Hateful divisiveness of intolerant Left


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
America is being destroyed by the Left. This is but one single example of the pervasive hatefulness, intolerance, and censorship the Left imposes.

With 15,750 administrators for 16, 973 students Stanford has devolved into a public works program for well-paid charlatans supervising intellectual hooligans whose long journey up the Everest of comprehension is now supervised by the spawn of the spawn of the 1960s Marxist professoriate. Parents should demand a refund and all federal funding should be withdrawn.

What Happened to Stanford?​

The list of serial embarrassments at Stanford reads like the suicides of Greek tragedy, where divine nemesis follows hubris.​

Victor Davis Hanson
Stanford was once one of the world’s great universities. It birthed Silicon Valley in its prime. And along with its nearby twin and rival, UC Berkeley, its brilliant researchers, and teachers helped fuel the mid-20th-century California miracle.
That was then. But like the descent of California, now something has gone terribly wrong with the university.
Students at Stanford Law School recently shouted down visiting Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan. He had been invited to give a lecture by the school’s Federalist Society.
The judge never even got the chance. The law school students drowned him out. They flashed obscene placards. They screamed that he was “scum.” One yelled he hoped the judge’s own daughters would be raped.
Others bellowed, “You’re not welcome here, we hate you!” “Leave and never come back!” “We hate FedSoc [Federal Society] students, f–k them, they don’t belong here either!” and “We do not respect you and you have no right to speak here! This is our jurisdiction!”
When the judge tried to reply, they drowned him out with “liar” and “scumbag.” Then, mission accomplished, they smugly stomped out.
Note these were ostensibly not teenaged undergraduates. Instead, they were wannabe adult professionals, in law school to learn jurisprudence and to enter the elite American legal system that is supposed to have protocols separating it from the mobocracies prevailing abroad.
One of those foundational principles is to honor the Constitution’s protection of free speech and expression—not to mention the ancient idea of respecting an invited guest, or the custom to treat with deference a federal judge, to say nothing of the duty to honor the codes and laws of the institution that they have chosen to join which prohibit disruption of lectures and any effort to drive out public speakers.
When an exasperated Justice Duncan called out for a university administrator to restore calm, his podium was instead hijacked by Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach. She then gave her own preplanned, scripted lecture that sided with the disruptive protesters! Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The diversity dean then turned on the speaker. She asked the startled judge whether it was even worth supporting his free speech rights, given he and his views were deemed abhorrent to the new absolutist Stanford.
Note well: DEI Deans normally do not attend law school lectures. She showed up because she apparently knew in advance that the law students would violate their own university’s codes of conduct and disrupt a speaker.
So she had planned, again in advance, to do nothing to stop them. Instead, she would prepare a performance-art speech for such a certainty, to chastise the speaker and defend the disrupters. She assumed correctly that none of the other administrators, who also strangely attended, would admonish her or the students for violating the laws of their own university. She apparently assumed, once more rightly, that her own leftist fides on campus would be enhanced.
So far neither the diversity dean nor the students have been disciplined by the university. When the dean of the law school, Jenny Martinez, offered an apology (but did not punish the students), most of her own class walked out on her. And dozens of Stanford’s law school students lined the corridor in attempts to intimidate her as if she was some sort of toxic pariah.
In a Soviet-style finale, the Acting Associate Dean of Students Jeanne Merino advised the Federalist Society students who were targeted by fellow law students that there were “resources that you can use right now to support your safety and mental health.” Then Merino directed them, inter alia, to none other than Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dean Tirien Steinbach herself, the very dean who had taken over the podium to lecture Judge Duncan!
The debacle revealed four disturbing characteristics about the Stanford law students: One, they acted as if they were bullies and cowards. Videos of the mess showed how they turned mob-like in their chanting, flashing creepy placards, and, like Maoists, walking out on cue. Yet, when the judge fired back at their rudeness, like wounded fawns they took offense and pouted. And later, when there was mention that the names or photos of the protestors might be published, tit-for-tat, in the manner they themselves had put up posters of the Federalist Society members, they screamed that such exposure was unfair.
Two, they seem incompetent. To the degree there were any questions and answers, few knew how or even attempted to engage the judge on matters of the law and judicial theory. In other words, any grammar-school students could have matched their performance since it required no knowledge of the law, just an ability to chant and—in groupthink style—cry, scream, and mimic the majority.
Three, they were arrogant. One protestor blurted out that Justice Duncan probably could not have gotten into Stanford, as if their own puerile performance was proof of the school’s high standards of admission. That was obnoxious in addition to the fact that, as of recently, it may have become not so true. In July 2022, Stanford Law School announced that an uncharacteristic 14 percent of its graduates had flunked the California bar exam on their first attempt, a radical increase from past years. Four other California law schools—UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, and USC—had a higher bar pass rate.
After watching the sad performance, one wonders who taught such rude and unimpressive people.
Ethics complaints were lodged last year against Stanford Law Professor Michele Dauber for tweeting a series of gross attacks on Camille Vasquez (“some Pick Me Girl lawyer”), the widely regarded attorney of Johnny Depp. Law professor Dauber also tweeted sick fantasies about Depp’s death—and imagined the actor’s corpse would “end up in a trash can eaten by rats.” Was she the sort of model that the law students had emulated?
Then there was Professor Pamela Karla’s 2019 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the impeachment of President Trump. Off-topic and gratuitously, Karla weirdly attacked the name of the president’s youngest son, Barron Trump: “While the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron.” Was that the sort of puerility that the law students sought to embrace?
