HEADS UP -- Use the OFFICIAL thread for Kavanaugh Judiciary Hearing on Thursday.

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The official thread seems to have disappeared.

The Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread should be Restored, this is now a total mess, the Hearing is still going on, now because there is NO Official Kavanaugh thread there are getting posted tons of seperate individual threads which DEFEATS what the purpose was of having an Official thread ie. to stop having multiple threads ALL about the Kavanaugh Hearing. The Julie Swetnik thread has also now disappeared, that was the thread that members were then posting in when the Official thread disappeared, now the Julie Swetnik one has disappeared.

The Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread should be Restored as it was.
The FBI thing is a time waster cause the FBI already looked at the accusation and said "not our department" and moved on, but I'm not surprised in the slightest that all the D's are going to try to get one during this.
again, six investigations didn't find anything. know why? hey all 12th grade educated folks want to answer why?

Did you fail to read the first half of my statement?
yo, I meant that for the board, not you. sorry for that not being clearer.
The official thread seems to have disappeared.

The Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread should be Restored, this is now a total mess, the Hearing is still going on, now because there is NO Official Kavanaugh thread there are getting posted tons of seperate individual threads which DEFEATS what the purpose was of having an Official thread ie. to stop having multiple threads ALL about the Kavanaugh Hearing.

The Official thread should be Restored as it was.

We're yapping in here now if everyone else gets their ass in here the mods might have time to fix shit :p
The FBI thing is a time waster cause the FBI already looked at the accusation and said "not our department" and moved on, but I'm not surprised in the slightest that all the D's are going to try to get one during this.
again, six investigations didn't find anything. know why? hey all 12th grade educated folks want to answer why?

Did you fail to read the first half of my statement?
yo, I meant that for the board, not you. sorry for that not being clearer.

K :)
I have to state that kav is not doing so well. He way more combative than necessary and seems unable to simply state he drank a lot in HS. He keeps referring to a record that is not relevant to the question. I don't understand what is so difficult about stating - ya, I drank in HS and now I don't drink like an 18 year old anymore -
Nice try. Fail.
Not really. That is exactly how it looks.
to you maybe, cause you don't want him in, maybe? LOL. too fking funny partisan hack.
I have made many posts. none of them align with what you stated.

You clearly are the hack - anything said against Kav is instantly sen as a partisan hack attack by you.
what did I say that isn't fact?
Of course the Republicans have decided they can't beat the actual accusations and have decided to filibuster with the way the accusations was handled, rather than the event. As I said, they already knew how they were going to vote before this hearing, and the hearing is nothing but a farce to try and save face with women across the country. I hope the women realize this, and the fact these Republican congressmen don't really give a shit.
"Judge’s 1997 memoir, Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk, backs up Blasey’s timeline. In it, he recalls having worked as a bag boy “at the local supermarket” in the summer of 1982.

In Wasted, Judge described a puking, passed-out “Bart O’Kavanaugh.” And Judge’s former college girlfriend Elizabeth Rasor said that Judge once described for her a high school incident in which he and other boys took turns having sex with a drunk woman.

Rasor’s story backs up the explosive claims of Julie Swetnick, who in a sworn declaration spoke of “efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.” Swetnick alleged that she was the victim of a gang rape at one of these parties where Kavanaugh was present, though she did not implicate him in the attack on her.

Judge’s name has come up so often in the various allegations against Kavanaugh and in Thursday’s hearing that it beggars belief he still hasn’t been called to testify. Multiple Democratic senators demanded his presence."
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Judge Kavanaugh is on fire. I pray for him and his family!

"…what goes around, comes around. " well said, Judge!:clap:

Again, " there will be consequences paid by the American people for the Democrats’ juvenile, petty, and destructive “effort.”
Judge Kavanaugh is on fire. I pray for him and his family!

"…what goes around, comes around. " well said, Judge!:clap:

Again, " there will be consequences paid by the American people for the Democrats’ juvenile, petty, and destructive “effort.”
I personally take joy in the fact these demented unrepentant evil democrats are destined to roast in hell for their deliberate lies and evil schemes.
Oh dear, look at his family... D's wanted to pull heart strings? That was tough to beat right there.
The official thread seems to have disappeared.

The Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread should be Restored, this is now a total mess, the Hearing is still going on, now because there is NO Official Kavanaugh thread there are getting posted tons of seperate individual threads which DEFEATS what the purpose was of having an Official thread ie. to stop having multiple threads ALL about the Kavanaugh Hearing. The Julie Swetnik thread has also now disappeared, that was the thread that members were then posting in when the Official thread disappeared, now the Julie Swetnik one has disappeared.

The Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread should be Restored as it was.

^^^^ Okay the Official Kavanaugh Hearing thread has now been Restored to post in again:

OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
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