HEADS UP: Sheriff Joe Arpaio 2:30 Live Press Conference On Obama's Eligibility Thread

still nothing has changed. Do you not think that when someone runs for office of president they are checked out to cover any problems during the election, or after being elected?

What an idiotic statement!

Obviously, he was not checked out before ... nor does it appear that the responsible parties are willing to do it now. Hawaii won't even certify that what has been presented is an actual document provided by them .... which should be a bloody clue :rolleyes:

If obama was born in another country, it would not be the first time a non-natural born citizen became president.

Now we're getting to the heart of the matter .... you believe it doesn't matter. But you're wrong .... without documentation, Obama hasn't proven that he is even a legal resident in this country, let alone a citizen, natural born or otherwise.

And who are you referring to that was president who was not a citizen? If such a person exists, then he too was in office illegally. The deal is, it doesn't matter .... a crime is a crime, and the law is the law. People have committed murder before too ... does that mean it's OK to commit murder now, since others have done it before?

Try to think rationally .... I know it's hard for you Obamabots ... but try.

I never said anything about it not mattering, try not to put words in my mouth.
A rather condescending Texan, no?

Isn't that redundant?

Actually ... the terms condescending or redundant doesn't really fit the situation in which an uneducated Texas redneck right winger is giving logic, vocabulary and grammar lessons to the academically elite liberals ... but ... I R O N I C ... might. :D

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion.
But, doesn't mean we will take accept it.

So you can spell and do grammar congrats. I guess that makes you the elitist now.
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Isn't that redundant?

Actually ... the terms condescending or redundant doesn't really fit the situation in which an uneducated Texas redneck right winger is giving logic, vocabulary and grammar lessons to the academically elite liberals ... but ... I R O N I C ... might. :D

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion.
But, doesn't mean we will take accept it.

So you can spell and do grammar congrats. I guess that makes you the elitist now.

Arrogant Texan. Redundant.
some people seem to get snippy when they are not happy with the results of what they want to happen.
Hardly does a Texan spell his state without adding his ass.

Do you know how to communicate without the inflamitory bullshit you spew?

Excuse me? Have you read your own posts on this thread?

If your so damn smart you would know who was president in the past that was not a natural born citizen.

First, I'm smart enough to know it's totally irrelevant ... secondly, you made the claim, so I expected you to know who you were talking about. Apparently you don't.

The state of Hawaii has stated several times that his original BC is there and he is a natural born citizen, no laws were broken.

That's what we keep hearing ... but until someone has the balls to put it in writing ... talk is cheap, and it ain't nothin' but hot air. It's that "put it in writing" part that kinda has the Hawaiian officials a little nervous .. and for good reason. None of them want to go to jail for Barry by certifying, in writing, a provably forged document.

If your broken record of a brain could only see that there is a process when applying for the office of president. The State dept and the FBI check your background.

Good .. let them provide the evidence they used to verify his identity and eligibility. If a birth certificate was part of that, that would surely put the matter to rest. So why don't they? I'll tell you why ..... no one did check him out, or his phony birth certificate. That couldn't be more clear.

Obama has produced what was ask of him, yet you idiots continuosly refuse to accept the proof.

Forged government identity documents are not proof of anything other than a felony. Only idiots would accept it as proof of identity and citizenship.

The only president to ever have such a bias against him, he is and was treated as an unwanted ethnicity for the job by those that did not support him.
No other white pasty old white man has never had to prove over and over again their proof of citizenship.

He's the only president that:

1) refuses to identify himself and prove his eligibility by providing a valid birth certificate

2) he has been using a Social Security number belonging to someone else who lived in Connecticut, and is now dead.

3) he's sealed all of his records ... which was one of the first things he did after election.

4) he first presented a short form birth certificate, claiming that no other document existed in Hawaii ... fought several court battles for over two years ... then magically presented the long form forgery of a document that he previously claimed didn't even exist.

If your arse pulled that crap, you wouldn't even be issued a library card ... and the authorities would put your arse in jail.
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yes, the president has to seal their records and they are not released until 10 yearrs after he leaves office.
hawaii made an offical statement about his BC and said it was good to go.
I don't need a BC for a library card, Texas must though.
Since his records are sealed by law then the info collected on Obama is fake and has not been certified.
And yes I know which Canadian born citizen became president. You still don't know?
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yes, the president has to seal their records and they are not released until 10 yearrs after he leaves office.

Nope. Not true. His personal records are no more or less sealed by law than yours or mine. They fall under standard privacy laws of protection. But we can all choose to release any of them to public view ... if we care to.

hawaii made an offical statement about his BC and said it was good to go.

