Health Savings Accounts

I'm still waiting for you to set me straight with "Your" opinion!
archangel said:
then we is pure and simple I said! :spank3:

if it was greed then the profit margins would be hire and they would not provide health care that they can not make a profit on....thus illegal aliens could not walk into a hospital and have a baby and not pay for it....they would be refused service.....but the gov't prevents you get cover the cost for those that can not pay....universal health care already exists
Mr. P said:
The question Manu ask is why are the charges high. You said greed, I said WRONG. Can ya think of any other reason? Like, maybe Hospitals are mandated by law to give care, regardless of wheather they get payed? People that CAN'T pay still go to the hospital. That's a financial lose, Arch. How do they recoup that, so they can stay in business?

As I said, (alluded to) if the insurance industry would get their stuff together and offer coverage to everyone at a reasonable rate all costs would go down, because more people would have insurance. Bills would be payed, and that $10 asprin may drop to $5 or lower.

LOL...I can buy a bottle of aspirin for way less than $5.00...and if the costs were realistic...why would we need to rely on rip off insurance costs anyway...payments on a reasonable stay could be met by a reasonable income!...dah
archangel said:
LOL...I can buy a bottle of aspirin for way less than $5.00...and if the costs were realistic...why would we need to rely on rip off insurance costs anyway...payments on a reasonable stay could be met by a reasonable income!...dah

how much did your stay in the hospital cost you?
manu1959 said:
if it was greed then the profit margins would be hire and they would not provide health care that they can not make a profit on....thus illegal aliens could not walk into a hospital and have a baby and not pay for it....they would be refused service.....but the gov't prevents you get cover the cost for those that can not pay....universal health care already exists

I for one believe the illegal alien problem could be resolved at the border...if our wonderful government would apply the law...this is another thread though...and even if the illegal alien problem were solved...they medical gestapo would still charge the greed pricing...IMO!!!!
manu1959 said:
how much did your stay in the hospital cost you?

It was a workers compensation claim...injury on the personal cost was about $4000.00 and a loss of some 19% function...dah
archangel said:
I for one believe the illegal alien problem could be resolved at the border...if our wonderful government would apply the law...this is another thread though...and even if the illegal alien problem were solved...they medical gestapo would still charge the greed pricing...IMO!!!!

same applies to poor pepole or dishonest people....they walk into the emrgency room knowing full well they can not be refused service with the full intention of not wife used to get 911 calls from guys that just wanted to be picked and taken to the hospital to eat dinner in the cafeteria.....

the law dosn't nothing to prevent this so you have to have the costs of those that do pay high enough to cover the deadbeats.....add to that that americans love their lawsuits and punitive damages.....then there is wallstreet and the investors need their roi on the medical gropus and insurance carriers....if it was simple greed someone would be very rich and it would be on the news.....
manu1959 said:
same applies to poor pepole or dishonest people....they walk into the emrgency room knowing full well they can not be refused service with the full intention of not wife used to get 911 calls from guys that just wanted to be picked and taken to the hospital to eat dinner in the cafeteria.....

the law dosn't nothing to prevent this so you have to have the costs of those that do pay high enough to cover the deadbeats.....add to that that americans love their lawsuits and punitive damages.....then there is wallstreet and the investors need their roi on the medical gropus and insurance carriers....if it was simple greed someone would be very rich and it would be on the news.....

You have your opinion and I have mine..."Thats my story and I'm sticking to it"!
archangel said:
You have your opinion and I have mine..."Thats my story and I'm sticking to it"!
So you think it's only greed Arch? What Manu has presented holds no weight in your opinion?
archangel said:
LOL...I can buy a bottle of aspirin for way less than $5.00...and if the costs were realistic...why would we need to rely on rip off insurance costs anyway...payments on a reasonable stay could be met by a reasonable income!...dah
Sure you can buy a bottle of aspirin for way less than $5.00, that's not the point.

Prove me wrong. Go into business, sell wigets for $10 each.
They cost you $5. Say ya have 100 of them.

Your cost $500
You Gross profit @ $10 each will be $500.

Now suppose after all expenses your net profit will be say $100 .
If just 1 wiget is stolen, lose $10. Minumum $5. Accounting.

Now say you know who stole that wiget. The next time you see them coming you lock the door. No problem, you can do that and reduce your loses...HOSPITALS can't, they MUST provide care for anyone that walks in.

