Have black folks improved themselves in any way while under the Democrat tent?

In which ways have they improved due to the political policies they support?

Their hero Barry did exactly ZILTCH for them. He gave them phones and stuff to make them happy, then forgot about them till next election.

Trump has actually helped them, raised them up, created opportunities and better pay and jobs. Many noticed and took advantage.
Oooo! A circle jerk topic where someone posts an inane topic and everyone types libtards. Fresh!
Oooo! A circle jerk topic where someone posts an inane topic and everyone types libtards. Fresh!
Why/how do black folks buy the Democrat Jedi Mindtrick each and every election?
How many times can the Dems promise "this will be the election that changes your life" and expect blacks to buy it?
So you label people as a group just because of their skin color? If this is the case, why, under trump, have we whites seen so many white-trash folks coming out of the closet? This is embarrassing to whites. We don't all run around in MAGA hats yelling "lock her up" and generally acting like people brought up in barrooms and brothels while playing race-based identity politics. You are doing nothing but race-baiting. There is no call for this.
So you label people as a group just because of their skin color? If this is the case, why, under trump, have we whites seen so many white-trash folks coming out of the closet? This is embarrassing to whites. We don't all run around in MAGA hats yelling "lock her up" and generally acting like people brought up in barrooms and brothels while playing race-based identity politics. You are doing nothing but race-baiting. There is no call for this.
ok so now that you got that off your chest.....answer the guys question....
So you label people as a group just because of their skin color? If this is the case, why, under trump, have we whites seen so many white-trash folks coming out of the closet? This is embarrassing to whites. We don't all run around in MAGA hats yelling "lock her up" and generally acting like people brought up in barrooms and brothels while playing race-based identity politics. You are doing nothing but race-baiting. There is no call for this.
"So you label people as a group just because of their skin color?"
NO, they label themselves based on skin color...You've honestly never heard them refer to themselves as the "BLACK COMMUNITY".....Why would you act stupid to this?
The Dems compartmentalize the citizenry and pander to the fringe factions, the fringe factions love to consider themselves a fringe faction...until they don't. Weird shit, I know.
None. Their living conditions have worsened.

So what is it that has compelled them to vote Dem over and over again for the last half century?
Bass v 2.0 ?
Because the dems are great at setting and feeding a narrative to their minions.

This is why you have unemployed black guys dripping with gold chains driving pimped-out rides talking about how the working class is oppressed by the materialistic evil of unfettered capitalism.
So you label people as a group just because of their skin color? If this is the case, why, under trump, have we whites seen so many white-trash folks coming out of the closet? This is embarrassing to whites. We don't all run around in MAGA hats yelling "lock her up" and generally acting like people brought up in barrooms and brothels while playing race-based identity politics. You are doing nothing but race-baiting. There is no call for this.
Between you and me, a major Depression with the reduction of checks and benefits of maybe half will clear a lot of things up. For us all.
Oooo! A circle jerk topic where someone posts an inane topic and everyone types libtards. Fresh!
Why/how do black folks buy the Democrat Jedi Mindtrick each and every election?
How many times can the Dems promise "this will be the election that changes your life" and expect blacks to buy it?
No mind trick. People act rationally for self interests. The Republican Party is now a joke of a cult centered around racism. Why would a minority vote or support that train wreck?
People act rationally for self interests
Cool, so how's that working out for black folks? Are they improving as a result of voting on their "self interests"?

Why would a minority vote or support that train wreck?
Because voting and supporting that other train wreck for half a century hasn't worked?
What exactly is the Republican party offering to improve the equity in this country? Nothing but blame. Democrats dont have a monopoly on the government and thus dont simply get to enact their wishes. The 2 years they held both houses and the presidency they used their political capital to insure 20 million people. Thats right, 20 million people. No legislation in 50 years did more for people and minorities than that bill. They worked across the aisle to get as much republican input as they could and the party of hate has been trying to lie about it and tear it down since. Republicans are a plague on society.

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