Have Democrats waged a war on whiteness…why not just make it official?

Are you sure you know what a “racist loser” is?
Yeah. I've been watching the conservatives here for many years. They all pretty much define "racist loser".

How's that been working out for you racist losers? Is it winning you elections?

No? Dang, sucks to be you. Whatever, keep trying. Maybe what keeps failing for you will start magically working. You never know.
I’m all for total segregation everywhere at all times so this doesn’t bother me…I’m just hoping this helps ignorant white fools pull their heads from their asses and wake the fuck up.
Naw...you are simply triggered and afraid...lol.

Guess what, people of all colors and races don't want to be feral inbred racists.
It's people like your ilk that kidnap women slink off onto a mountain and rape them to uphold "da whout rass!!!"
Yeah. I've been watching the conservatives here for many years. They all pretty much define "racist loser".

How's that been working out for you racist losers? Is it winning you elections?

No? Dang, sucks to be you. Whatever, keep trying. Maybe what keeps failing for you will start magically working. You never know.
hahaha…you clearly don’t know how to identify racism…Staying on topic; if you were white would you vote Democrat…for a Party that want’s to see fewer of you involved in anything?
hahaha…you clearly don’t know how to identify racism…Staying on topic; if you were white would you vote Democrat…for a Party that want’s to see fewer of you involved in anything?
I am white. I vote Democratic because I'm intelligent, moral and patriotic.

Remember, you can't gaslight me. I know the facts. Your lies only work on other commie bootlickers.

I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You and your side are domestic enemies of the Constitution, hence I must oppose you. It is not optional for me.

Now, you know what to do. Call me a race-traitor. You know you want to.
They hire people solely for their dark skin, they celebrate ‘fewer whites’ or ‘greater diversity’ every chance they get…..they talk relentlessly of white supremacy and systemic racism, they insist on a change in demography by way of passive invasion…They throw ‘no white people allowed’ parties…..But but but….Republicans are divisive….right?

She's holding a diversity party where White people are not invited; you can't make this stuff up.

In addition to being a racist, if she is using taxpayer funds for any of this, she is in violation of the law. It's been illegal to discriminate in public accommodation based upon race since 1964!

Dems taking us back to the 1950's with their Klan rallies. No surprise they want to lynch Jews.
Naw...you are simply triggered and afraid...lol.
“Afraid” of what? I have the means to leave this dark shithole anytime I want.
Guess what, people of all colors and races don't want to be feral inbred racists.
It's people like your ilk that kidnap women slink off onto a mountain and rape them to uphold "da whout rass!!!"
Huh….so the yellow Asian Mayor in that multicultural shithole called Boston isn’t racist?
Stop being soft !!!
“Soft” are people begging for free shit/reparations.
Staying on topic; if you were white would you vote Democrat…for a Party that want’s to see fewer of you involved in anything?
The dirty secret is that democrats don't have to make anything "official". All they need to do is gain support from 90% of the media.
I am white. I vote Democratic because I'm intelligent, moral and patriotic.
hahaha…no you’re not.…you are none of the above and everyone sane here knows it.
Remember, you can't gaslight me. I know the facts. Your lies only work on other commie bootlickers.
“Commie bootlickers”
Don’t “commies” create their own citizenship status like DACA, don’t they use government agencies to persecute political opponents, don’t they champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media / social media to win elections and push narratives, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want to take, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they forbid people from earning a living and pursuing happiness, don’t they force people to stay in their homes, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders, don’t they change voting guidelines in the 11th hour outside of state legislatures and under the guise of “national emergency”?
Are you Libs sure you know who commies are?
I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You and your side are domestic enemies of the Constitution, hence I must oppose you. It is not optional for me.
No you didn’t….NO legit Vets are left….No legit Vet speaks like you do…NONE!
Now, you know what to do. Call me a race-traitor. You know you want to.
I don’t need to…The great Thomas Sowell called you a race-traitor.

“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”
-Thomas Sowell
“Commie bootlickers” don’t they use government agencies to persecute political opponents,
Well yes, that's the point. Your side -- and only your side -- does that constantly, and you support it, so that makes you a commie bootlicker.

Needless to say, liberals don't do things like that. Liberals are moral and patriotic, while you're Stalinist all the way down to your very red soul.

Anyways, thanks for giving everyone so many examples of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

No you didn’t….NO legit Vets are left….No legit Vet speaks like you do…NONE!
Yeah, we know, most of the hardcore conservacommies here hate veterans. Trump considers all veterans to be losers, so the Trump cultists follow his example.
Democrats have brought back racial segregation and Separate but Equal.

Continuing their racist legacy.


Why do Americans tolerate this? It's illegal.

"The mayor's office has insisted they did not use taxpayer money for the event. However, the party did use city resources, because it was held at the city-owned Parkman House."

They don't realize that "using city resources" is using taxpayer money.

How do you think a Whites Only Dinner would float???
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“Soft” are people begging for free shit/reparations.
Staying on topic; if you were white would you vote Democrat…for a Party that want’s to see fewer of you involved in anything?
:Soft" are seeing different races succeeding in America and being so triggered that you sissies need to cry on a message board.
Everyone that takes a step forward is only war on silly insecure white racists....

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