They deal with the lose by increasing prices for those that do pay.
BTW, you can negotiate with them. The insurance Co. do.

Simple ain't it?

EDIT: fixed DUMB ERROR. :funnyface
The ClayTaurus said:
So you think it's only greed Arch? What Manu has presented holds no weight in your opinion?

that was my answer to manu...if you have a opinion vs a argumentative question...well please share...cause I am done!
archangel said:
that was my answer to manu...if you have a opinion vs a argumentative question...well please share...cause I am done!
It wasn't meant to be argumentative, I was just curious as to whether or not you agreed with his assessment. It sounds as if you do not, am I correct? Or do you find some truth in what Manu says?
The ClayTaurus said:
It wasn't meant to be argumentative, I was just curious as to whether or not you agreed with his assessment. It sounds as if you do not, am I correct? Or do you find some truth in what Manu says?

I am done..I gave my opinion...manu and Mr.P theirs...what is your opinion...minus the questioning of me of what I said or did not say to manu..or if I agree or disagree with them...please share your opinion!
archangel said:
I am done..I gave my opinion...manu and Mr.P theirs...what is your opinion...minus the questioning of me of what I said or did not say to manu..or if I agree or disagree with them...please share your opinion!
My opinion is irrelevant. I don't understand why you're running away from this and trying to deflect attention towards me. I was just curious to whether or not you thought greed was the sole factor behind high medical costs. It's just a simple yes or no question, yet you're throwing up all these smokescreens. Why? Are you not confident in your position? Afraid you might have to agree with someone? I don't understand it, Arch. Especially for someone who is so proud of being a "straight-talker," you sure do a lot of duckin' and dodgin'.
The ClayTaurus said:
My opinion is irrelevant. I don't understand why you're running away from this and trying to deflect attention towards me. I was just curious to whether or not you thought greed was the sole factor behind high medical costs. It's just a simple yes or no question, yet you're throwing up all these smokescreens. Why? Are you not confident in your position? Afraid you might have to agree with someone? I don't understand it, Arch. Especially for someone who is so proud of being a "straight-talker," you sure do a lot of duckin' and dodgin'.

the only one here dodging is you...just give us your that so hard to do? I already gave my opinion as did Mr.P and manu...whether we agree or disagree is are the one who fails to give a opinion not me or manu or Mr.P...and yes I am very confident..."Thats my story-and I'm sticking to it"...Now if it isn't to difficult...please share your opinion!
archangel said:
the only one here dodging is you...just give us your that so hard to do? I already gave my opinion as did Mr.P and manu...whether we agree or disagree is are the one who fails to give a opinion not me or manu or Mr.P...and yes I am very confident..."Thats my story-and I'm sticking to it"...Now if it isn't to difficult...please share your opinion!
I don't know if I have a good enough grasp to have an opinion worth anything; hence me asking questions about yours. But you don't want anyone to ask questions about your opinion. You just want to be able to say it and then run off and :lalala: in the corner. What's the point? At least P and Manu have no problem discussing their opinion.
The ClayTaurus said:
I don't know if I have a good enough grasp to have an opinion worth anything; hence me asking questions about yours. But you don't want anyone to ask questions about your opinion. You just want to be able to say it and then run off and :lalala: in the corner. What's the point? At least P and Manu have no problem discussing their opinion.

same ol same ol clay................ :bye1: and yes Mr.P and manu discussed and gave their opinons as did I...nows your chance to shine... :laugh:
archangel said:
same ol same ol clay................ :bye1: and yes Mr.P and manu discussed and gave their opinons as did I...nows your chance to shine... :laugh:
Did you read my post? I said I don't have enough, as you would say, "real-time experience" to have a well-thought out opinion. I thought you would be so proud of my ability to come to that conclusion.

But you, oh master of everything known in life, you claim you do have the experience, and yet are so entirely elusive when even slightly brushed for details. Why give your opinion if you refuse to do anything but stand behind it with your hands over your ears? That's sort of weak, from a character standpoint.
GotZoom said:
Awwwwwww..........isn't that cute.....

They're fighting........

I'm not fighting with anyone..clay is fighting himself on this one...I no longer give into the urge to respond to his baiting...da 'thats all folks!' :tng:

side note: see his above post#39

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