In 2021, a graduating Stanford law student sent the law school student body a bogus call to violence as if it was authored by the school’s small conservative Federalist Society. The fake call to arms read in part: “The Stanford Federalist Society presents: The Originalist Case for Inciting Insurrection . . . Riot information will be emailed the morning of the event . . . ” Was that the sort of smear that the law students learned?
TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images
Sam Bankman-Fried, the architect of the $26 billion FTX cryptocurrency meltdown that destroyed the livelihoods of thousands, is the son of two other Stanford Law School professors. Somehow they were involved in the Bankman-Fried family’s acquisition of a $16.4 million vacation home gifted to them from FTX shortly before it imploded.
According to the New York Times, both parent professors were intimately involved in their son’s multibillion-dollar business, either directly or through gifts to one parent’s political donor network:
He [Professor Bankman] and his wife, the Stanford Law professor Barbara Fried, were more than just supportive parents backing their child’s business. Mr. Bankman was a paid FTX employee who traveled frequently to the Bahamas, where the exchange was based. Ms. Fried did not work for the company, but her son was among the donors in a political advocacy network that she orchestrated.
Were these the ethical models that had influenced the law students?
Bankman-Fried is currently out on a $250 million bond and living under bond on the Stanford campus. He is out, in part, because two Stanfordites, former law school dean Larry Kramer and Andreas Paepcke, a Stanford senior research scientist, put up a $500,000 guarantee. Former Stanford student Caroline Ellison, a partner with Sam Bankman-Fried in his various financial collapses, has pled guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering, and is now working with prosecutors.
Perhaps the law school should not be singled out since it simply reflects what appears to be symptomatic of a once-great university’s freefall.
Philip Pacheco/Getty Images
A former Stanford student Elizabeth Holmes was recently sentenced to a long prison term for defrauding investors in connection with her company Theranos. She had fraudulently claimed to have invented a “revolutionary” miniaturized blood testing device. Many of her corporation’s oversight board members were drawn from the Stanford community.
The Wall Street Journal recently ridiculed a Stanford university group’s publication of a taboo vocabulary list (“Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative”). “Harmful” words supposedly unwelcome at Stanford included inflammatory expressions such as “American” and “immigrant.”
The Journal also noted that perhaps the cause of such Orwellianism was too many idle administrators chasing too few students: “For 16,937 students, Stanford lists 2,288 faculty and 15,750 administrative staff.”
More disturbing was the revelation of a “snitch list.” The harmful language initiative apparently is tangential to another new idea of rewarding Stanford snitches who feel offended by hurtful expression. Or, as the so-called “The Protected Identity Harm (PIH) Reporting” system put it, software will monitor campus speech and even offer “financial rewards for finding/reporting” any who supposedly violate approved language usage.
Was this the sort of campus experience that the parents of Stanford students pay for at about $90,000 per year?
Stanford was also plagued by a recent admissions scandal when a former head sailing coach accepted donations to his Stanford sailing program in exchange for trying to help two students’ admission applications.
Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call
Then there were campus attacks on a pair of eminent Stanford public health experts, Drs. Scott Atlas and Jay Bhattacharya. Both were pilloried mercilessly by some of the Stanford faculty and administration for daring to doubt the efficacy of what has proved to be disastrous government-enforced COVID quarantines and school shutdowns.
Yet the arguments of Atlas and Bhattacharya—the science does not support the mandatory use of masks to halt the pandemic, natural immunity was as efficacious as or superior to vaccine-induced immunity, the vaccinations would not offer lasting protection against either being infected or infecting someone else, and the quarantine lockdowns would cause more damage and death (familial abuse, suicides, substance abuse, mental depression, uneducated children, economic catastrophe, millions of missed surgeries, screenings, tests, and doctor’s appointments) than the virus itself—were all eventually substantiated.
Neither doctor received apologies from the administrators, faculty, or students who attacked them.
Currently Stanford’s long-serving president Marc Tessier-Lavigne—an accomplished neuroscientist—has been attacked serially by the Stanford Daily campus newspaper, which has called for his resignation. It alleges the president was culpable of scholarly misconduct concerning the publication of a joint research paper decades ago. The charges are not proven and remain under investigation. But they make it difficult for a president to weigh in on the above controversies when some faculty and the student newspaper are serially calling for him to step down for ethics violations.
In July 2020, a Stanford visiting neurology researcher, Chen Song, was arrested for not disclosing that she had apparently been an agent of China’s People’s Liberation Army. Stanford had also been investigated by the Department of Education for some $64 million in alleged Chinese-affiliated donations over a decade, all from previously unnamed, unidentified, and anonymous Chinese donors, most of them believed to be government associated.
The list of serial embarrassments reads like the suicides of Greek tragedy, where divine nemesis follows hubris. In this case, overweening intolerant ideology has sabotaged disinterested inquiry and meritocracy. Arrogance and sanctimoniousness lead Stanford to continue down this spiral—rather than pause, reflect, and redirect—and thereby only compound the public ridicule.
Stanford’s once-justified reputation for civility, transparency, tolerance, and professional ethics has been shredded before a global audience.
Given its hallowed history, and the university’s vital global role in cutting-edge research, medicine, and professional training, something has to change—before it is too late.
The university requires an array of compulsory workshops that faculty and many students must undergo. But given these recent debacles, perhaps two additional new training sessions are needed: required ethics instruction and a mandatory anger-management seminar.
I woke up this morning thinking about my journey into a very hateful website of atheists. I went there after watching atheists breaking furniture and windows in every religious website I ever saw. Atheists call their mayhem "free speech." But when I go to them with "free speech," I'm always banned as a "troll." See the difference? Wordplay. Name-calling, you racist bigot Bible-thumping, anti-science buffoon.

