Haunted Capitalist: A Tale of Disgust


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm wondering if/how capitalism-culture creates Satanic superstitions...



"A laborious stockbroker named Stanley went to a Halloween party with his wife Claire. The two were dressed as Flash Gordon characters. At the party, Claire met a dashing man named Edward who was also dressed like a Flash Gordon character. Stanley nervously watched Claire flirting and romancing with Edward while drunk with wine! Stanley's friends poked fun at him at work the next day, urging him to 'take immediate action' to stop his wife's public infidelity. Stanley was suspicious (to be sure!), but he didn't have any evidence of adultery. Two months later, Stanley found photos of Claire having sex with Edward (the two took photos of themselves having intercourse!). The photos were in Claire's bedroom-drawer. Stanley said nothing but decided to go to the Halloween party again that year with Claire dressed as the same Flash Gordon characters. One again, Edward showed up, wearing the same Flash Gordon character costume he wore the previous year when he first met the flirting Claire. Stanley confronted Edward and Claire at the party and demanded to know if they were engaged in adulterous activity. Claire snapped and shouted to her shocked husband that she wanted to run away with Edward because Stanley was such a boring and tedious Wall Street bureaucrat/mole! Stanley was devastated and stormed out of the party and disappeared out of Claire's life forever."


"After fleeing to Canada, Stanley decided to take up a small menial position as a restaurant waiter. By night, Stanley would wander around the city of Montreal carrying a deadly pocket-knife, looking for people to stab. Stanley was now a serial-killer. He would most often slit the throats of his victims in the alleys of Montreal while skulking around like a 'shadow' and wearing a large coat or robe and wearing a hat and black leather gloves. Stanley called himself the Urban Terror (UT), which the press conceded to 'afford' him once he sent the local newspaper a note that the 'UT would be the new Jack-the-Ripper!' You see, Stanley was so devastated by his ex-wife Claire's remark that his boring life had driven her into the arms of a more 'exciting man' that he decided to become a 'ghost' of society, a Jack-the-Ripper modelled anti-social serial-killer. As the police chased the 'Urban Terror' (UT), Stanley (aka, 'UT') realized he was arguably a bigger terror than Jack-the-Ripper himself. Was Stanley a modern tragedy?"


"After Stanley's crime-spree continued, the press hailed that the Urban Terror (UT) was a mythical criminal. Stanley never called himself Urban Terror or referred to himself as 'UT' but he very much appreciated his newfound 'celebrity' (or rather, infamy!). Stanley vowed never to embrace the religious idealism of mainstream society, now that he felt completely rejected by a world which did not forgive the sort of 'tedious bureaucratic work-mindedness' so ingrained into Stanley's mind and heart before he snapped and decided to become the serial-killer known as 'UT' (the Urban Terror!). One Canadian journalist suggested that the reason people were comparing UT to Jack-the-Ripper was because modern society was so darn fascinated by the concept that a serial-killer might be someone with a strange anti-social grudge against 'modern bureaucracy/traffic.' After all, Jack-the-Ripper stalked prostitutes in Old London(!)."


"After killing 50 people in all, Stanley (UT) decided to move to Colorado and assume a new identity and work at a movie-theatre as an usher. He grew a beard and put some make-up and fake-skin on his face and some fake eyeglasses to completely change his appearance; he even dyed his hair (and beard!). Stanley was not 'Thomas Hewitt' and no one had any clue he was actually the Urban Terror (UT) from Montreal! Thomas (Stanley) was happy working in a Denver movie-theatre as a happy usher. He sometimes watched a good deal of the movies that came to that popular Denver theatre. Thomas/Stanley was in every way now a 'normal American' and he had distanced himself completely from the monotonous life of a Wall Street stockbroker which had caused him so much humiliation and eventual dishonour. Thomas/Stanley never saw Claire again or knew of what happened between her and Edward, but he knew (for sure!) that his 'anti-society adventure' had given him the conclusion that when normal civilization targets you as a 'minion,' you can simply slip into the shadows..."


GOD: Stanley was very strange...
SATAN: No one knows Thomas Hewitt is the Urban Terror (UT)!
GOD: Yes, 'UT' was stranger than the Zodiac or even the Boston Strangler.
SATAN: It's bizarre that Stanley was once just a menial stockbroker.
GOD: His wife's infidelity and dissatisfaction with him drove him insane.
SATAN: Stanley would have remained a 'dutiful' American capitalist.
GOD: Well, he surely became 'the haunted capitalist' (for storytellers!).
SATAN: Maybe women should not poke fun at their stockbroker-husbands.
GOD: I suppose capitalism's intricate 'tediums' release emotional ghosts.
SATAN: Isn't that why Americans love films like Wall Street and Money Monster?
GOD: I wonder if people will joke, "I'd hate to be Stanley the Stockbroker!"
SATAN: People feel naturally nervous about the labors of Wall Street.
GOD: Capitalism is an arena for critique I suppose; I feel sorry for Stanley.
SATAN: He simply 'fell through the cracks' of American civilization...
GOD: I wonder if he'd not be as devastated/offended by adultery were he not a stockbroker!
SATAN: Haha. That's an intriguing consideration. Stockbrokers are sensitive about pride.
GOD: Sure. Investing/gambling on Wall Street makes you conscious of risk/fate.
SATAN: After 9/11, the world became paranoid about anti-capitalism jokes.
GOD: Maybe terrorists will find the tale of the 'Urban Terror' quite...iconic.
SATAN: Let's watch Brewster's Millions on Netflix!




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