Have you noticed the obvious failure of Trump's tough-talk foreign policy?

I think you need to wait more than two months before declaring that Trump's foreign policy isn't working.
Right I'm sure you gave Obama that courtesy in 2009.
Obama did his apology tour almost at the very starting point of his Presidency, and he started bowing to foreign kings and emperors, which was a violation of very important tradition that Americans don't bow to anyone, because we do not recognize royalty or nobility in our Constitution.

So yeah, Obama didn't take long to totally screw up.

You, on the other hand, have failed to see that Trump is doing an excellent job so far in foreign policy, renewing friendships and alliances that Obama let languish, and making new deals that favor the United States.
Oh Christ. You're just making shit up. What alliance has Trump strengthened besides with Putin? Yeah they're butt buddies but obviously Putin still does whatever the fuck he wants geopolitically. God you're pathetic. You repeat the myth of the "apology tour" under Obama and just pretend everything thing is perfect under Trump. And yeah, Obama made some foreign policy mistakes through out his presidency, but nothing compares to what's happening under Trump right now.
--------------------------------------------------------- who cares what Putin does in UKRAINE' . Correct me if i am wrong but didn't mrobama take effective weapons out of ukraines control sometime during his regimes early years Billy ?? -----------

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