Headline of the Year

He will, and he will continue his use of demagoguery to keep people like you in his lane.

I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?
Yep. I'd be ok with a consumption tax. But income tax is outright theft.

There it is, the belief that the 16th Amendment is against the law, which is an oxymoron.

The 16th A. is The Law, and not theft. Thus, you do not support, and probably never served to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S.; making you treasonous.

I don't think opposing an income tax makes you as traitorous as supporting a plot to preempt and depose a sitting President does. You kinda escalated that to absurdity...

The key is to oppose the income tax the right way, i.e. supporting a repeal of the 16th amendment.
I hope Trump keeps out calling out these lying leftist traitor pukes.

He will, and he will continue his use of demagoguery to keep people like you in his lane.

I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.
I'd like to see the 16th done away with.

Funny how the Govt never had an income tax before and all of a sudden they decided they needed our hard earned money.??

Of course they waste loads of it.
I'd like to see the 16th done away with.

Funny how the Govt never had an income tax before and all of a sudden they decided they needed our hard earned money.??

Of course they waste loads of it.

All of a sudden? The 16th A. was ratified in 1913!
I hope Trump keeps out calling out these lying leftist traitor pukes.

He will, and he will continue his use of demagoguery to keep people like you in his lane.

I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.
He will, and he will continue his use of demagoguery to keep people like you in his lane.

I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.
Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

I, for one, support repealing the 16th.

Cool, all you need now is to repeal it, here is your task:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate

Good luck. Oh, and BTW, where do you think all of the Gov't Employees will work when the government is shrunk to the size it can be drowned in a bath tub?
I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.
I'd like to see the 16th done away with.

Funny how the Govt never had an income tax before and all of a sudden they decided they needed our hard earned money.??

Of course they waste loads of it.

All of a sudden? The 16th A. was ratified in 1913!

Of course it was. They decided to take our money in 1913. Wonder what they did before that date??

Primarily Tariffs. See:

Where Did the US Get the Money for the Budget Before the Income Tax? | HistoryNet
He will, and he will continue his use of demagoguery to keep people like you in his lane.

I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

Ah, argumentum ad abusrdum, the first and last refuge of a person with no argument or point.

Wanting less government is not wanting no government. wanting federalism is not wanting anarchic states rights nuttery. wanting reasonable taxes is not wanting no taxes.

But continue to misrepresent my views (I won't speak for Westwall, he can do that), it just shows how pathetic you are.
I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Imperial Russia used the nobility as their civil service, and that's how mr Wry see's himself.
I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

Proper taxes are those that go to maintaining a military force sufficiently strong to defend our borders, and a law enforcement presence that is capable of maintaining peace and tranquility within the borders. To properly maintain the road ways that tie the country together, and to provide a social services network to take care of those who can not take care of themselves. Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable.
Don't know about you but I'd like to keep my hard earned money.

Kinda tough the Govt. decided to take our money and they survived before the income tax was INVENTED.
I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

The difference between me and you is I don't feel the need to apply Noblesse Oblige because unlike you I don't automatically see myself as better than other people.

Your years of government service has given you an inflated ego and sense of worth.
I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Imperial Russia used the nobility as their civil service, and that's how mr Wry see's himself.

And that is why they collapsed. Too many incompetent, corrupt, idiots running the country to benefit themselves, and not the people they were supposed to represent. He's your typical government bureaucrat.
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I will always be on the side of freedom, liberty, and property rights. And you, sir, will always be on the side of government rule.
You lose - Traitor.

I believe in the rule of law, and government enforces the law. If you support the "lock her up" set, you don't believe in freedom, liberty or justice (& justice is the respect for property rights too).

Of course by that, I suspect you oppose the income tax, am I correct? Do you consider the 16th amendment to COTUS theft?

No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

Ah, argumentum ad abusrdum, the first and last refuge of a person with no argument or point.

Wanting less government is not wanting no government. wanting federalism is not wanting anarchic states rights nuttery. wanting reasonable taxes is not wanting no taxes.

But continue to misrepresent my views (I won't speak for Westwall, he can do that), it just shows how pathetic you are.

Gee Marty, why do you always default to being a jerk? I used hyperbole, a legitimate form or rhetoric, taking your hate of government to the extreme. Kinda like someone calling me a statist or a commie.

Yes I was a government employee for most of my work history. First as a Director at various Parks around the City of SF, coaching a variety of sports for kids from about 5 to 18. The I ventured into LE, a career of 32 years, which has provided me with a very good monthly retirement of which you and others envy.

