Hate to say it, but racial stereoptyping is still alive today and i have proof


Jul 14, 2011
There's this TV show I enjoy watching. It's called "What Would You Do?"

There was this one segment, where a black kid was stealing a bike and a white kid and a blonde girl was stealing the same bike, it recorded people's reactions. Surprisingly, they all had different reactions. You can see these people reactions here,


it's educational, but also kinda disturbing. I'm not posting this to create a stir, just to educate.
Story I remember from the Wall St. Journal about a company that had lots of relocation costs, and they were bugged by the fact that their black employees were paying so much and getting so little when they moved house.

So they did a little experiment with appraisers. They had a house and they hung up pictures of white folks and brought in an appraiser, and then put up pictures of black folks and had an appraisal. They did this with lots of appraisers in lots of communities. Houses with pictures of black folks on the wall got an appraisal round 20% lower than houses with pictures of white folks. And in the range of prices, the black apprisers were about 5% worse consistently than the whites in lowering prices for black homeowners.

Worst differentials were in the urban North East. Spread was lowest in the west, where they added in asians to the mix and got about a 5% benefit for the asians vs blacks in the west, but the total spread fit within the 5% Prices white vs black pretty much fit in the statistical noise.

This was 20 years ago, and since then the rule is no pictures.

People have attitudes. What can you say?
All people know that blacks commit more crime, so these reactions are correct.
Story I remember from the Wall St. Journal about a company that had lots of relocation costs, and they were bugged by the fact that their black employees were paying so much and getting so little when they moved house.

So they did a little experiment with appraisers. They had a house and they hung up pictures of white folks and brought in an appraiser, and then put up pictures of black folks and had an appraisal. They did this with lots of appraisers in lots of communities. Houses with pictures of black folks on the wall got an appraisal round 20% lower than houses with pictures of white folks. And in the range of prices, the black apprisers were about 5% worse consistently than the whites in lowering prices for black homeowners.

Worst differentials were in the urban North East. Spread was lowest in the west, where they added in asians to the mix and got about a 5% benefit for the asians vs blacks in the west, but the total spread fit within the 5% Prices white vs black pretty much fit in the statistical noise.

This was 20 years ago, and since then the rule is no pictures.

People have attitudes. What can you say?

It's a lot more than that sir.

What you fail to realize is how these "attitudes" as you so simply put it affects us all in our daily lives.

Extrapolate that to the justice system.

Extrapolate that to white/black race relations.

100 people passed the white kid, didn't do a thing. Not one thing.

However, the INSTANT the black kid came out there was outrage, OUTRAGE.

Then you have posters and posters on here that swear that they aren't racist and/or that America's not racist and that there's no such thing as DWB (Driving While Black) and police brutality on blacks etc.

When this simply exercise shows quite the opposite.

Powerful video.
It basically means that folks too much time with their prejudices and not enough time thinking. that is the nature of the animal and is unchangeable.

While we might want a new millennium of common sense, that is not in the cards.

So any time we discuss racial issues this is the fact we will have to deal with. People like Tank and Tinmore exist and they are but the tip of a malicious iceberg.
It basically means that folks too much time with their prejudices and not enough time thinking. that is the nature of the animal and is unchangeable.

While we might want a new millennium of common sense, that is not in the cards.

So any time we discuss racial issues this is the fact we will have to deal with. People like Tank and Tinmore exist and they are but the tip of a malicious iceberg.

Very easy to say when you aren't affected by it.

This is how black people are able to say things like "It's a black thing, you don't understand."

Because, in reality...you don't.

It's mostly just abstract to you.

Thanks for providing a real life/real-time example.
My best friend on the job in my former town was a black dude. We went to lunch 2-3 times a week and got along great. One Monday, he came to work and told me that a local restaurant wouldn't seat his party (him and a group of friends, mixed black and white). I told him that he was full of crap. We went back to the restaurant later that week so that he could show me. The hostess wouldn't even look at us. We stood in the lobby for a half hour while people got seated around us, and she simply wouldn't seat us at a table.

I finally asked to see the manager, but it was ridiculous. I believe, 100%, that it was because he's black.
My best friend on the job in my former town was a black dude. We went to lunch 2-3 times a week and got along great. One Monday, he came to work and told me that a local restaurant wouldn't seat his party (him and a group of friends, mixed black and white). I told him that he was full of crap. We went back to the restaurant later that week so that he could show me. The hostess wouldn't even look at us. We stood in the lobby for a half hour while people got seated around us, and she simply wouldn't seat us at a table.

I finally asked to see the manager, but it was ridiculous. I believe, 100%, that it was because he's black.

Welcome to our world. As long as there are people like that ass Tank, that crap will continue on.

They are dying off though. Time will kill it, but we are too close to so much.
Welcome to our world. As long as there are people like that ass Tank, that crap will continue on.

They are dying off though. Time will kill it, but we are too close to so much.

I've lived and worked in your world for a long time. My kids are multiracial.
Welcome to our world. As long as there are people like that ass Tank, that crap will continue on.

They are dying off though. Time will kill it, but we are too close to so much.

I've lived and worked in your world for a long time. My kids are multiracial.

As am I. I like linguini with my chitlins..

There's this TV show I enjoy watching. It's called "What Would You Do?"

There was this one segment, where a black kid was stealing a bike and a white kid and a blonde girl was stealing the same bike, it recorded people's reactions. Surprisingly, they all had different reactions. You can see these people reactions here,


it's educational, but also kinda disturbing. I'm not posting this to create a stir, just to educate.

You don't need to watch TV. Just look at what the right wingers on this site say. Oh, not ALL of them, only around 90%.
There's this TV show I enjoy watching. It's called "What Would You Do?"

There was this one segment, where a black kid was stealing a bike and a white kid and a blonde girl was stealing the same bike, it recorded people's reactions. Surprisingly, they all had different reactions. You can see these people reactions here,


it's educational, but also kinda disturbing. I'm not posting this to create a stir, just to educate.

I've seen that show, and a number of times they rig their skits around Pee See ideology. Here's one for them to do: Find two skilled teenage basketball players, one white, one black. Take them to ghetto areas where a pickup basketball game is going on. Have them separately ask to play, and see what happens.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNC9m8Xmcq8&feature=feedlik]‪Father Somehow Sends Police Who Try To Kidnap His Child Away Tail Tucked Between Their Legs‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
It basically means that folks too much time with their prejudices and not enough time thinking. that is the nature of the animal and is unchangeable.

While we might want a new millennium of common sense, that is not in the cards.

So any time we discuss racial issues this is the fact we will have to deal with. People like Tank and Tinmore exist and they are but the tip of a malicious iceberg.

Very easy to say when you aren't affected by it.

This is how black people are able to say things like "It's a black thing, you don't understand."

Because, in reality...you don't.

It's mostly just abstract to you.

Thanks for providing a real life/real-time example.

To be fair, you don't understand what it's like to be not black. I don't think it's fair of you to insinuate that Baruch is somehow wholly ignorant of race relations in the U.S. He's merely suggesting that we ought to use common sense when dealing with fellow man.

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