He Had His Chance To Be Our President And Instead He Chose To Be Black

I am outraged over every killing and am happy when justice takes it's course.

What is different in this case and the case you keep harping is that not only was an innocent person killed but the shooter was allowed to walk

Sorry, but you don't know that.

If fact evidence is coming out that Trayvan attacked Zimmerman.

The problem is racism coming from both sides.

Zimmerman shouldn't have chased after Trayvan and Trayvan shouldn't have gotten a case of the ass. Zimmerman shouldn't have been carrying a gun.

I can easily see Trayvan acting badly and Zimmerman acting like an untrained asshole.

The evidence is more like Zimmerman initiated contact and the kid got the best of him in the ensuing struggle

That is not self defense

Oh, so he was whipping his ass and that's good to you?

Actually the kid is dead.....so he didn't get the best of him.
Every black I meet acts like they ether hate me or don't trust me just from my appearance.

Then I start talking to them like they're a human being and they relax.

But when they find out I'm married to a black they really relax.

But they never fully accept you. You still can't talk to them like they talk to each other. They take offense.
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Obama has chosen to be a coon, but then again, we've had few great presidents. We have our very one 3rd-world president. Imagine what a coon he'd be if we weren't half-white and raised by white grandparents.

Why don't ewe shut the fuck up?
"Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble"

You get your little panties in a twisty knot when black people gather together dont you?

When they start burning shops and overturning cars, I sure as hell do.
obama did nothing to diffuse the situation.
Isn't he supposed to be the President of ALL Americans?

Not you racist pieces of shit.

You have no country so get the fuck out

ewe need to shut the fuck up.. who appointed ewe Judge jury and executioner? you big fat dumbass.
And you're showing us good reasons why....

Just saying.....

I dont like racism and I never will like racists.

They are as unAmerican as any human being can be.

I cant wait for the day in humanity when the last racist dies.

You seem to do nothing but defend them.

Racism is a part of America.

And I don't take sides.....not gonna defend one set of racists over another set of racists.

and there in lies the truth, the left pretends to abhor racism but they encourage it and tolerate it within their ranks. racism will cease to exist when it is confronted in whichever form it takes.
Every black I meet acts like they ether hate me or don't trust me just from my appearance.

Then I start talking to them like they're a human being and they relax.

But when they find out I'm married to a black they really relax.

But they never fully accept you. You still can't talk to them like they talk to each other. They take offense.

Sounds like you have some unfortunate experiences. You might consider what role YOU play in how you are perceived.
Every black I meet acts like they ether hate me or don't trust me just from my appearance.

Then I start talking to them like they're a human being and they relax.

But when they find out I'm married to a black they really relax.

But they never fully accept you. You still can't talk to them like they talk to each other. They take offense.

Sounds like you have some unfortunate experiences. You might consider what role YOU play in how you are perceived.

It's been considered.

I grew up in a mixed family....party Native American and part white. Part Korean, part black.

Blacks are more prone to racism than just about any race.

I've been to black churches and got that limp-wrist handshake that means the person doesn't want to shake your hand. My nephew has brought GFs home that couldn't eat at the same table with a white person. I've seen just about all of it.

I've also been to funerals for my brothers and sister in laws and had 300 black kids call me Uncle.
Every black I meet acts like they ether hate me or don't trust me just from my appearance.

Then I start talking to them like they're a human being and they relax.

But when they find out I'm married to a black they really relax.

But they never fully accept you. You still can't talk to them like they talk to each other. They take offense.

Sounds like you have some unfortunate experiences. You might consider what role YOU play in how you are perceived.

It's been considered.

I grew up in a mixed family....party Native American and part white. Part Korean, part black.

Blacks are more prone to racism than just about any race.

I've been to black churches and got that limp-wrist handshake that means the person doesn't want to shake your hand. My nephew has brought GFs home that couldn't eat at the same table with a white person. I've seen just about all of it.

I've also been to funerals for my brothers and sister in laws and had 300 black kids call me Uncle.

If "Every black I meet acts like they ether hate me or don't trust me just from my appearance," something is wrong. A slight exagerration perhaps?
And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

Actually.....you sound like Hitler.

And whites are the Jews. Time to bake the cookies.

You should thank god I'm not running this board cause I would color you gone for this remark. What a hog's ass of vile ewe are.
And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

Actually.....you sound like Hitler.

And whites are the Jews. Time to bake the cookies.

You're a useless fucking loser. Thankfully, defects like you are going the way of all other failed aberrations in nature.
And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

Actually.....you sound like Hitler.

And whites are the Jews. Time to bake the cookies.

You'd better hope you don't meet with the kind of end you wish on whites.:eusa_angel:

Keep flapping your gums in public.....it'll happen.
I wonder what will happen when Obama loses the election......will they riot??
As a democrat, Obama had no chance to be the OP’s president, or any partisan republican’s, for that matter.

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