Show me an official certification. Not heresay. Heresay is not admissible as evidence in court, and not valid evidence.

I don't need a BC for a library card, Texas must though.

You need ID .. and in order to get an official ID you must provide a BC.

Since his records are sealed by law then the info collected on Obama is fake and has not been certified.

Wrong. He submitted to public inspection a document claiming to be an official government document. It's a fake, and knowingly using forged identity documents is a felony.

And yes I know which Canadian born citizen became president. You still don't know?

He was born in Vermont ... which is very close to Canada, but still the USA. The rather elaborate conspiracy theory of him being secretly born in Canada, then assuming the identity of a dead sibling born earlier in the USA who passed away very young, has been discredited by every legitimate scholar who has ever looked at the case. For those who think that the Sun rising in the east is a conspiracy theory, I'm surprised such a story would ring so true.

Of course, I would never rule out the possibility myself, since he started out as the Vice President, assuming the office of President through assassination ... so it is possible that we was a secret British Spy ..... but given is record in office, there seems to be no evidence that he did anything detrimental to the USA, and worthy of such elaborate manipulation by the British ... though you can never rule out anything when it comes to those buggers. I just don't find the evidence very compelling.
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And yes I know which Canadian born citizen became president. You still don't know?

I do and he hid his ineligibility also. It wasn't discovered until recently.

This is Fred Garvin-Male Prostitute.
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Actually ... the terms condescending or redundant doesn't really fit the situation in which an uneducated Texas redneck right winger is giving logic, vocabulary and grammar lessons to the academically elite liberals ... but ... I R O N I C ... might. :D

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion.
But, doesn't mean we will take accept it.

So you can spell and do grammar congrats. I guess that makes you the elitist now.

Arrogant Texan. Redundant.

You wound me. But tell me, what terrible experience did you suffer at the hands of a Texan to have such a hostile view of us good people? :eusa_angel:
still nothing has changed. Do you not think that when someone runs for office of president they are checked out to cover any problems during the election, or after being elected?

What an idiotic statement!

Obviously, he was not checked out before ... nor does it appear that the responsible parties are willing to do it now. Hawaii won't even certify that what has been presented is an actual document provided by them .... which should be a bloody clue :rolleyes:

If obama was born in another country, it would not be the first time a non-natural born citizen became president.

Now we're getting to the heart of the matter .... you believe it doesn't matter. But you're wrong .... without documentation, Obama hasn't proven that he is even a legal resident in this country, let alone a citizen, natural born or otherwise.

And who are you referring to that was president who was not a citizen? If such a person exists, then he too was in office illegally. The deal is, it doesn't matter .... a crime is a crime, and the law is the law. People have committed murder before too ... does that mean it's OK to commit murder now, since others have done it before?

Try to think rationally .... I know it's hard for you Obamabots ... but try.

Hardly does a Texan spell his state without adding his ass.

Do you know how to communicate without the inflamitory bullshit you spew?
If your so damn smart you would know who was president in the past that was not a natural born citizen.
The state of Hawaii has stated several times that his original BC is there and he is a natural born citizen, no laws were broken.
If your broken record of a brain could only see that there is a process when applying for the office of president. The State dept and the FBI check your background.
Obama has produced what was ask of him, yet you idiots continuosly refuse to accept the proof.
The only president to ever have such a bias against him, he is and was treated as an unwanted ethnicity for the job by those that did not support him.
No other white pasty old white man has never had to prove over and over again their proof of citizenship.


It is as simple as that.
The Statute Arpaio references does not state what he seems to believe it does:

Haw. Rev. Stat. § 338-17.5 : Hawaii Statutes - Section 338-17.5: Judicial procedure to establish facts of birth.[/url]

Actually, I think you're a bit confused. This portion of the law you posted relates to the Judicial procedure for addressing a rejected delayed certificate of birth submission, having nothing at all to do with the details of the sheriff's investigation of Obama's BC.

The applicable area of the law properly related to the matter is:

Haw. Rev. Stat. § 338-6 : Hawaii Statutes - Section 338-6: Local agent to prepare birth certificate

(a) If neither parent of the newborn child whose birth is unattended as provided in section 338-5 is able to prepare a birth certificate, the local agent of the department of health shall secure the necessary information from any person having knowledge of the birth and prepare and file the certificate.

(b) The department shall prescribe the time within which a supplementary report furnishing information omitted on the original certificate may be returned for the purpose of completing the certificate. Certificates of birth completed by a supplementary report shall not be considered as "delayed" or "altered." [L 1949, c 327, §10; RL 1955, §57-9; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-6]

So what the investigators reported was indeed true .... not just the parents ... but any person having "knowledge" of a birth can provide the information to the local health department agent for the preparation of a birth certificate, as clearly stated in the law.

