Have you ever been the victim of crime

I was burglarized twice in Las Cruces, NM. A couple of years apart, different homes. In the afternoon each time.

First time they stole my TV, and I could tell they quickly searched through the place.

Second time, my wife lost a couple of pieces of jewelry. I then bought a .38 and hoped he/they would come back while I was at home.

At first it kind of rattled me, that someone had the nerve to just walk in and do what they chose. But after about half-an-hour I began to seethe and wish they would come back.

The most lasting impression is just feeling intense anger for a long time afterward.
Keyser Söze?
No, the guy’s name was not Keyser Soze. He wasn’t a fictional character and he was well known by the cops. He would get out of prison and it wasn’t long before he was back in again. He was a short, rather thin man who was not at all intimidating and that was probably why he mugged older people like me. I walk with a rather bad limp caused by a bad hip and back whchi makes me a weak member of the herd to a predator.
No, the guy’s name was not Keyser Soze. He wasn’t a fictional character and he was well known by the cops. He would get out of prison and it wasn’t long before he was back in again. He was a short, rather thin man who was not at all intimidating and that was probably why he mugged older people like me. I walk with a rather bad limp caused by a bad hip and back whchi makes me a weak member of the herd to a predator.

That was a joke.

Guess you didn't see that movie. :04:
That was a joke.

Guess you didn't see that movie. :04:
No I never seen that movie. I looked the name up on Wikipedia.

I rarely watch movies as they tend to be unrealistic.
I've spoken of this elsewhere on this forum. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I'm still here.

Some years ago, my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I were confronted by three armed thugs in Jacksonville, Florida. It wasn't the best neighborhood, but I only learned that in retrospect.

One of the thugs had a tire iron, one had a bat and the third had what looked to be something like this landscaping tool:


I was armed with my Kimber Micro 9, which was in a holster on my right hip. As they approached, I drew my weapon. When it became clear that they were undeterred, I fired four shots. One round hit the guy with the bat in the stomach. Two rounds hit the guy with the implement pictured above; one round in the stomach and one in the chest. He did not survive. The guy with the bat did. He was taken to a hospital, where he was treated for the gunshot wound and then arrested. He went on trial four months later and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The guy with the tire iron turned and ran as soon as he saw the gun. If he was ever caught I don't know about it.

I was detained and interviewed by the police. They confiscated my gun until the District Attorney decided that charging me with anything wouldn't be appropriate.

Not a d a day goes by that I don't think about that and, while it's unfortunate that it happened, I don't regret what I did; not even for a second...
Im glad you did what you did. Good job man.
I was robbed twice.

One time they broke into my house while I was on manuevers with my NG Unit.

The other time they broke into my car to steal a leather jacket I left on my passenger seat because it was too hot the day before.

We accept poverty, racism, untreated mental illness, and allow any idiot who wants a gun to have one, and then we complain we have crime.
Im glad you did what you did. Good job man.

Well, I wouldn't say I'm glad I did it. But I'm glad I had the wherewithal to do it.

It'll weigh on you. Ending someone's life, more than anything, I think, makes you think about how easily someone could end yours...
I was robbed twice.

One time they broke into my house while I was on manuevers with my NG Unit.

The other time they broke into my car to steal a leather jacket I left on my passenger seat because it was too hot the day before.

We accept poverty, racism, untreated mental illness, and allow any idiot who wants a gun to have one, and then we complain we have crime.

What do guns have to do with either of the crimes committed against you?
We are all victims of crime look at your goV they commit more crimes than Charles Manson did.
Armed robbery, home invasion that flopped, assaulted on a motorcycle. Police never did shit.
I've spoken of this elsewhere on this forum. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I'm still here.

Some years ago, my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I were confronted by three armed thugs in Jacksonville, Florida. It wasn't the best neighborhood, but I only learned that in retrospect.

One of the thugs had a tire iron, one had a bat and the third had what looked to be something like this landscaping tool:


I was armed with my Kimber Micro 9, which was in a holster on my right hip. As they approached, I drew my weapon. When it became clear that they were undeterred, I fired four shots. One round hit the guy with the bat in the stomach. Two rounds hit the guy with the implement pictured above; one round in the stomach and one in the chest. He did not survive. The guy with the bat did. He was taken to a hospital, where he was treated for the gunshot wound and then arrested. He went on trial four months later and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The guy with the tire iron turned and ran as soon as he saw the gun. If he was ever caught I don't know about it.

I was detained and interviewed by the police. They confiscated my gun until the District Attorney decided that charging me with anything wouldn't be appropriate.

Not a d a day goes by that I don't think about that and, while it's unfortunate that it happened, I don't regret what I did; not even for a second...
Geez. That’s a bad day.
I've spoken of this elsewhere on this forum. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I'm still here.

Some years ago, my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I were confronted by three armed thugs in Jacksonville, Florida. It wasn't the best neighborhood, but I only learned that in retrospect.

