Heartbeat act fails in Nebraska


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extremeeasures. "
And so another republican loses. He wants to make tiny little incremental changes which he often fails to even do while his opponent makes them any way he can in the opposite direction by leaps and bounds. But at least he stuck to his guns as a "good conservative."

Mantra of the GOP: "Better to stay a good conservative and lose badly then win by adapting to your adversary."
Abortion is gonna sink the gop like the Titanic in '24.....Abortion....The gop's iceberg and the gift that keeps on giving for the dems.

I bet every statehouse in the land has gop members who paid for a abortion for a "mistake" they made along the line.

The gop better pull it's head out of it's ass.
Or....The old ass-bags could let the public decide by a straight up or down vote.....Like SCOTUS intended.
So you want controversial, punitive legislation to pass with a simple majority. Majority rules unless they're ruling against the minority.
It's not a heartbeat at six weeks. It's a group of cells that sporaticaly pulse, and eventually will become part of a heart. The sound is not the sound of a heartbeat. It's electronically generated by the equipment being used.
You are correct. It's more of a flutter action by the tissues that will become a heart. Thanks.
Or....The old ass-bags could let the public decide by a straight up or down vote.....Like SCOTUS intended.
Misunderstood what you were saying in the first reply. Yes, they fear that, Nebraskans would vote all abortions laws as interference with civil añd personal freedoms. These are the same people who after the latest mass murder violence voted people could open carry without any training or registration fees. Completely out of touch with the public
It's human tissue, not a human life until it is born. Birthdates are one of a person's most important identifying features.
Technically it is tissue until it pops out. Some say late term, some say birth control. Same same
A surprise vote among Republicans in Nebraska. One vote made the difference. That's about as close as you get. It failed because they wouldn't compromise at all. It cannot be reintroduced this session. Omaha News, Weather and Sports - Nebraska News - KETV NewsWatch 7>articles-Nebraska-Heartbeat-Act-likely-fails-in-lehislature-as-support-falls-short. 52 minutes ago. When asked about why he couldn't vote for the bill as written. The Republican legislator replied, " I believe the pro-life organization has shades of gray in it. If you're going to make changes it's better to make gradual change, not extremeeasures. "

One Conservative has conscience after all.
SCOTUS was a mouthy little bitch about it, and adding a heartbeat is pure psycho bench drama. There is never a time the organism is not a living part and expression of two living persons, from the sperm that cross over to the egg that receives it.

SCOTUS is merely envious for not being present and participating, so they'll exploit the situation by attempting to define "when" two persons actually become one, heartbeat or not.

There is never a time that life is not always already preceding on, in this trajectory. Birth is a SCOTUS alibi for exploitation by the State and its legislative media.
Skin is "tissue "

The baby in the womb is a LIVING ORGANISM.

"It" is fully HUMAN from conception to natural htdeath.

Besides, I don't believe I asked the opinion of an immoral lib.

I asked someone who is supposedly on "our" side but believes these humans don't quite qualify as worth the fight
You chose to not see my humanity by calling me a immoral lib. Sorry your opinion is simply an opinion. And you cannot alter the fact that a fetus is not a person until they are born.

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