Having purchased their votes, Obama moves Immigration to SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
If the stupidly supreme court does anything other than reverse the lower courts so that Obama gets his way, I'll scream.

What do you expect the garbage pit supreme court to do?

Uphold the Kings wishes.....or follow the law?
Wouldn't it be funny if he got ANOTHER 9-0 against him before he left office?
Well, kinda....
Bond v US wasn't exactly something that affects many of us.
Immigration on the other hand....THAT will affect us all. (except maybe the 1% ers ?)

Seems to me the Circus Supreme court may throw out trivial victories for the People so that they still seem legitimate....but when the whoppers are on their table, the ones that really, REALLY matter......they seem to side with Big Government (big money?)

I'm betting they give the King his wish on this Nation breaking immigration one.
It's just too important to Obama. Losing this would be a MAJOR blow to his plans I think.
Well, kinda....
Bond v US wasn't exactly something that affects many of us.
Immigration on the other hand....THAT will affect us all. (except maybe the 1% ers ?)

Seems to me the Circus Supreme court may throw out trivial victories for the People so that they still seem legitimate....but when the whoppers are on their table, the ones that really, REALLY matter......they seem to side with Big Government (big money?)

I'm betting they give the King his wish on this Nation breaking one.
I wont disagree with that A BIT.
Supreme court to big brother is like the Clinton foundation to the Clintons. A slush fund.
I hate to say that but I cant help it. They have done some crazy things!
Yes Sir. Craaaaaazy times.
At some point if We The Sheeple don't stand up for the Constitution, I'm afraid it will become meaningless.
Also, we have to remember that the Supreme Circus Court DID actually make a ruling on immigration recently....

Kobach, et al. v. Election Assistance Commission, et al

In that Pro-immigration case the SCOTUS refused to rule on a case in Kansas in which a lower court ruled that ILLEGAlL IMMIGRANTS could not be compelled to provide identification in order to vote!!! What the Hell ?!?!



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