out of your butt.

Reminder- You still have not proven your own koran scripture does not advocate killing infidels.

Again, if they do not follow their text, they are not muslim. Simple.

I have no interest in proving any religious scriptures are 'less divine' than mine and that includes koran.

Thank you.
Greetings and welcome MVC----I appreciate your input on this and sorry about certain radical christians in here. I don't see any arab ruler stepping down for any reason do you? Which one could step down and improve the situation? This sounds crazy but after centuries of hate do you think these 2 cultures can "hate from afar" without having to act on it or does this hate have to play itself out with a cost of more lives than i can even imagine.
Originally posted by Myvoicecounts
I have no interest in proving any religious scriptures are 'less divine' than mine and that includes koran.

Thank you.

So all religions are created equal?
So all religions share the same moral values?
Is God confused or is one religion "the true path"and the others just man made "fairy tales" or is there no God?
So the character and life of the religions founder should not be examined and scrutinized?
If a religion exists and people follow it,sometimes to their own demise.Isn't it the moral and just thing to correct those who are following a lie,by providing them the truth?

what religion is yours?

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