But I also had a Chronicle Paper route in Jr. Hi and the first year in HS, parked cars for theater goers, stocked games and toys in a toy store, and tended bar in grad school.

One of the parks in which I worked was in the SE section of SF, very close to two public housing developments. There I dealt with good kids with good parents, but also very bad kids with very nasty parents. It was common for Probation and Parole Agents to come by, and two SF police officers who daily checked on the park. I was working 36 hours a week (Mon - Sat) Noon to Six PM while attending the U. in the morning and usually one night class per semester, and realized I could make more money in a career in LE doing essentially the same think, keeping the peace. That no more made me a statist, than you and Westwall an anarchist.
No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

Proper taxes are those that go to maintaining a military force sufficiently strong to defend our borders, and a law enforcement presence that is capable of maintaining peace and tranquility within the borders. To properly maintain the road ways that tie the country together, and to provide a social services network to take care of those who can not take care of themselves. Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable.

Your final comment ("Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable") defies reality. It was true, more than less, when AFDC existed. During the Clinton Administration TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) replaced the welfare system, and provided the several states to determine a means to provide temporary assistance.

Here's a synopsis for you:

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI and Eligibility for Other Government and State Programs
He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

Proper taxes are those that go to maintaining a military force sufficiently strong to defend our borders, and a law enforcement presence that is capable of maintaining peace and tranquility within the borders. To properly maintain the road ways that tie the country together, and to provide a social services network to take care of those who can not take care of themselves. Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable.

Your final comment ("Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable") defies reality. It was true, more than less, when AFDC existed. During the Clinton Administration TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) replaced the welfare system, and provided the several states to determine a means to provide temporary assistance.

Here's a synopsis for you:

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI and Eligibility for Other Government and State Programs

Don't be an idiot. First off social security, as it is currently set up, is a Ponzi scheme. It will go broke in 2034 at its current rate of decrease. Your problem is to buy all those votes you need, you are importing people and placing them on the dole. They are going to bankrupt the system even sooner than that, now. What are you going to to then mr smarty pants? hmmm? What are you going to do when you have run out of other peoples money?
No, you believe in statism, that is where government controls all aspects of peoples lives. That is not liberty, that is tyranny.

He's a former government actor, who believes that government actors somehow have more rights than the rest of us.

Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Imperial Russia used the nobility as their civil service, and that's how mr Wry see's himself.

And that is why they collapsed. Too many incompetent, corrupt idiots running the country to benefit themselves, and not the people they were supposed to represent. He's your typical government bureaucrat.
Both you and Westwall need to find a new country, one which has no government, no taxes and everyone is required to have a deadly weapon in their possession all of the time.

Maybe an Island somewhere in the South Pacific, you know, like the one where Ralph and Jack and Piggy thrived.

No, we are happy to pay the PROPER taxes. We are happy to have a PROPER, government, one that doesn't abuse people for being the wrong political party. We are happy to have people not carry guns, so long as those who wish to may, absent being a member of your ruling class of tyrants. You see mr. statist, the difference is we believe that the American citizen is just that, a CITIZEN. You don't. You think they are cattle, to be herded at will.

Define "Proper taxes", and it seems unseemly that you would call anyone names, i.e. Statist, when your post here ought to behave in the manor of the inferred code; that is Noblesse Oblige, defined as the responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.

Proper taxes are those that go to maintaining a military force sufficiently strong to defend our borders, and a law enforcement presence that is capable of maintaining peace and tranquility within the borders. To properly maintain the road ways that tie the country together, and to provide a social services network to take care of those who can not take care of themselves. Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable.

Your final comment ("Not those who choose not to, but those who are incapable") defies reality. It was true, more than less, when AFDC existed. During the Clinton Administration TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) replaced the welfare system, and provided the several states to determine a means to provide temporary assistance.

Here's a synopsis for you:

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI and Eligibility for Other Government and State Programs

Don't be an idiot. First off social security, as it is currently set up, is a Ponzi scheme. It will go broke in 2034 at its current rate of decrease. Your problem is to buy all those votes you need, you are importing people and placing them on the dole. They are going to bankrupt the system even sooner than that, now. What are you going to to then mr smarty pants? hmmm? What are you going to do when you have run out of other peoples money?

Well she sound like every Govt. employee, outside the military, I've ever spoken to.

Folks who live in a bubble They aren't fired. Don't get laid off and of course never have to worry about getting paid.

Hell. The recession was nothing to them because none of them had to go through what the rest of us did.

Yup. Typical paid with tax dollar idiots.

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