Healthy Males - Sudden Death Syndrome linked to Vaccines

A month after the thread starts, and still not a single antivaxxer arch-liar here has met the challenge to show any actual evidence that more young people are dropping dead.

At this stage, all of the antivaxxers here are fully aware that they're lying. They don't care. Their depraved death cult has ordered them to lie, so that's what they're doing.
Crazy shit happening. How do you manage to ignore it?
It doesnt make logical sense for a young healthy person to inject a substance into their body to protect them against something that has a minuscule fraction of a chance of hurting them.
By that logic, no young person should ever get any vaccine.
By that logic, no young person should ever get any vaccine.
They probably get more than they should. Chicken Pox is a nuisance illness. For the most part so is Measles. I have no idea why people get the flu vaccine. The other issue surrounding the COVID "vaccine" is it's not the same as a traditional vaccine. They had to change the definition of vaccine to make it apply to the COVID one.
You're not linking to medical science. You're linking to antivaxxer conspiracy babbling.
It’s all falling apart. Why do you feel it important to support the crooks in government and big pharma who pushed this fraudulent harmful narrative?

It gets worse by the day for the fascist vaxxers.
Apparently, fuckups never follow up on the lies they try to push.

The real cause of death.

Air Force cadet died of blood clot in lung, autopsy finds


"Acoroner has determined that Air Force Academy Cadet 3rd Class Hunter Brown died of a blood clot in his lungs that was caused by an injury to his left foot that he sustained during football practice weeks earlier, according to a copy of Brown’s autopsy report that was provided to Task & Purpose."

Another maga fuckup fail.
Brought to you by Pfizer!!!
I just checked the CDC page, where it says 9 people have died from vaccines, all from the J&J vaccine.

How many in each age group have died from COVID? Way, way more than 9. And the death count doesn't include permanent disability.

So, by the numbers, it's a no-brainer to get a Pfizer or Moderna vaccination.
CDC....LOL....the ones who were canceling anyone with an opinion they didn't approve of?

That the same CDC?

In the US 70% of the population is over weight
So you are a fathead?
Apparently you think a doctor stating facts is something offered by Twitter employees. Lol.


That you think it's a "fact" the covid vaccine has better odds of ending a pregnancy than the abortion pill, which is what she absurdly claimed, shows you're as stupid as you are gullible and desperate.

Face it... she's an anti-vax vulture and her bullshit claims stem from that vantage point.

That you think it's a "fact" the covid vaccine has better odds of ending a pregnancy than the abortion pill, which is what she absurdly claimed, shows you're as stupid as you are gullible and desperate.

Face it... she's an anti-vax vulture and her bullshit claims stem from that vantage point.
Lol. Yeah anyone who exposes the criminal establishment is an anti-vax vulture. You’re such a good toady for big pharma.

Funny how easy it is for the establishment to dupe dummies like you.

They probably get more than they should. Chicken Pox is a nuisance illness. For the most part so is Measles. I have no idea why people get the flu vaccine. The other issue surrounding the COVID "vaccine" is it's not the same as a traditional vaccine. They had to change the definition of vaccine to make it apply to the COVID one.
People weren't getting the flu vaccine, so pharma went to the CDC and asked them for help pushing shots. The CDC responded by developing a program to push shots by, among other things, using the media to gin up fear, and recategorizing what a flu death was to pump up the death numbers, so many are lining up for their flu shots because they've bought into the marketing.

Sound familiar?

This is all well documented. The CDC has been lying to the public for years to help pharma push product.
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Lol. Yeah anyone who exposes the criminal establishment is an anti-vax vulture. You’re such a good toady for big pharma.

Funny how easy it is for the establishment to dupe dummies like you.


The woman literally lied about the seriousness of the vaccine and here you are, still swallowing her swill. That's a wake up call for anyone with a brain.

The woman literally lied about the seriousness of the vaccine and here you are, still swallowing her swill. That's a wake up call for anyone with a brain.
Wow! Big Pharma with an enormous profit motive and long history of criminality tells the truth, but a doc with no profit motive outlining Pfizer’s own report is a liar. Wow!

You still think Fauci great, invermectin for horses, and the vax safe and effective. WTF man!
Wow! Big Pharma with an enormous profit motive and long history of criminality tells the truth, but a doc with no profit motive outlining Pfizer’s own report is a liar. Wow!

You still think Fauci great, invermectin for horses, and the vax safe and effective. WTF man!

Like just about all vaccines, none are 100% safe and effective. Has nothing to do with her destroying her own credibility by lying about how dangerous the covid vaccines.
Like just about all vaccines, none are 100% safe and effective. Has nothing to do with her destroying her own credibility by lying about how dangerous the covid vaccines.
Yet they are dangerous. Your inability to accept the truth could indicate a mental disease.

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