Heartbreaking Photo: Young girl covers eyes as nude men walk past

What Paul Ryan says that most Republicans agree with isn't Bush's fault. Quit trying to blame everything on Bush.

Link to polls showing most republicans think children are better off hungry please

Come on. If the GOP base puts politicians into office who believe it, then they believe it too. Why put them into office?

Yet, Ryan never said anything like you allege, unless of course you take his speech out of context.

Show me:

CaféAuLait;8807596 said:
Link to polls showing most republicans think children are better off hungry please

Come on. If the GOP base puts politicians into office who believe it, then they believe it too. Why put them into office?

Yet, Ryan never said anything like you allege, unless of course you take his speech out of context.

Show me:



Paul Ryan: Free Lunches Make Kids Soulless

Right-Wing Media Totally Cool With Paul Ryan Shaming Kids On Free Lunch Program

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Yet Ryan invested several hundred thousand dollars in solar power from the stimulus....In Wisconsin...
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

link said:
She knows something wrong is happening.

A bright girl.
These men are clearly bloody idiot perverts - of course, that doesn't mean all gay men are the same, just that lot.
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

link said:
She knows something wrong is happening.

A bright girl.
These men are clearly bloody idiot perverts - of course, that doesn't mean all gay men are the same, just that lot.

Yeah. I don't "hate" gays. I'm not perfect so I'm slow to point my finger at the imperfections of others. What I DO hate is the aggressive "gay agenda" spearheaded by the flamers at the front of the pack.
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

Looking at the pic I'd have had her cover her eyes too reassuring her, "It's ok sweety, not all men are that ugly." :)
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

That is against the law. It's called indecent exposure in front of a minor. They need to get the identities of these people from the photographs and make arrests. Let the State pick up the charges if the parents are not willing to do it. This is beyond anything I've seen before. I cannot believe it was permitted to go on. In broad daylight no less! Very disturbing story.

It's how it works. They legislate to move "the line" just a little for the sake of one group. Then "the line" is moved a little more for the benefit of the next special interest group; then again, and again, and again until there is no more "line."

The problem is that we drew the line in the sand. Next time America (you know ... the founding father types) have an opportunity to draw a line it will have to be drawn in reinforced concrete.
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

That is against the law. It's called indecent exposure in front of a minor. They need to get the identities of these people from the photographs and make arrests. Let the State pick up the charges if the parents are not willing to do it. This is beyond anything I've seen before. I cannot believe it was permitted to go on. In broad daylight no less! Very disturbing story.

It's how it works. They legislate to move "the line" just a little for the sake of one group. Then "the line" is moved a little more for the benefit of the next special interest group; then again, and again, and again until there is no more "line."

The problem is that we drew the line in the sand. Next time America (you know ... the founding father types) have an opportunity to draw a line it will have to be drawn in reinforced concrete.

Being nude in and of itself isn't often illegal. It's only if also being 'lewd and lascivious' that's it's illegal (erect penis et al.)
Being nude in and of itself isn't often illegal. It's only if also being 'lewd and lascivious' that's it's illegal (erect penis et al.)

There's really no need to be nude in public for any reason. Public nudity, in and of itself, is lewd (with or without erection). If someone feels a burning need to be nude outside then step out into his or her backyard. Why the need to show the rest of the world what the rest of the world really doesn't want you to show?

I'm changing our nation's name from the United States to the Untied States. It does seem to be unraveling.
CaféAuLait;8807392 said:
Liberals truly feel that children should be exposed to nudity and sexual activity at their very earliest ages. If a child is correctly raised it will have been fondled and penetrate by parents. Sex with any other adult will be the same as any expression of parental love.

You were among the rw's who applauded the fake duck dynasty slime preaching that old men should be able to "marry" 14 year old girls.

Your nasty little fantasies are beyond disgusting.

Oh yeah, and as usual, you're a liar.


I am no duck dynasty fan and honestly don't get the show. But even I know he did not claim what you are stating above.

He said 15 and 16 year olds and he said BOYS NOT "old men" and he said after checking with "Mom and Dad of course"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_YchVeJs50"]Duck Dynasty Star's Advice: Marry 15-Year-Old Girls - YouTube[/ame]

Love old Phil. Old fashioned common sense.
That child should have NEVER been anywhere near that freak show to begin with. This is where the state needs to step in and take her away but problem is the STATE is the one allowing these freak show crap to go on.

You are such a tool. You would support taking kids to an anti abortion march, and an anti gay march and teach them bigotry and hatred, but not acceptance.
How the fuck were these 'experts' at LifeSiteNews meant to know why the kid covered her face? She 'knows' something is wrong? Did they freaking ask her, or just assume?
How the fuck were these 'experts' at LifeSiteNews meant to know why the kid covered her face? She 'knows' something is wrong? Did they freaking ask her, or just assume?

A Male stranger is walking nude in front of a little girl during a parade and the question asked is to why she is covering her eyes?
How the fuck were these 'experts' at LifeSiteNews meant to know why the kid covered her face? She 'knows' something is wrong? Did they freaking ask her, or just assume?

A Male stranger is walking nude in front of a little girl during a parade and the question asked is to why she is covering her eyes?

The girl standing next to her isn't covering her eyes. So one girl is obviously not affected by what she sees. Both girls should know what a naked person looks like anyway.
How the fuck were these 'experts' at LifeSiteNews meant to know why the kid covered her face? She 'knows' something is wrong? Did they freaking ask her, or just assume?

A Male stranger is walking nude in front of a little girl during a parade and the question asked is to why she is covering her eyes?

The girl standing next to her isn't covering her eyes. So one girl is obviously not affected by what she sees. Both girls should know what a naked person looks like anyway.

So we should allow naked Men to parade around young girls on public streets?

I'm not sure that's a great idea.

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