He debunks All the Right Wing Propaganda about Biden and Gas

Yeah, Republicans will win but what will they do besides impeach Biden multiple times and do nothing to fix the issues we face…?

Revoking every EO Five Bucks A Gallon Drop Dead *Joe signed would be a terrific start and would show its effects in a few months.
because I'm black and got plenty money,
What bearing has any of that on the topic?

so big oil can kiss my black ass,
Your black ass?

you feel me? I'm a black mane hehe.
OK, you're black. That seems to mean a lot to you. Wanna say anything else?

But I like listening to Faux news for entertainment purposes only,
Funny, whenever any Fox host says anything remotely supportive of the democrat agenda, then they are just great!

and they have been going on and on about gas and how bIdEn bAd. A little research and I can confirm that it is all cap.
It's all cap? What is that, some of your black lingo?

Look, here's the story, I got this straight from an executive in the oil and gas industry: the reason for high fuel prices is because of JOE BIDEN. First the democrats shut everything down for over a year killing their workforce, then just as they were picking up the pieces and dusting themselves off, Joe came along hitting them left and right. So far, Biden has levied over a hundred actions against the oil and gas industry. And between that all Biden has done is mouth off at oil and gas with great hostility.

Not only has this really hurt their bottom line but it has totally DISINCENTIVISED them! I mean, who the hell is going to invest in maintenance, infrastructure and development under these uncertain conditions?! So there you gave it, sudden high demand (compared to 2020) and limited supply-- Biden totally bungled our recovery and his people were not on top of ANYTHING. To make matters worse, Biden is going to some of the worst regimes on the planet now looking for oil and giving them billions in cash instead! Can that guy do anything right?

Add to that the war in Ukraine now and the timing has been just right for a perfect storm.
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I haven't been keeping up with this stuff about gas prices and what not because I'm black and got plenty money, so big oil can kiss my black ass, you feel me? I'm a black mane hehe. But I like listening to Faux news for entertainment purposes only, and they have been going on and on about gas and how bIdEn bAd. A little research and I can confirm that it is all cap. Big oil is slowly ramping up oil to get as much money out of you cucks as possible-normal production would send gas prices plummeting. Corporate greed basically.

Man, all that whining over Biden for nothin'. And the Keystone XL pipelines? They aren't even done building those, so how could it be the reason for oil prices? Man, Y'all need to put the propaganda down for two seconds and be facts first like us Woke Conservatives. And then we can all be Amuricans.

What do you mean you’re black and have plenty of money? I keep getting told that blacks are poor because of Whites being racist. So if that’s true, how did you end up with lots of money?
Yeah, Republicans will win but what will they do besides impeach Biden multiple times and do nothing to fix the issues we face…?
WEll impeaching Biden will be a start, digging into old Hunter, I can't wait. As for problems, they can't do much until Biden is replaced in 2024. Then we get Trump back in, the left meltdown will give me a hard on and we'll get more stuff done. I can't wait.
Let me be clear Biden didn’t cause the fuel issue and this has been a decades long issue that happened now.

Even if the Oil Companies open their taps they do not really have the facilities to refine oil at the rate they need to lower the price down to let say two dollars a gallon for a period of time.

Yes, Oil Companies and Oil Rich Nations are causing this issue and let be clear Oil Companies are not going to do something that will hurt their dividends…
Over 5 million barrels of US reserve oil were exported to Asia and Europe last month as domestic refineries run at full capacity, report says - NewsBreak yea sure pal.
I love how partisan knuckleheads only realize any President has very little control over high gas prices when it is happening under the President they support.
No, that's your wingnut delusion.
Yea, totally a wing nut delusion:

Biden’s own cronies want oil industry out of business:
$99.60 BFD.
That's $24 off the high. My point, which you apparently missed, is Biden isn't any more responsible for the recent decline that he was for the spike from $90 to $123 related to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Yea, totally a wing nut delusion:

Biden’s own cronies want oil industry out of business:
Will there ever come a time when you folks will be intellectually honest enough to admit Biden's pre-Ukraine crisis rhetoric about the need to address climate change had no material effect on the price of oil, which is set on the global market? From Putin's saber rattling late in 2021 to his invasion of Ukraine in Feb. of 2022 WTI crude went from $66 to $120 having nothing to do with Biden's policies. That's an indisputable fact.
Biden signing EOs to halt the XL pipeline construction and halt refinery operations.
Off the deep end. When did the EO's to halt refinery operations happen?

Never trust the Neo-GOP. They don't even know they're lying!
Look, here's the story, I got this straight from an executive in the oil and gas industry: the reason for high fuel prices is because of JOE BIDEN.

You've been thoroughly "Groomed" by Trumpyberra's "media friends" and their obvious lies.
I haven't been keeping up with this stuff about gas prices and what not because I'm black and got plenty money, so big oil can kiss my black ass, you feel me? I'm a black mane hehe. But I like listening to Faux news for entertainment purposes only, and they have been going on and on about gas and how bIdEn bAd. A little research and I can confirm that it is all cap. Big oil is slowly ramping up oil to get as much money out of you cucks as possible-normal production would send gas prices plummeting. Corporate greed basically.

Man, all that whining over Biden for nothin'. And the Keystone XL pipelines? They aren't even done building those, so how could it be the reason for oil prices? Man, Y'all need to put the propaganda down for two seconds and be facts first like us Woke Conservatives. And then we can all be Amuricans.

This really isn't a complicated issue, Thomas so I'm thinking even you might understand it!

When you decrease the supply of a commodity it generally increases the price of said commodity. The Biden Administration has worked diligently since taking office to make oil and natural gas more expensive so that their "Green Energy" agenda becomes more attractive! They've done so deliberately and they continue to do so as we speak.

Show me ANYTHING that the Biden Administration has done to increase the production of oil and natural gas in the US!
The Biden Administration has worked diligently since taking office to make oil and natural gas more expensive so that their "Green Energy" agenda becomes more attractive!
When oil started selling for negative dollars, DJT worked diligently to make oil and Natural gas more expensive too. In fact the Gas and Oil industry was forced to cut back production because of a glut in the oil reserves across the entire globe and after Trump demanded that they do so. Then when the worlds economy started to rebound, again under the Trumpyone, oil producers were still cutting back on production. Price began to rise before Biden was even elected. Joe Biden's EO's didn't effect US or much less, World oil production.
^^^Tell us you spent all day smoking weed without telling us you spent all day smoking weed.
Tell us how you have a required 100 post M-F minimum, without telling us you get paid by some right wing organization.

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