Heads up for IP participants

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This is the thinly disguised Fascism that exists in Zionism that Einstein warned us about: that Religious Chauvinism that is a State based on faith or religion is dangerous to outsiders...

A type of Racism preached by the Nazis, i.e. a superior race exists.

Isnt that what the muslims also preach, and have it as a direct proclamation from their god. Have you read the koran lately ?

And Einstien did not warn about Zionism, that is a LIE and you cant show more than one source for the claim
Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
This is the thinly disguised Fascism that exists in Zionism that Einstein warned us about: that Religious Chauvinism that is a State based on faith or religion is dangerous to outsiders...

A type of Racism preached by the Nazis, i.e. a superior race exists.

Isnt that what the muslims also preach, and have it as a direct proclamation from their god. Have you read the koran lately ?

And Einstien did not warn about Zionism, that is a LIE and you cant show more than one source for the claim
Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
Do you think the writing is a fake? Produce a link.

Why it is you saying that you can tell the writing is Einstein's without ever seeing any of his previous writing. So prove it is Einstein's ?

Look closely nutcracker and you will see the "handwriting on the wall!"

Albert Einstein thought and wrote extensively not just on the most difficult problems in physics, but also in politics. For the first time, this book collects his essays, interviews, and letters on the Middle East, Zionism, and Arab-Jewish relations. Many of these have never been published in English, and all of them contradict the popular image of Einstein as pro-Zionist. He was offered and refused the Presidency of Israel, but had he taken it, he may have said things the Zionists didn’t want to hear; he favored a non-religious state that would welcome Jew and Palestinian alike.

One person’s letters, even Einstein’s, cannot resolve the crisis in the Middle East, but decades later, when horrors of the conflict in the Middle East are familiar to everyone, the reflections of one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers are a signpost, showing his commitment to social justice, understanding, and friendship between Jew and Arab.
You lucky moderators are going to be VERY busy come Tuesday! :banana:

I wonder if you will beat the record for reported posts! :desk:

WHY? are you going to report every post to see if you can get posters banned ?

My name isn't PHONEY!

The one who reports EVERY post he doesn't like!

The one who bangs on relentlessly about "off topic", "derailing", "trolling" etc etc etc...

The PHONEY who tries to derail every thread started....

The PHONEY who has some kind of belief that he is immune to the wrath of the moderators...
Isnt that what the muslims also preach, and have it as a direct proclamation from their god. Have you read the koran lately ?

And Einstien did not warn about Zionism, that is a LIE and you cant show more than one source for the claim
Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
Isnt that what the muslims also preach, and have it as a direct proclamation from their god. Have you read the koran lately ?

And Einstien did not warn about Zionism, that is a LIE and you cant show more than one source for the claim
Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
Do you think the writing is a fake? Produce a link.

Why it is you saying that you can tell the writing is Einstein's without ever seeing any of his previous writing. So prove it is Einstein's ?

Look closely nutcracker and you will see the "handwriting on the wall!"

Albert Einstein thought and wrote extensively not just on the most difficult problems in physics, but also in politics. For the first time, this book collects his essays, interviews, and letters on the Middle East, Zionism, and Arab-Jewish relations. Many of these have never been published in English, and all of them contradict the popular image of Einstein as pro-Zionist. He was offered and refused the Presidency of Israel, but had he taken it, he may have said things the Zionists didn’t want to hear; he favored a non-religious state that would welcome Jew and Palestinian alike.

One person’s letters, even Einstein’s, cannot resolve the crisis in the Middle East, but decades later, when horrors of the conflict in the Middle East are familiar to everyone, the reflections of one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers are a signpost, showing his commitment to social justice, understanding, and friendship between Jew and Arab.

Cant see any examples of his handwriting in your link. For evidence I provide the following which is an example of handwriting of Obama's.

Your claim is

Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing

And produce a book as evidence, you have lost the plot and the argument

Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing? Secondly he refused Israel's Presidency when offered...Zionism has become a Religious movement rather than a political movement, that's why there's no end to this conflict.

