'He will show he's tougher.' Putin likely to strike back at Trump: Kremlinologists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
'He will show he's tougher.' Putin likely to strike back at Trump: Kremlinologists

Russian President Vladimir Putin may retaliate after President Trump canceled a weekend meeting in Argentina over Russia’s detention of Ukrainian sailors, experts said after the surprise announcement Thursday.
About an hour after saying he "probably" would meet Putin at the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Trump tweeted that he would cancel the meeting “ased on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine,” surprising critics who accused him of being soft on Putin... But the snub — the second this month, after a Paris meeting also was scrapped — may provoke Putin in the near-term, rather than steer his actions toward U.S. interests, experts say... "They will not do anything they would not have done anyway. Trump is right to set limits to our tolerance of the encroachments by Russia in the right of free navigation," said Satter, a former journalist expelled from Russia in 2013.... "These meetings are more important to Putin than they are to us," Satter said. "If Trump had proceeded with the meeting it would have suggested that relations with Russia are too important for the U.S. to react to Russian violations. By canceling it, we drive home the opposite message and give the Russians an incentive to behave a little bit better in the future."

Obama colluded and kowtowed with Vladimir Putin openly for years and was exposed doing so in the 2012 election when he wa caught on open microphone sending a message to him through then president Medvedev. Putin's a vicious little dick, but he's limited in what he can do. He's not going to nuke us, and their economy is not big enough to threaten us (if it were listed among our individual states, it would be fourth largest) in any meaningful way.
None of what president Trump does will acceptable to the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left. It’s done to fit their agenda...Obama's legacy and false promises still come back to haunt him each time Putin attacks the Ukraine.
Remember that after Obama sent his open mike message to Vladimir Putin invaded the Ukraine, stole territory including the port Sevastopol and built a bridge between the stolen territory and Russia over a narrow strait between the Black See and the Sea of Azov. He then declared that the entire strait is Russian water and Ukrainian ships (which have ports on the Sea Of Azov) must ask for permission to pass. In other words, he's put up an blockade that cut off all Ukrainian shipping and gets to decide who can pass in violation of recognized boundaries. It's a thug move.
Now he's seized those naval ships to emphasize that he stole that land fair and square and he controls that water and Ukraine better not try to say otherwise or he'll pop them like pimple. That's it. It's a bullying move.
In the end, the port of Sevastopol is never going back to Ukraine, at least not without a perpetual lease or something like it being given to Russia. That's what this is all about. Obama looked the other way when Russia seized it in 2014, now short of military intervention there's isn't much that can be done to get them out. Other than the Democratic Party Marxist Socialists glad that Putin stole territory and they approve of his bully tactics. Obama looked the other way when Russia invaded Georgia, invaded the Ukraine seizing the Crimea and the port of Sevastopol in 2014, short of military intervention there's isn't much that Trump can do to get them out. Remember Putin ordered the downing Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) and Obama covered for him.
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.
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If Putin strikes back at Trump for giving him the silent treatment by attacking Ukraine again, then tough guy Daffy Donald will up the ante by crossing his arms and going, "Harumph!"

That'll show him!
Probably just conjuring up a war to distract from Trump's domestic crises.
Strike back? This nonsense is proof that today's left has become the agent of foreign propaganda.
If Putin strikes back at Trump for giving him the silent treatment by attacking Ukraine again, then tough guy Daffy Donald will up the ante by crossing his arms and going, "Harumph!"

That'll show him!

I dunno, maybe he'll draw a red line.
Putin can do anything he wants to. It's their oil-based economy going to hell, and they are the ones getting slaughtered in the Ukraine and Syria, not us.

Thank you President Trump!
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.

Are you claiming that Obama poked the Putin bear? Please show us where and when.
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.

Are you claiming that Obama poked the Putin bear? Please show us where and when.
Deep State did a lot with Obama's dirty hands: Invasion of my home country of Ukraine by Obama's administration+Soros is just one painful and bleeding story for all of us, Russians both in Ukraine and Russia. You just don't know our history and Deep State takes a huge advantage of that.
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.

Are you claiming that Obama poked the Putin bear? Please show us where and when.

Obama never poked the Russain bear. He did tickle the bear's scrotum a few times, but that's about all.
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.

Are you claiming that Obama poked the Putin bear? Please show us where and when.
obama telling putin to cut it out - Bing video
I strongly doubt that. So far Western leaders and their puppets kept poking the bear for years almost on daily basis but the bear has not responded yet as he should.

Trump's decision to cancel the meeting won't change anything in USA/Russia relationship, unfortunately. And Putin knows it very well.

Are you claiming that Obama poked the Putin bear? Please show us where and when.

Obama never poked the Russain bear. He did tickle the bear's scrotum a few times, but that's about all.

You're correct on that point. one has to wonder in what Bath House it was done.
i had it on FOX. Tucker guest said: "there's no evidence of colusion" i flipped it to MSNBC right there, they said: "there is so much evidence of collusion"...i instantly flipped it to CNN, Congressman Jim Himes said: "we don't know if there's evidence of collusion"

if you hear all sides, you dont know what the truth is!
i had it on FOX. Tucker guest said: "there's no evidence of colusion" i flipped it to MSNBC right there, they said: "there is so much evidence of collusion"...i instantly flipped it to CNN, Congressman Jim Himes said: "we don't know if there's evidence of collusion"

if you hear all sides, you dont know what the truth is!

So what is the truth? Christopher Steele's
Simpson's Fusion GPS,
the DNC's?

Has Mueller delved into any of the above? No!!!!
"Can one of the reporters who screams pointless procedural Mueller questions at Trump every single day possibly mix things up and ask why he's keeping in place a wayward, feckless Afghanistan policy that just resulted in three American military fatalities"
i had it on FOX. Tucker guest said: "there's no evidence of colusion" i flipped it to MSNBC right there, they said: "there is so much evidence of collusion"...i instantly flipped it to CNN, Congressman Jim Himes said: "we don't know if there's evidence of collusion"

if you hear all sides, you dont know what the truth is!

So what is the truth? Christopher Steele's
Simpson's Fusion GPS,
the DNC's?

Has Mueller delved into any of the above? No!!!!
The crooks like Hillary, Obama, Soros, Comey and many others are free and no investigation is threatening them even in the horizon.
Innocent people like Trump are under investigation for almost two years and no end to it can be seen, it seems to go on like a soap opera for stupid brainwashed liberals just to make them happy.

My question is: do you live in a banana republic?
I would venture to say that Putin will just reschedule the meeting. That's if he cares at all.

Trump will meet with him when he's ready to meet with him.
MOSCOW, November 30. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said :
"Was Ukraine’s provocation in the Kerch Strait the true reason for the cancellation? We have heard the official explanation and taken note of it," she said. "But is it true? I think the true reason is rooted in the domestic political situation in the United States, which is crucial for decision-making," Zakharova added.
Diplomat comments on Trump’s decision to cancel meeting with Putin

My only question is: if tomorrow Ukraine uses a gas attack in Donbass or shoots down another plane, will Trump keep canceling his meetings with Putin?Because it's obvious USA will keep blaming Russia for all Ukrainian crimes (just like during all those long 5 years after the coup). If the answer is yes, then Trump will be easily manipulated by Deep State against Russia and will turn into another Bush.
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"Can one of the reporters who screams pointless procedural Mueller questions at Trump every single day possibly mix things up and ask why he's keeping in place a wayward, feckless Afghanistan policy that just resulted in three American military fatalities"

This is a non-sequitur and not relative to this post. Why don't you start a new thread on that subject.

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