Have any of you ever been interviewed by a Federal Census taker?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I know I haven't. My wife and a few of my friends I've asked haven't. Just curious have any of you been interviewed by a Census taker? If so how many times and how long ago? Thanks in advance.
I was, he claimed they never got the census form we mailed it. It was boring, mundane and took about 10 mins.

In hindsight I should have released the hound
I know I haven't. My wife and a few of my friends I've asked haven't. Just curious have any of you been interviewed by a Census taker? If so how many times and how long ago? Thanks in advance.
i never have been....but during my early mail delivering days,after each census, i was asked by a few workers if i knew who lived at places that did not respond......
Nope, did it by mail, except when I didn't do it at all.

I think personal interviews was more of a yesterday thing.
I was and she was a knock out...we ended up dating for two years....
yeah. In the part of Arizona i live in, most people get their mail at the post office. Unless you live right in town, there is no mail delivery.
I have nothing for a physical address but my parcel number, NO STREET ADDRESS. This is perfectly acceptable to the State of Arizona, but not to the federal govvt apparantly.

Those things trigger a census worker to come find you, they did me.

A couple things may be different this time.
I finished my fencing and gated my road two miles away from my house. You cannot just drive in here like you could ten years ago.
Also, because of some rule related to some kind of federal funding, I was required to have assigned a 911 address. My 911 address is the fire fighter's helipad about 8 miles from the house. If I call 911, i am supposed to meet emerceny personell there, which is pretty silly. But it keeps some DC deskrider happy so what the hey. anyway, i am guessing i will be expected to show up at the helipad for a census interview.
I actually took the test to be a census taker and later I turned down the job. Yeah my wife an I were interviewed by a census taker.
I was interviewed once but it was like 40 years ago.

My wife was a census taker back in about 1970. The town was pretty small; she was assigned abou5 10 square miles in which there were maybe 60 households. The instructions were to go to every one. None were mailed forms. Because it was a working area there was a lot of evening and weekend work to catch people at home. Those she was able to interview by day were almost always elderly. The biggest problem with loose animals (mostly dogs) came in daytime when folks like welfare queens (of both geners, it seems) and criminals practitioners of "animal husbandry" (raising dogs for staged fights) had their home enterprises. I asked her about citizenship questions....she didn't recall , Only that she was impressed there were no non-English speakers encountered. It WAS, after all, a small town.
"A census worker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
I know I haven't. My wife and a few of my friends I've asked haven't. Just curious have any of you been interviewed by a Census taker? If so how many times and how long ago? Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah. Once you get them tied up in the basement they get really chatty.
Who the hell fears a federal census taker? If you ever traveled overseas you get interviewed by a hell of a lot more federal authorities.

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