Heartbreaking Photo: Young girl covers eyes as nude men walk past

Look at the little girl in the turquoise top. Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope her parents are commended for sharing with her that not all people are the same and that there is no place for hate in the world!



Oh. and that's from LifeSiteNews, an anti-abortion website.

WTF were they doing at a gay pride parade?

Seriously, what is your point? Re:

Heartwarming Photo: Young girl smiles and has fun as nude men walk past

Sounds utterly disgusting. What are you pushing for here? You want families to take young children to see naked men? Or you are advocating some point about parents SHOULD take their children to parades where there are men walking nude? I can't see where you are going with this.
Why is this in political forum?

For shock value? That is the only thing it could be when one says:

Heartwarming Photo: Young girl smiles and has fun as nude men walk past

Sounds like something straight out of NAMBLA.

OP, Your take on this, no matter if you are, gay, pro gay or not, is simply doing nothing for your cause. Perhaps you can't see how your thread will be perceived in the wrong manner. It sounds SICK, gay or not, straight or not. The title of this thread screams pedophile paradise. Especially, for someone with no knowledge of the other thread until it was just bumped up- It sounds like you are advocating for pedophiles and not gay rights without that knowledge.
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Where were the kids' parents?

Whether its TV show, a video game or a parade, the parents are responsible for what their children see. If they don't want their kids to see normal and natural nudity, they need to keep them away from places where they'll see it. You know, like TV.

Oh wait. No full frontal male nudity on TV. Just lots and lots of rapes, murders, kidnappings - just good healthy family fare.

I'm surprised that's legal in a parade. When did Canada get so progressive? What is legal in SF is completely different in that its controlled.

Freaky website.
Thank God that heterosexuals never engage in lewd behavior! At least the heterosexuals, pure, clean and virtuous have never EVER been seen as vile and disgusting. Thank God that heterosexuals do not produce pornographic images to sully the minds of children! Thank God that heterosexuals never stoop so low as to use sexuality to sell products. Thank God that heterosexuals have never flaunted their sexuality ever Ever EVER!








Here's Canada again. Seems they're naughty about heteros too.


There are millions more if anyone wants to look. OR, people could just pretend gays are somehow BAD.
Interesting how he CLAIMS its from a pro life website but the REAL PHOTO is this .Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Nice try though asshole.

Were you aborted?


The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Campaign Life Coalition, founded in 1978, was one of the first pro-life organizations to emphasize the international dimension of attacks on life and family. Along with a few other groups it pioneered pro-life lobbying at United Nations conferences. CLC president, Jim Hughes, is currently also vice-president of the International Right to Life Federation.
You have been caught. Give it up.
Wow looky here. Exact same title link and wording.


Which one is it Orion? You and Howey didn't coordinate your marching orders? Or you tripped over one of your socks?

As you can see Howey there posted that the girl was smiling and laughing not covering her eyes and as you can also read he is praising the parents and the girl...He either edited the photo himself or found an edited one. I was the one that gave the correct link to the legit photo. There is no sock or marching orders.
Liberals truly feel that children should be exposed to nudity and sexual activity at their very earliest ages. If a child is correctly raised it will have been fondled and penetrate by parents. Sex with any other adult will be the same as any expression of parental love.
Oh come on. Doesn't that big assed broad brush you carry around get heavy?
ALL liberals are in the same basket, eh?
CaféAuLait;8806442 said:
Why is this in political forum?

For shock value? That is the only thing it could be when one says:

Heartwarming Photo: Young girl smiles and has fun as nude men walk past

Sounds like something straight out of NAMBLA.

OP, Your take on this, no matter if you are, gay, pro gay or not, is simply doing nothing for your cause. Perhaps you can't see how your thread will be perceived in the wrong manner. It sounds SICK, gay or not, straight or not. The title of this thread screams pedophile paradise. Especially, for someone with no knowledge of the other thread until it was just bumped up- It sounds like you are advocating for pedophiles and not gay rights without that knowledge.

Are you really this fucking dense?

Here's what happened.

I see the other thread. Amused by the indignation of the OP, I go to the source of the story and find fifty or so pics of the parade. Right after the one of the girl with her hands over eyes what do I see? Two more of her watching the parade, having fun and laughing.

So I mock the other thread by starting this one.

The girl was having fun. Obviously her parents took her there. She won't be damaged for life see influence a man's wee wee or a woman's titty. Get over your prudent self and worry about your own snot nosed ships and not this girl. I guarantee you she'll grow up better adjusted than some kid locked in a closet of ignorance their whole childhood.
I want a beer and I want to see someone naked......
Jeff Foxworty....how a man thinks

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