So you are a hand writing expert now, and can tell if the writing was Einstein's just by looking at a computer screen ?
Do you think the writing is a fake? Produce a link.

Why it is you saying that you can tell the writing is Einstein's without ever seeing any of his previous writing. So prove it is Einstein's ?

Look closely nutcracker and you will see the "handwriting on the wall!"

Albert Einstein thought and wrote extensively not just on the most difficult problems in physics, but also in politics. For the first time, this book collects his essays, interviews, and letters on the Middle East, Zionism, and Arab-Jewish relations. Many of these have never been published in English, and all of them contradict the popular image of Einstein as pro-Zionist. He was offered and refused the Presidency of Israel, but had he taken it, he may have said things the Zionists didn’t want to hear; he favored a non-religious state that would welcome Jew and Palestinian alike.

One person’s letters, even Einstein’s, cannot resolve the crisis in the Middle East, but decades later, when horrors of the conflict in the Middle East are familiar to everyone, the reflections of one of the twentieth century’s greatest thinkers are a signpost, showing his commitment to social justice, understanding, and friendship between Jew and Arab.

Cant see any examples of his handwriting in your link. For evidence I provide the following which is an example of handwriting of Obama's.

Your claim is

Why do I need more than a source bearing Einstein's own hand writing

And produce a book as evidence, you have lost the plot and the argument

,here's a nice letter Einstein sent to the New York Times on this matter.

Full text of "Albert Einstein Letter to The New York Times. December 4, 1948 New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed"
t New Palestine Party

Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of

Political Movement Discussed

To the Editor or Thk Nbw York Times :

Among- the most disturbing political
phenomena of our time is the emer-
gence in the newly created state of
Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat
Haherut), a political party closely akin
in its organization, methods, political
philosophy and social appeal to the
Nazi and Fascist parties. It was
formed out of the membership and fc*'
lowing of "the former Irgun Zvai Leumi,
a terrorist, right-wing,«£hauvinifit or-
ganization In Palestine.

The current visit of Menachen Begin,
■leader of this .party, to the United
States is obviously calculated to give
the impression of American support
for his party in the coming Israeli
elections, and to cement political ties
with conservative Zionist elements in
the United States. Several Americans
of national repute have lent their
names to welcome; his visit It is incon-
ceivable that those who oppose fascism
throughout tha world," if correctly in-
formed as Id Mr. Begin's political
record and perspectives, could add
their names and support to tne move-
ment he represents. -<

Before irreparable damage is done
by way of financial contributions, pub-
lic ntanifestations in Begin's behalf,
and the creation in Palestine of tha
impression that a large • segment "of
America supports Fascist elements in
Israel, the American public must be
informed as to the record and objec-
tives of Mr. Begin and his movement.
Given that ol Al Einstein was able to get out of Europe before the slaughter began...

And therefore did not suffer the same fate as so many of his European brothers and sisters...

Something tells me that Israeli Jews don't hold him in any particular political esteem...

Neither do Americans, for that matter...

Brilliant physicist?


Were any of his political opinions worth one penny more than anyone else's on the subject of Israel?

Given that ol Al Einstein was able to get out of Europe before the slaughter began...

And therefore did not suffer the same fate as so many of his European brothers and sisters...

Something tells me that Israeli Jews don't hold him in any particular political esteem...

Neither do Americans, for that matter...

Brilliant physicist?


Were any of his political opinions worth one penny more than anyone else's on the subject of Israel?


Worth millions more than the political opinion of Zionists.
What should be discouraged is thinly disguised racism from the racists like docmauser, e.g. "afro-africans" and "palistanians". I am sure similar ridiculing of Jews would result in banning for antisemitism.

Never gonna picky about general flames. As I said -- we're looking for topical content in every post.
We get a lot of reports for "racist" posts - unfortunately, racism isn't against the rules. But you would be perfectly within the rules if you addressed said post with topical content, and then pointed your finger and laughed hysterically.
bump - it's December 1st
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