Have White Democrats Lost Touch With Main Street Americans?

Are White Democrats out of touch with average Americans?

  • Yes, no doubt about it

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • No, they are the bleeding edge of moral proggressiveness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, whens the game?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I ask because of several things that have happened lately.

1) The Wokesters that control the Democratic Party have gone full throttle Cancel Culture. I mean when IceCube says you have gone too Woke, dude, you are far too woke for any useful good.

2) While 64% of the Average American does not want to defund the police, 55% of Democrats do, and I can guarrantee you those are overwhelmingly white Democrats.

3) White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.
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I ask because of several things that have happened lately.

1) The Wokesters that control the Democratic Party have gone full throttle Cancel Culture. I mean when IceCube says you have gone too Woke, dude, you are far too woke for any useful good.

2) While 64% of the Averagfe American does not want to defund the police, 55% of Democrats do, and I can guarrantee you those are overwhelmingly white Democrats.

3) White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.

ice cubree.png

Ice Cube doesn't give a fuck about it, snowflake
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I ask because of several things that have happened lately.

1) The Wokesters that control the Democratic Party have gone full throttle Cancel Culture. I mean when IceCube says you have gone too Woke, dude, you are far too woke for any useful good.

2) While 64% of the Averagfe American does not want to defund the police, 55% of Democrats do, and I can guarrantee you those are overwhelmingly white Democrats.

3) White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.

The National Party? Yes. Have Republicans? Yes.
I think male Democrats behave a lot like Biden.

If biden wins we will surely see a lot more girl scout troops getting invited to the White House.

Do Democrats look at the pics of Biden creeping on little girls and think it's normal and okay? I think they do...
White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.
Well, Jim, hardly no surprise there. After all, the white progressive is the most genetically ill-equipped life form to ever grace the planet, kept alive only be charity, tolerance and government hand-outs, for no other species in the history of the Earth can ever be said to be 180° wrong on EVERY issue every time, yet whenever confronted with the obvious, irrevocable truth, fails to see it or learn from it 100% of the time while stubbornly and adamantly maintaining the belief of a superior position!
White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.
Well, Jim, hardly no surprise there. After all, the white progressive is the most genetically ill-equipped life form to ever grace the planet, kept alive only be charity, tolerance and government hand-outs, for no other species in the history of the Earth can ever be said to be 180° wrong on EVERY issue every time, yet whenever confronted with the obvious, irrevocable truth, fails to see it or learn from it 100% of the time while stubbornly and adamantly maintaining the belief of a superior position!
White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.
Well, Jim, hardly no surprise there. After all, the white progressive is the most genetically ill-equipped life form to ever grace the planet, kept alive only be charity, tolerance and government hand-outs, for no other species in the history of the Earth can ever be said to be 180° wrong on EVERY issue every time, yet whenever confronted with the obvious, irrevocable truth, fails to see it or learn from it 100% of the time while stubbornly and adamantly maintaining the belief of a superior position!
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ See? Perfect case in point! Better odds talking to a rock. Only a white prog today can ridicule what had been common sense in the world for the last 250 years.
White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.
Well, Jim, hardly no surprise there. After all, the white progressive is the most genetically ill-equipped life form to ever grace the planet, kept alive only be charity, tolerance and government hand-outs, for no other species in the history of the Earth can ever be said to be 180° wrong on EVERY issue every time, yet whenever confronted with the obvious, irrevocable truth, fails to see it or learn from it 100% of the time while stubbornly and adamantly maintaining the belief of a superior position!
You are describing conservatives.
I ask because of several things that have happened lately.

1) The Wokesters that control the Democratic Party have gone full throttle Cancel Culture. I mean when IceCube says you have gone too Woke, dude, you are far too woke for any useful good.

2) While 64% of the Average American does not want to defund the police, 55% of Democrats do, and I can guarrantee you those are overwhelmingly white Democrats.

3) White Democrats are so fucked in their heads, that they have a reputation across the entire Globe for being stupid fools, the term is 'baizou'.

Ya gotta remember that it's....an ELECTION YEAR and every four years, they gotta cater to the lowest denominator.
Democrats live in an echo chamber. Every thought they have bounces from one to another. They never look beyond themselves. If they did they would see a seething angry roiling mass of humanity. Voters are going to vote in November looking for revenge against the democrats that bilked the country out of billions over the Russia hoax and dragged the country through a useless impeachment. Revenge for weaponizing a virus that they used to kill thousands of people they were just tired of having around. Then lied to shut the country down in a valiant effort to collapse the economy.

Voters will vote with the images of democrat agitated looters and arsonists burning cities, looted stores. Some businesses trying to claw their way back from the democrat induced economic collapse now looted and burned by democrats. Images of people groveling, the police and national guard on their knees, washing the feet of the very people who set fire to their stores. Democrat women proud of shaving their heads like Nazi collaborators. Voters won't forget this.

Voters will look at the broken and burned husks of states and note one common denominator. They are all democrat. Democrats look at the destruction they caused and think "women and seniors LIKE being beaten. They WANT their businesses burned. Seniors are anxious to be put in senior centers with the contagious and dying.

How about having a business or home in the new country of chaz or one of the other new countries DEMOCRATS let be carved out of the democrat controlled state.

Democrats have no idea, no concept, of the shitstorm they are going to be facing in November or how hated they have become.

By the way, do you know what the French did to the Nazi collaborators after they shaved their heads? It's interesting. Well worth a look up.
A very good video of a black man that wants to keep the Confederate monuments.

That very last bit about giving ten dollars to a black person and that if you do have trouble giving ten dollars, are you going to have trouble giving up power and land, if you have trouble. Operative words, giving up power and land. Translation: Communism.
As for the black guy's stance on the statue, I'm of mixed opinion. On one side, it's a statue to someone who fought against the federal government and for slavery, thus praising him for his treasonous behavior. On the other side, it is a part of that state's dark side. So, I wouldn't care if the statue were to be taken down in an official capacity and moved to a museum. As for getting rid of the Democrat party, I'm all for that, only because it has become the Marxist/Leninist party.
The woman he talked to had me a bit confused. She kept saying that the whites stole her peoples land, indicating that she was of a native heritage, yet saying shortly thereafter that she was an immigrant and also saying she was from here. About the only thing I can derive from that is that she has some native heritage from south of the border, mixed with a sprinkling of Spanish blood and then somewhere along the line she got some black heritage in there or, a likely scenario that she just kept making crap up so that she could try and not lose an argument.
Have White Democrats Lost Touch With Main Street Americans?

They've been that way for a long time.

They openly side with violent criminals.

They openly side with terrorists.

They openly side with hostile foreign invaders.

They openly side with depraved sexual perverts.​

In taking these sides, they are positioning themselves against the interests of decent, peaceful, law-abiding American citizens. That's how they've been for at least a decade or two.

It seems that many Americans are only recently, finally waking up to this fact.

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