Health Care at the VA just keeps getting worse.

My best friend's father was director of the VA before he died. I am so sorry he isn't here to contribute to this discussion.

He came along with us, when we went whitewater rafting on the American River. To make a long story short, I dislocated my shoulder and almost drowned. Afterward, Matt's father who was a doctor was there to put my shoulder back in.
My best friend's father was director of the VA before he died. I am so sorry he isn't here to contribute to this discussion.

He came along with us, when we went whitewater rafting on the American River. To make a long story short, I dislocated my shoulder and almost drowned. Afterward, Matt's father who was a doctor was there to put my shoulder back in.
I am glad he was there for you. That must have been frightening.
My best friend's father was director of the VA before he died. I am so sorry he isn't here to contribute to this discussion.

He came along with us, when we went whitewater rafting on the American River. To make a long story short, I dislocated my shoulder and almost drowned. Afterward, Matt's father who was a doctor was there to put my shoulder back in.
I am glad he was there for you. That must have been frightening.

Not really. I had almost drowned also on the Snake River in Hells Canyon when I was a teen. Another long story. :lol:
Sorry Jake - your anecdotal experience belies the facts, or perhaps all these articles are making this stuff up. That was way to easy.

A fatal wait: Veterans languish and die on a VA hospital's secret list -
Billions spent to fix VA didn't solve problems, made some issues worse -
Half of critical positions open at some VA hospitals

May 27, 2014 7:26 p.m. ET
With the recent revelations about the disgraceful treatment of patients by the Veterans Affairs hospitals, the public is discovering what the majority of doctors in this country have long known: The VA health-care system is a disaster. Throwing more money at the system, or demanding the scalps of top bureaucrats—Washington's reflexive response to any problem of this sort—won't repair the mess. What's needed is a fundamental rethinking of how to provide medical care for America's veterans.
Doctors' War Stories From VA Hospitals
I was in Navy healthcare, single payer/single provider. I hated it, there was absolutely no choice on doctor when you could actually get a doctor instead of a PA, and the wait time for my family was insane. As active duty I got front of the line service, but my son was delivered by a nurse and 19 year old corpsman because the doc 'was busy'. Never again would I want to be in that system and even though I can go to a VA hospital I won't go near it.

You are making all that up, just ask Jake Starkey. He says you guys are getting fabulous care......hmmm, who should I believe?
yeah, the wonderful VA that is always in the news about sucking

The VA pays doctors way less than their counterparts at private hospitals. Veterans number one complaint is lack of access to doctors. Obamacare just ensured a national doctor shortage, and the VA underpays, ok so is anybody taking bets on the VA getting better?
NCC opinion with no link. Your opinion does not count, NCC, and neither does that of QHU.

Let's see the evidence, muppets. Someone's wife above said her husband likes it. I have had it ever since I left active duty many years, and while Houston and Shreveport VA give adequate care, they are not in the league of Big Spring, TX or Salt Lake City, Utah, in my experience.

The major issue is getting the vets into the system. Wait times have been addressed by the private vendor access program. The latter requires a phone pre-approval that the vet meets the requirements. That is a program that should have been passed in 1994.

Read up on the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act | About the Program

Hey liar, fuck you

The agency based the increases on several salary surveys, which generally showed VA doctors earning less than professors and those in private practice. The average VA primary care physician earns just shy of $178,000 annually, while the surveys found average salaries ranging between $194,000 and $256,000.

VA hikes top pay for doctors by $20,000 to $35,000

WASHINGTON — A Senate investigation of poor health care at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah, Wis., found systemic failures in a VA inspector general’s review of the facility that raise questions about the internal watchdog’s ability to ensure adequate health care for veterans nationwide.

Senate investigation finds 'systemic' failures at VA watchdog
I was in Navy healthcare, single payer/single provider. I hated it, there was absolutely no choice on doctor when you could actually get a doctor instead of a PA, and the wait time for my family was insane. As active duty I got front of the line service, but my son was delivered by a nurse and 19 year old corpsman because the doc 'was busy'. Never again would I want to be in that system and even though I can go to a VA hospital I won't go near it.

You are making all that up, just ask Jake Starkey. He says you guys are getting fabulous care......hmmm, who should I believe?

every anecdote on here he agrees with 'proves' him true, every one he doesn't like is a lie. No way this guy has college education
No, the VA, bucktooth, has not screwed up the VA healthcare system. Millions of vets along with me receive quality health care and have for decades.

The link (if you will read it carefully) blames the admin when it is obviously Congress's duty to fund appropriately ALL of the needs of the VA.

Read it: The VA is forcing sick veterans to travel hundreds to thousands of miles to receive organ transplants that could be conducted within an hour of their homes. Veterans that need live-saving organ transplants can only have the procedures completed at 13 locations across the entire United States. In an effort to save money and reduce costs the VA is forcing veterans to travel extreme distances despite mountains of evidence showing that travel before and after medical procedures can have disastrous effects on a patient’s health. A recent study also revealed that veterans living farther from one of the 13 locations were far less like to be placed on an organ transplant wait list than those living closer to the facilities; meaning a veterans life or death can be determined solely on their home address.

This rag is far, far right and hard conservative, not worth the time to read it. Email Ryan, McConnell, and VA.

Yeah, riiiiight.
I was in Navy healthcare, single payer/single provider. I hated it, there was absolutely no choice on doctor when you could actually get a doctor instead of a PA, and the wait time for my family was insane. As active duty I got front of the line service, but my son was delivered by a nurse and 19 year old corpsman because the doc 'was busy'. Never again would I want to be in that system and even though I can go to a VA hospital I won't go near it.