But back to the atheist website which shall remain nameless. I was beset by scores of haters, all attacking in dozens of different ways. Answer one and three more assault you with counters that they DEMAND you answer or you are.... fill in the blank.
I pointed out the patent unfairness and suggested that they select their best and brightest and I would debate him one on one while everyone else sat silently and watched.

They picked the owner of the website, an impoverished used car salesman, since dead and gone to, well...
He charged headlong: "Choose your topic. I will debate you in any topic you wish!"

My topic: "YOUR hatefulness and profanity, which are counterproductive, unintelligent and unscientific."

He was dumbfounded. "Oh no, not that, some other topic."
I was insistent. "You said I could choose the topic. I did."

He could not and would not defend his egregious, bitter, profane, vulgar conduct. He called an end to the debate before it began,
slinking off without any rejoinder except to attack me instead of rebutting the charges.

He died shortly thereafter, leaving his wife in poverty and asking for contributions from the atheist Leftists, who are renowned for giving very little if anything. Who Really Cares by Professor Arthur C. Brooks.
With 15,750 administrators for 16, 973 students Stanford has devolved into a public works program for well-paid charlatans supervising intellectual hooligans whose long journey up the Everest of comprehension is now supervised by the spawn of the spawn of the 1960s Marxist professoriate. Parents should demand a refund and all federal funding should be withdrawn.
This is what FAFSA is all about: Funneling public money into leftist causes.
Famous author and atheist, Ernest Hemingway, said "Every thinking man is an atheist."
Then he proceeded to blow his brains out with a shotgun. There's a lesson for atheists, not that they are
interested in learning.

One of the last statements that the atheist George Bernard Shaw said before his death in 1950 was that he had pinned his hopes on atheism, but he had found that atheism did not solve the problems of the world. "The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, have led directly to the suicide of Europe. I believed them once. In their name I helped to destroy the faith of millions. And now they look at me and witness the great tragedy of an atheist who has lost his faith." (Too True to Be Good).

I dreamed of writing a handbook that would be simple, practical, easy to understand, easy to follow. it would tell people how to live--what thoughts and attitudes and philosophies to cultivate, and what pitfalls to avoid in seeking mental health. I attended every symposium it was possible for me to attend and took notes on the wise words of my teachers and of my colleagues who were leaders in their field. And quite by accident I discovered that such a work had already been completed! If you were to take the sum total of all authoritative articles ever written by the most qualified of psychologists and psychiatrists on the subject of mental hygiene--if you were to combine them and refine them and cleave out the excess verbiage if you were to take the whole of the meat and none of the parsley, and if you were to have these unadulterated bits of pure scientific knowledge concisely expressed by the most capable of living poets, you would have an awkward and incomplete summation of the Sermon on the Mount. And it would suffer immeasurably through comparison. For nearly two thousand years the Christian world has been holding in its hands the complete answer to its restless and fruitless yearnings. Here . . . rests the blueprint for successful human life with optimum mental health and contentment. - A Few Buttons Missing: The Case Book of a Psychiatrist, by James T Fisher

Dawkins knows nothing says atheist professor.jpg
America is being destroyed by the Left. This is but one single example of the pervasive hatefulness, intolerance, and censorship the Left imposes.