Now, regardless of one's personal views or disposition regarding President Obama's BC or eligibility issues, this news conference revealed disturbing information that is an entirely separate matter to the the question of President Obama's birth certificate or eligibility, which every American should be outraged about ... and particularly those naturalized citizens who actually completed the lengthy legal requirements of becoming American citizens. Anyone who rejects that is simply allowing their political biases to overrule common sense.

What the Sheriff's investigation has subsequently brought to attention is a gaping hole in Hawaiian law that still exists at present, that completely circumvents US immigration law and procedure, allowing virtually anyone born anywhere in the world to easily attain through false testimony or affidavit, an Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth, which could falsely be presented as proof of US Citizenship. This situation also creates an entirely new "anchor baby" argument, in that the baby no longer needs to even be physically born on US soil since anyone can just claim the baby was born in Hawaii and viola! It's done.

In these post 911 days of the constant threat of terrorism, and the extremes we have been asked to endure as Citizens for the sake of security, it is an outrage beyond words to find out that an "Osama Bin Laden" type or disciple from a hostile country could so easily bypass US immigration laws and attain an officially issued Hawaiian Birth Certificate, granting them free mobility throughout the country as a legitimate US Citizen, which poses a clear threat to National Security. This is a secondary matter to the issue of President Obama, and warrants immediate investigation by those responsible for enforcing US immigration policy.

When the Sheriff announced several days ago that they would be presenting new, shocking information obtained in the ongoing investigation today .. I think everyone simply assumed that it would apply to the issues related to Obama's BC .... but that is not the case. As for Obama's birth certificate, I didn't see any real news over and above what has already been presented .... but this hole in Hawaiian law is new news, and is quite shocking to anyone with an IQ larger than their waist size.

This irrational hostility directed at Arpaio is obviously politically driven by leftists who care more about politics than the law .... but regardless of one's political leanings or ideology, what everyone has to understand is that "Government" must be held to strict adherence to the law, just as Government expects the people to do. And that is true of both the federal and state governments, and it's officials. In this instance, Hawaii has left the door wide open for the circumvention of our immigration and border security laws, which must be closed. If that is inconvenient to "your guy" who may be skirting the law ... "your guy" can only do it for 8 years ... then there will be a new guy, who might not be "your guy" doing it next time ... but then it will be too late for you to fuss about the law, as you've already supported the precedent set by allowing "your guy" to break the law. That's why it is important for ALL Americans to demand that ALL elected officials abide by the law, whether you voted for them or not. And if Hawaii's laws pose a security threat to all of us, and are not in compliance with the national immigration laws that exist ... it is everyone's business, because they are violating the laws that affect all of us, and that must be stopped.

This is the same principle at the foundation of restricting government powers. Today, unrestricted power may be convenient for some who support the current policy agendas, but that might not be true tomorrow, or 10 years from now when someone might come along ... (hint to Liberals) who might be characterized as an extremist right wing fanatic who will then turn right around and use that unrestricted power against you.

The same power that the liberals endorse for forcing all Americans to buy health insurance, or for banning guns, or banning smoking can be applied to a lot of things that might not be so desirable for you! And if history is clear about only one thing .. it's been proven that power shifts back and forth periodically ... and it's only a matter of time before someone could come along and use that very same power you so enthusiastically support today to hypothetically speaking ... ban homosexuality, label it a felony offense, with mandatory prison sentences, or declare anyone who is HIV positive to be locked up and quarantined from society, for life.

And, don't even think for a second that any possibility isn't a possibility in a country who believes they must feel around inside your boxer shorts and bras to make sure there are no terrorists hiding in there.

If there is anything that we should have learned by now ... anything is possible, and nothing should be taken for granted .... including the benevolent application of government power.

To your points..

1. This is a pretty unique "issue". And almost entirely unique to this President. Republicans have run at least 2 candidates born on foreign soil and there wasn't this much attention to the details of their birth. Case law provided them with the status of "natural born citizen" by way of their parentage. Additionally, the Constitution makes no mandate for a method as how to prove the "natural born status".

2. Nothing about the "Press conference" was distrubing. And only people thinking that there are some sort of irregularities, will be satisfied. For the rest of us living in the real world..and born around the same time Obama was born, we know that the procedure for documenting anything in hospitals, around that time..was archaic at best. I'm 51 and I don't have my own birth certificate. I've seen a mimeographed copy that was written in hand..but I have no idea where that is now. And last I saw it, it was falling apart. Be that as it may..most hospitals are STILL not up to date with the way they keep records. Part of the ACA provisions that it be modernized.

