Healthcare Premiumns rise faster than Wages

Its not just an abortion clinic, they do other things, pap smears. I see no reason for separate VA's, they should be able to go where ever after their acute care and or special rehab.

I don't care about Texas, I don't live there or in any of the states that would rather their tax payers foot the bill.

Travis County residents, for instance, are paying for Jeff Kehoe to see the doctor for his high blood pressure and asthma.

Kehoe, a part-time event coordinator who hasn't had insurance since 2006, goes to People's Community Clinic for his primary care. When he can afford it, the Austin resident pays up to $30 for an office visit.

The rest is picked up by taxpayers and donors.

The Travis County Healthcare District pays the clinic $133 for each visit by a patient whose income is below 200% of the poverty line. And the district gets its funding from property owners, who last year forked over $79 for every $100,000 of home value. The rate has been on the rise for the past four years.


"I will not be party to socializing healthcare and bankrupting my state in direct contradiction to our Constitution and our founding principles of limited government," Perry said in a statement rejecting the expansion. (sounds a little vain to me, contradiction of our constitution and limited gov.)

Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government will pay the full cost of the Medicaid expansion for three years. After that, the funding will phase down to 90%.

That will hit Texas, which has the highest share of uninsured in the nation. The expansion in Medicaid is expected to cost about $1.3 billion through fiscal 2017, according to the state Health and Human Services Commission.

While Perry's decision will spare the state the additional cost, the burden of covering the uninsured will still be borne in part by residents. Most of Texas' larger urban areas have public health districts like the one in Travis County that help pay for the uninsured.

Who covers health care for Texas' uninsured? Taxpayers
Leave it to a democrat.

My husband has been self employed since 95, I went through his premiums since 2001, and they rose 100 a year, and 100 a year since the ACA, actually they went down 100 a year when he first got on health
I am so happy that he isn't tied into an insurance plan due to a pre existing condition. He is healthy but one can get dx with Cancer, Dm, among a hundred other things any day or have an accident.

Now the ones not insured are from the southern Rep states, esp. Texas. Cruz said better no Medicaid than having Medicaid, himand his gov and the rest of these nerds are sick people and Trump as well to want to kill the ACA to go back to what was before the ACA, in other words, nothing.

Yo, can you try to buy one of these?

View attachment 68795
Or, join the Army, go to a war zone, get wounded and permanently disabled and Uncle Sugar will care for a person till they are pushing up daisies. Problem solved. Worked for me.

Many with money and a name got out of going.
I joined the Army because my family men have done it since before the Revolutionary War. But Elvis Presly got drafted and spent 2 years as a tanker. He had money too.
Its not just an abortion clinic, they do other things, pap smears. I see no reason for separate VA's, they should be able to go where ever after their acute care and or special rehab.

I don't care about Texas, I don't live there or in any of the states that would rather their tax payers foot the bill.

Travis County residents, for instance, are paying for Jeff Kehoe to see the doctor for his high blood pressure and asthma.

Kehoe, a part-time event coordinator who hasn't had insurance since 2006, goes to People's Community Clinic for his primary care. When he can afford it, the Austin resident pays up to $30 for an office visit.

The rest is picked up by taxpayers and donors.

The Travis County Healthcare District pays the clinic $133 for each visit by a patient whose income is below 200% of the poverty line. And the district gets its funding from property owners, who last year forked over $79 for every $100,000 of home value. The rate has been on the rise for the past four years.


"I will not be party to socializing healthcare and bankrupting my state in direct contradiction to our Constitution and our founding principles of limited government," Perry said in a statement rejecting the expansion. (sounds a little vain to me, contradiction of our constitution and limited gov.)

Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government will pay the full cost of the Medicaid expansion for three years. After that, the funding will phase down to 90%.

That will hit Texas, which has the highest share of uninsured in the nation. The expansion in Medicaid is expected to cost about $1.3 billion through fiscal 2017, according to the state Health and Human Services Commission.

While Perry's decision will spare the state the additional cost, the burden of covering the uninsured will still be borne in part by residents. Most of Texas' larger urban areas have public health districts like the one in Travis County that help pay for the uninsured.

Who covers health care for Texas' uninsured? Taxpayers

Yo, Penelope? Where do you think the County Healthcare District gets it`s money? Taxpayer Funded!!! WoW, you really don`t get it? The Taxpayer is the one who votes for their Leaders, usually a Republican is Elected, the Democrats are all about blowing the Taxpayer Money away, another words? Waste it!!! It`s not their Money, it`s our Money? We should decide how they spend it, not waste it, or payback their Contributors for Elections!!! Obama did this shit right in front of your eyes and mine? Here is one example: Solyndra Bankruptcy: Solar Panel Company Won't Pay Back Most Of Its $527 Million Government Loan Read it and enjoy wasting your money, since you sound like you like to waste your hard earned Money!!!

First...destroy the existing healthcare system with obamacare.

Second.....use the destruction of the functioning healthcare system because of obama to let the same people running obamacare to take over all healthcare through single payer......

Yeah.....that makes sense....

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