One of the thugs had a tire iron, one had a bat and the third had what looked to be something like this landscaping tool:


I was armed with my Kimber Micro 9, which was in a holster on my right hip. As they approached, I drew my weapon. When it became clear that they were undeterred, I fired four shots. One round hit the guy with the bat in the stomach. Two rounds hit the guy with the implement pictured above; one round in the stomach and one in the chest. He did not survive. The guy with the bat did. He was taken to a hospital, where he was treated for the gunshot wound and then arrested. He went on trial four months later and was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The guy with the tire iron turned and ran as soon as he saw the gun. If he was ever caught I don't know about it.

I was detained and interviewed by the police. They confiscated my gun until the District Attorney decided that charging me with anything wouldn't be appropriate.

Not a d a day goes by that I don't think about that and, while it's unfortunate that it happened, I don't regret what I did; not even for a second...
you got to do what you got to do.....
I'd bet that everyone here has heard about the attempted home invasion I stopped.

The Wife and I were were just sitting around the house on a weekend day when there was a knock on the door.
As usual I looked out the front window to see who's car was in the driveway,turned out there was a car parked in the street with the hood up.
Went to the front door and while the glass is frosted you can still see enough to tell there were four people standing on my front porch.
The alarm bells started going off in my head at that point. We keep a Remington 870 cut down to 1/8 over the legal length.
I picked it up and kept my right hand behind the door jamb/frame and opened the door with my left hand.
There were four mexicans/south Americans standing there. Of course I asked them what they wanted and they said their car was broke down and can we use your phone. The guy in the back was holding a cell phone so the alarm bells really started going off. It seemed awful weird to have four people come to my door to ask to use the phone when that would put anyone on edge. I never took my eyes off them and told the Wife to bring me the cordless phone.
Their demeanor immediately changed and they started getting antsy,then the guy in back started to push through his buddies.
At that point I brought the shotgun barrel into view,they did an immediate 180 and were falling all over themselves and the shrubs in front of the house.
They jumped into their supposedly broke down car not even bothering to put the hood down and hauled ass.

Other than that I havent had any other things happen to me criminally other than someone stealing my truck in a mall parking lot.
Why yes, I have been. Quite recently in fact.

On March 18th of this year I was walking my dog at our companies trailer drop yard that evening before bed and was confronted by an armed robber who told me to give him all my money. I had no money, he patted me down, took 3 steps, turned around and shot me 6 times. I've been out of work ever since, spent 11 days in the hospital and the rest recovering from my injuries at my parents house. Thank God with the first shot that blew my arm half off my dog took off running and he did not shoot her. Perp was caught about 15 minutes later.

I was shot:

1. In the right bicep through and through
2. In the left forearm, shattering my radius bone through and through
3. Through and through chest wound, nicking my lung
4. Grazing chest wound
5. Shot in the right ankle
6. Shot in the right big toe

The use of my left arm is severely limited and I haven't felt my left hand since the shooting. I am just now able to walk very slowly with a cane very short distances. I probably won't be able to return to work until June. But since I was on duty and on company property this actually is workers comp so all expenses are being paid by WC.
I'm sorry to hear that you were hurt, airplanemechanic. I hope that hateful person was apprehended and goes to jail for the duration of his hateful, life of greed and damages to other people.
I'd bet that everyone here has heard about the attempted home invasion I stopped.

The Wife and I were were just sitting around the house on a weekend day when there was a knock on the door.
As usual I looked out the front window to see who's car was in the driveway,turned out there was a car parked in the street with the hood up.
Went to the front door and while the glass is frosted you can still see enough to tell there were four people standing on my front porch.
The alarm bells started going off in my head at that point. We keep a Remington 870 cut down to 1/8 over the legal length.
I picked it up and kept my right hand behind the door jamb/frame and opened the door with my left hand.
There were four mexicans/south Americans standing there. Of course I asked them what they wanted and they said their car was broke down and can we use your phone. The guy in the back was holding a cell phone so the alarm bells really started going off. It seemed awful weird to have four people come to my door to ask to use the phone when that would put anyone on edge. I never took my eyes off them and told the Wife to bring me the cordless phone.
Their demeanor immediately changed and they started getting antsy,then the guy in back started to push through his buddies.
At that point I brought the shotgun barrel into view,they did an immediate 180 and were falling all over themselves and the shrubs in front of the house.
They jumped into their supposedly broke down car not even bothering to put the hood down and hauled ass.

Other than that I havent had any other things happen to me criminally other than someone stealing my truck in a mall parking lot.
Wow, Here we Go Again! Those migrants were up to no good since they lied about their car being broke down. And someone else stole your truck in a mall parking lot? Wonder if they got your address and sent the 4 toughies to get whatever else they could from you.
The the incident that really stands out to me is the time some assole stole my truck. Just the unmitigated audacity of it really pissed me off.

The guy jumped in my truck on a jobsite right in front of a dozen witnesses and just took off. WTF?
So sorry to hear your truck was stolen from you. I hope you get it back.

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