3. The Sheriff has no legal standing in Hawaii.

4. Your "restricting government powers" argument is a non-sequitur. In any case..that's not what seems to be happening. In fact it's the opposite. One party wants to un-seat the popularly elected leader of the other party on a trumped up technicality. And it seems to be the usual suspects. Clinton was impeached.

5. Many of those "unrestricted" government powers, like the TSA or screening your electronic communications, were point in place by conservatives..to the cheers of conservatives. Now it's a problem..because conservatives aren't running the show.
Regardless the facts the media has turned this issue into such a joke that nobody even dares bring it up for fear that it just gives Obama unwarranted moral support.

He could be proved to have been born in Kenya and raised by communists that were on the FBI threat index with "Arrest On sight in case of war" indicators and nobody would care.

This is why I think one of the requirements for running for President should include a Top Secret security investigation. Any flags go up and he doesn't have the legal right to run for office. It would be like a felon or an ex-con running for office.
George W Bush..had a criminal record.

That didn't seem to be an issue to conservatives.
I agree as long as a candidate agrees that the GS is released to the public.

I will add the birthers have created the media circus, and it has boomeranged in their collective faces. Guy in Texas heere is merely the latest example of this.

Regardless the facts the media has turned this issue into such a joke that nobody even dares bring it up for fear that it just gives Obama unwarranted moral support.

He could be proved to have been born in Kenya and raised by communists that were on the FBI threat index with "Arrest On sight in case of war" indicators and nobody would care.

This is why I think one of the requirements for running for President should include a Top Secret security investigation. Any flags go up and he doesn't have the legal right to run for office. It would be like a felon or an ex-con running for office.
Regardless the facts the media has turned this issue into such a joke that nobody even dares bring it up for fear that it just gives Obama unwarranted moral support.

He could be proved to have been born in Kenya and raised by communists that were on the FBI threat index with "Arrest On sight in case of war" indicators and nobody would care.

This is why I think one of the requirements for running for President should include a Top Secret security investigation. Any flags go up and he doesn't have the legal right to run for office. It would be like a felon or an ex-con running for office.

So you think we should put the power of determining who can or cannot run for the office in the hands of federal police? That's an interesting idea. Good luck with the constitutional amendment process.

If it could be proved he was born in Kenya, it would have been. The federal government (all three branches), the state of Hawaii and the Republican Party all accept that the president is a natural born citizen. The issue is settled. All we are seeing now are the people using the issue to make money, try to wiggle out of malfeasance investigations or remain in the spotlight - and those who just really, really, really want it to be true. The latter will believe anything from anybody who is willing to tell them what they want to hear.
Regardless the facts the media has turned this issue into such a joke that nobody even dares bring it up for fear that it just gives Obama unwarranted moral support.

He could be proved to have been born in Kenya and raised by communists that were on the FBI threat index with "Arrest On sight in case of war" indicators and nobody would care.

This is why I think one of the requirements for running for President should include a Top Secret security investigation. Any flags go up and he doesn't have the legal right to run for office. It would be like a felon or an ex-con running for office.

So you think we should put the power of determining who can or cannot run for the office in the hands of federal police? That's an interesting idea. Good luck with the constitutional amendment process.

If it could be proved he was born in Kenya, it would have been. The federal government (all three branches), the state of Hawaii and the Republican Party all accept that the president is a natural born citizen. The issue is settled. All we are seeing now are the people using the issue to make money, try to wiggle out of malfeasance investigations or remain in the spotlight - and those who just really, really, really want it to be true. The latter will believe anything from anybody who is willing to tell them what they want to hear.

There's no clearer evidence that what conservatives are looking for is a police state, oligarchy or military dictatorship.

This sort of nonsense goes on in Iran. Except it's not police that determine candidates, it's clerics. A situation conservatives would be happy with as well..as long as they shared the same religion.
Arpaio: Obama birth certificate issue needs further investigation

"When Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio scheduled a news conference to discuss the findings of his "birther" investigation just two days before a civil-rights case against his agency gets under way, it drew a knowing sigh from longtime observers.

Tuesday's event was not the first instance in which a well-timed Arpaio news conference has coincided with potentially negative news involving his office."

"...said David Don, a Phoenix civil-rights attorney. "I see this (birther announcement) as part of his political campaign, to put on a show and do some counterprogramming, give something for his supporters to get excited about because he probably anticipates some unfavorable news in this trial."

IOW, its business as usual for Arpaio.

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