With 15,750 administrators for 16, 973 students Stanford has devolved into a public works program for well-paid charlatans supervising intellectual hooligans whose long journey up the Everest of comprehension is now supervised by the spawn of the spawn of the 1960s Marxist professoriate. Parents should demand a refund and all federal funding should be withdrawn.
Post Stanfords most recent admissions rate...
4.3% according to two sources.
Blacks are given preferential treatment at all universities due to black privilege.
Lower SAT scores, lower GPAs, no problem.
I believe that is about as low as it gets..

Speaking to its continuing appeal among top candidates around the world.
I believe that is about as low as it gets..

Speaking to its continuing appeal among top candidates around the world.

Such as, oh, Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
I know he didn't attend, but he was certainly in that percentile. He taught at UC Berkeley just before moving into a rathole cabin to murder people with cowardly package bombs. He had a copy of Al Gore's
Earth in the Balance which he had read again and again. I read it too. It's full of nonsense and errors.
Such as, oh, Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
I know he didn't attend, but he was certainly in that percentile. He taught at UC Berkeley just before moving into a rathole cabin to murder people with cowardly package bombs. He had a copy of Al Gore's
Earth in the Balance which he had read again and again. I read it too. It's full of nonsense and errors.
Not a bit of which has anything to do with Stanford
America is being destroyed by the Left. This is but one single example of the pervasive hatefulness, intolerance, and censorship the Left imposes.

With 15,750 administrators for 16, 973 students Stanford has devolved into a public works program for well-paid charlatans supervising intellectual hooligans whose long journey up the Everest of comprehension is now supervised by the spawn of the spawn of the 1960s Marxist professoriate. Parents should demand a refund and all federal funding should be withdrawn.

Ah yes, always the left's fault, because... because... because it's convenient for your weak narrative.
Not a bit of which has anything to do with Stanford
YOU point out how exclusive Stanford is after I showed its administration imbalance and left-wing bias and now it has nothing to do with Stanford. You make as much sense as a typical education major. They score lowest on the SAT of all college majors, on average.
YOU point out how exclusive Stanford is after I showed its administration imbalance and left-wing bias and now it has nothing to do with Stanford. You make as much sense as a typical education major. They score lowest on the SAT of all college majors, on average.
For all your prattle about Stanford, it remains the most sought after admission in the world.

I was a 19th Cent. Russian Studies major.
I woke up this morning thinking about my journey into a very hateful website of atheists. I went there after watching atheists breaking furniture and windows in every religious website I ever saw. Atheists call their mayhem "free speech." But when I go to them with "free speech," I'm always banned as a "troll." See the difference? Wordplay. Name-calling, you racist bigot Bible-thumping, anti-science buffoon.

But back to the atheist website which shall remain nameless. I was beset by scores of haters, all attacking in dozens of different ways. Answer one and three more assault you with counters that they DEMAND you answer or you are.... fill in the blank.
I pointed out the patent unfairness and suggested that they select their best and brightest and I would debate him one on one while everyone else sat silently and watched.

They picked the owner of the website, an impoverished used car salesman, since dead and gone to, well...
He charged headlong: "Choose your topic. I will debate you in any topic you wish!"

My topic: "YOUR hatefulness and profanity, which are counterproductive, unintelligent and unscientific."

He was dumbfounded. "Oh no, not that, some other topic."
I was insistent. "You said I could choose the topic. I did."

He could not and would not defend his egregious, bitter, profane, vulgar conduct. He called an end to the debate before it began,
slinking off without any rejoinder except to attack me instead of rebutting the charges.

He died shortly thereafter, leaving his wife in poverty and asking for contributions from the atheist Leftists, who are renowned for giving very little if anything. Who Really Cares by Professor Arthur C. Brooks.

Every leftist I have debated over the past 40 years, there have been many in many different scenarios, has turned angry, hysterical and petulant after about 10 minutes because I prove all their groomed talking points wrong. Hence my screen name.
Last edited:
YOU point out how exclusive Stanford is after I showed its administration imbalance and left-wing bias and now it has nothing to do with Stanford. You make as much sense as a typical education major. They score lowest on the SAT of all college majors, on average.

Every leftist I have debated over the past 40 years, there have been many in many different scenarios, has turned angry, hysterical and petulant after about 10 minutes because I prove all their groomed taking points wrong. Hence my screen name.

In your dreams.
Every leftist I have debated over the past 40 years, there have been many in many different scenarios, has turned angry, hysterical and petulant after about 10 minutes because I prove all their groomed taking points wrong. Hence my screen name.

I have a family full of them. My family in the midwest was poor and uneducated and continue along that track today.
I outgrew both decades ago.

Pretending to be wise, they became fools. - The Holy Bible

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