You are making all that up, just ask Jake Starkey. He says you guys are getting fabulous care......hmmm, who should I believe?

every anecdote on here he agrees with 'proves' him true, every one he doesn't like is a lie. No way this guy has college education

Read post #44 sport. Lots of non-anecdotal facts.
I was in Navy healthcare, single payer/single provider. I hated it, there was absolutely no choice on doctor when you could actually get a doctor instead of a PA, and the wait time for my family was insane. As active duty I got front of the line service, but my son was delivered by a nurse and 19 year old corpsman because the doc 'was busy'. Never again would I want to be in that system and even though I can go to a VA hospital I won't go near it.

You are making all that up, just ask Jake Starkey. He says you guys are getting fabulous care......hmmm, who should I believe?

every anecdote on here he agrees with 'proves' him true, every one he doesn't like is a lie. No way this guy has college education

Read post #44 sport. Lots of non-anecdotal facts.

yes, that is how discussion should proceed, start with what can be known in an objective empirical way and avoid anecdote if possible
Politicians only pay lip service when its an election cycle the other 99% of the time they just don't give a shit. There are an estimated 22 million Vets in this country, that's some serious political power. Of course the substandard care and unforgivable amount of suicides each day in the community lowers that number. Makes you wonder if its the Governments plan to cull the herd.

Whistleblower: VA Is Letting Veterans Needing Organ Transplants Die In Order To Cut Costs
"Why not? They wont vote Democrat in all likelihood." - Obama Regime spokesperson
No, the VA, bucktooth, has not screwed up the VA healthcare system. Millions of vets along with me receive quality health care and have for decades.

The link (if you will read it carefully) blames the admin when it is obviously Congress's duty to fund appropriately ALL of the needs of the VA.

Read it: The VA is forcing sick veterans to travel hundreds to thousands of miles to receive organ transplants that could be conducted within an hour of their homes. Veterans that need live-saving organ transplants can only have the procedures completed at 13 locations across the entire United States. In an effort to save money and reduce costs the VA is forcing veterans to travel extreme distances despite mountains of evidence showing that travel before and after medical procedures can have disastrous effects on a patient’s health. A recent study also revealed that veterans living farther from one of the 13 locations were far less like to be placed on an organ transplant wait list than those living closer to the facilities; meaning a veterans life or death can be determined solely on their home address.

This rag is far, far right and hard conservative, not worth the time to read it. Email Ryan, McConnell, and VA.
Why don't we give vets vouchers to get health care wherever they want to. Solves all the problems!
No, the VA, bucktooth, has not screwed up the VA healthcare system. Millions of vets along with me receive quality health care and have for decades.

The link (if you will read it carefully) blames the admin when it is obviously Congress's duty to fund appropriately ALL of the needs of the VA.

Read it: The VA is forcing sick veterans to travel hundreds to thousands of miles to receive organ transplants that could be conducted within an hour of their homes. Veterans that need live-saving organ transplants can only have the procedures completed at 13 locations across the entire United States. In an effort to save money and reduce costs the VA is forcing veterans to travel extreme distances despite mountains of evidence showing that travel before and after medical procedures can have disastrous effects on a patient’s health. A recent study also revealed that veterans living farther from one of the 13 locations were far less like to be placed on an organ transplant wait list than those living closer to the facilities; meaning a veterans life or death can be determined solely on their home address.

This rag is far, far right and hard conservative, not worth the time to read it. Email Ryan, McConnell, and VA.
Why don't we give vets vouchers to get health care wherever they want to. Solves all the problems!

They should give parents school vouchers.

And make them transferable without experation date, until they are of age in case they join the military.
No, the VA, bucktooth, has not screwed up the VA healthcare system. Millions of vets along with me receive quality health care and have for decades.

The link (if you will read it carefully) blames the admin when it is obviously Congress's duty to fund appropriately ALL of the needs of the VA.

Read it: The VA is forcing sick veterans to travel hundreds to thousands of miles to receive organ transplants that could be conducted within an hour of their homes. Veterans that need live-saving organ transplants can only have the procedures completed at 13 locations across the entire United States. In an effort to save money and reduce costs the VA is forcing veterans to travel extreme distances despite mountains of evidence showing that travel before and after medical procedures can have disastrous effects on a patient’s health. A recent study also revealed that veterans living farther from one of the 13 locations were far less like to be placed on an organ transplant wait list than those living closer to the facilities; meaning a veterans life or death can be determined solely on their home address.

This rag is far, far right and hard conservative, not worth the time to read it. Email Ryan, McConnell, and VA.
Why don't we give vets vouchers to get health care wherever they want to. Solves all the problems!

I think they have something like that if the VA hospital isn't available, at least the disabled ones. I have no idea what I would get.

Vets disabled on duty deserve super vouchers, not some shitty VA care. Vets like me don't really deserve anything special, we were paid like everyone else for doing our job.
If you love the medical attention you get at the hilary...she will be bringing that to all of us if she becomes amazes me that the stories of how bad the VA is does not penetrate the brains of left wingers.........they actually want to give more power over their healthcare to the very people who can't get it right for the small number of veterans that we have in this country.....
no one on the Democratic side is calling for a government health care system like the VA, they are however calling for a system like Medicare Insurance, where the govt is the single payer insurance...but we can use the private system of doctors etc.

Yes they are....there is video of obama telling a Union that they can't get to single payer right away..that they have to take it in steps.....

If you believe that the same people who gave us the VA will make health care for the entire country are fooling yourself.
I believe the govt has done a fairly good job providing health care for all of the elderly in this country with Medicare Insurance and these same type of thinking politicians could do the same...

Sure Medicare has its problems, but by and far, MOST all seniors LOVE their Medicare Insurance....more than people with insurance in the private sector love their Insurance.

Seniors aren't given a choice.

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