He Had His Chance To Be Our President And Instead He Chose To Be Black

I am outraged over every killing and am happy when justice takes it's course.

What is different in this case and the case you keep harping is that not only was an innocent person killed but the shooter was allowed to walk

Yes justice taking it course.

Innocent and shooter allowed to walk pre-determined ........without a jury.

Justice ?
I am unfamiliar with the story...

Was the black man set free after he shot the unarmed white man?

Where is your outrage over an innocent white man shot dead in front of his 8 year old child by a black man? Why have I asked that numerous times and you just ignore it?

Why is it only horrid to you if a white man kills an unarmed black person?

Why do you hate white victims?

I am outraged over every killing and am happy when justice takes it's course.

What is different in this case and the case you keep harping is that not only was an innocent person killed but the shooter was allowed to walk

Sorry, but you don't know that.

In fact evidence is coming out that Trayvan attacked Zimmerman.

The problem is racism coming from both sides.

Zimmerman shouldn't have chased after Trayvan and Trayvan shouldn't have gotten a case of the ass. Zimmerman shouldn't have been carrying a gun.

I can easily see Trayvan acting badly and Zimmerman acting like an untrained asshole.
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Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

Did TDM and rdean forget to tell you? Black lynch mobs are A-OK!
Where is your outrage over an innocent white man shot dead in front of his 8 year old child by a black man? Why have I asked that numerous times and you just ignore it?

Why is it only horrid to you if a white man kills an unarmed black person?

Why do you hate white victims?

I am outraged over every killing and am happy when justice takes it's course.

What is different in this case and the case you keep harping is that not only was an innocent person killed but the shooter was allowed to walk

Sorry, but you don't know that.

If fact evidence is coming out that Trayvan attacked Zimmerman.

The problem is racism coming from both sides.

Zimmerman shouldn't have chased after Trayvan and Trayvan shouldn't have gotten a case of the ass. Zimmerman shouldn't have been carrying a gun.

I can easily see Trayvan acting badly and Zimmerman acting like an untrained asshole.

The evidence is more like Zimmerman initiated contact and the kid got the best of him in the ensuing struggle

That is not self defense
Zimmerman shouldn't have chased after Trayvan and Trayvan shouldn't have gotten a case of the ass. Zimmerman shouldn't have been carrying a gun.

I can easily see Trayvan acting badly and Zimmerman acting like an untrained asshole.

Yes Zimmerman should have followed Florida Anti-Chasing Law and not carry the gun he was lawfully entitiled to.

Zimmerman actually was trained and performed pretty well as he retained his weapon during a violent attack from behind, while he has in submissive position, drew from retention during a fight and fired one effective shot with no collateral damage.
what a bunch of clap trap.

zimmerman out weighed the teenager by 100lbs and didnt need a gun to save him from a pack of skittles.

So why did Martin stop running from a the old fat guy and not run home ?

Why did he have to run, couldn't he stand his ground after being followed for no reason?

Sure. But following does not create an affirmative defense to allow him to strike Zimmerman in the back of the head.

Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.
Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

So you are engaged in a racial war? We knew this all along. And BTW: my children do not like 'your' music or your entertainment. The ones who do only like it because they are drawn to filth which is all your music and entertainment is.
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Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

So you are engaged in a racial war? We knew this all along. And BTW: my children do not like 'your' music or your entertainment. The ones who do only like it because they are drawn to filth which is all your music and entertainment is.

Yep, a racial cold war. We put Obama in place with your kids votes and dollars. We have won the war, you are just fighting the last skirmishes. Like those stories of the Japanese soldiers found on remote south Pacific islands who didn't know WWII had ended decades ago.
One of the combatants initiated the altercation
One of the combatants weighed 250 lbs while the other weighed 140
One of the combatants had a car where he could have safely called the police
One of the combatants had a gun

One of the combatants walked away, the other lay dead

and all because one of them had black skin some assholes think it ended well.

Which assholes are those? I haven't heard anyone say that.

Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

Actually.....you sound like Hitler.
And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

Time is most certainly NOT on the side of racist cowards like you (and 52nd street, and yidnar, and del, and liability, etc). The rest of society is leaving craven, divisive little idiots like you behind, slowly but surely. You are inbred, defective, failures as human beings and your ilk will not be missed. You are too stupid to even understand what your own quote above really means, loser.
Obama's speech yesterday about Trayvan Martin was basically another present vote.

Nothing he said was wrong. It seemed well intentioned. He showed empathy, and he used imagery to relate himself or insert himself into the situation.

The problem I have with it wasn't what he said, but what he didn't say. What he should have said.

Obama should know better than anyone how blacks are. He should know the way they believe in gathering in large groups for protection. Over a hundred years ago the church was where they knew they could gather in safety and not be accused by racist whites of conspiring against their masters, or their plantation owner. This is something they've learned to do. Stick together and you can find protection from oppressors.

Anyone who has had to deal with a large group of blacks knows that they really can't be reasoned with or talked to....IF YOU'RE NOT BLACK. You're not one of them so they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Once they get all riled up they just start passing angry words around and before you know it you have a riot on your hands. This is the way it is.

Obama has the opportunity to be an example. Tell everyone to calm down and don't cause trouble. He did say let the authorities find out what happened, but to a blacks authority is corrupt and racist. They know they're gonna get screwed. Somebody has to tell them to quite raising hell in school or everywhere they are and just wait for the facts to come out. What Obama instead did was try to become one of them, identify with them, and empathize with them instead of tell them what they should do. ......

........and what they should do is stop doing what they always do.......gather in large groups and demand punishment regardless of the facts. Essentially, become a lynch-mob.

So right now Obama's favorability-rating is slightly up and his leadership potential is way down. The only folks Obama is leading in this is blacks, and he's leading them from behind as usual.

There are three different ways people respond to violence.

1. Those who instigate it like Al Sharpton

2. Those who try to stop it, your typical Good Samaritan

3. And those who sit back and do nothing

Obama is sitting back and doing nothing. He was like this with the OWS and he's doing it again. If it's what he wants he simply relates to it while not actually appearing to want it.

He can't bring himself to call for calm. He wants turmoil. He want's race-riots. If and when they erupt he may say something or he may not. However, the right knows that his organization wants an upheaval this Summer. They want demonstrations. What better way to get them than by taking advantage of a real situation.

And we are winning this issue. This is your future white America, we have the minds of your kids. Our music is their music. Our style is their style. Our entertainment is their entertainment. Time is on our side.

So you are engaged in a racial war? We knew this all along. And BTW: my children do not like 'your' music or your entertainment. The ones who do only like it because they are drawn to filth which is all your music and entertainment is.

My guess is people like Salt Jones will die out and go away. Most of them have in the white race.

Thank God not everyone is as racist as he is.

But if you were to hand out a questionnaire you'd find out there is a larger percentage of racists among non-whites.
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If you weigh 100 lbs more than someone else and you start a fight and during the fight the other guy gets the best of you ..........is it self defense if you shoot him?

Depends on how much he's beating you.

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