Verifying Corinna's Virginity


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The door to my studio opened slowly. A beautiful girl entered. She said hesitantly, “My name is Corinna. Is this where I am supposed to go?”

“Yes it is, Corinna. Please come in, close the door after you, and sit down on the easy chair. I have been looking forward to your visit.” Corinna walked in, closed the door, and seated herself, modesty pulling her dress over her knees.

I told her, “I see you are wearing a blue dress in good taste that suggests your curves without flaunting them. That is the image we want our models to project. So far you have passed our selection process excellently. Only one test remains, and we are sure you can pass.”

“Thank you so much,” she said with relief. “I was afraid you called me in here to tell me I did not pass.”

“That is hardly the case,” I began. “Your loveliness, poise, and charm were praised. Now that I can look at you I think the praise of you was understated.”

Corinna smiled nervously, and giggled a bit. “Tell me about yourself,” I suggested.

“Well, let’s see,” she began. ”I have graduated from high school. Before I go to college, I want to try several jobs, and see what I want to do, and what I can do. Too many young people go to college, major in something that interests them, and graduate to find out that what they majored in is not very useful on the job market.”

“Do you have any hobbies?”

“I read a lot. I am interested in English and American literature of the Romantic Era. Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite author.”

“Why do you like him?”

“I share his interest in the past. I have to admit that I find his occasional writing about violence exciting. I like the purity with which he deals with romantic love. Someone wrote that he is often macabre, but he never wrote anything that brings a blush to the cheeks of a virgin. He never caused me to blush.”

“I am also interested in religion and political stuff,” she continued. “I have read the King James Bible from cover to cover to cover, including the Apocrypha. I am not fanatical about my beliefs. I am an Episcopalian and a moderate Democrat. You can’t get more mainstream than that.

“Why did you decide to become a model?” I asked.

“It wasn’t my idea really. Two of my girl friends suggested it. I am very shy, and do not think I am pretty enough. On my eighteenth birthday party a week ago they talked about it again. I decided to give it a try. If I failed, they would stop pestering me about it.”

“We are certainly glad you tried. Why did you choose our modeling agency?”

“I like the way you only work with virgins. I would not want to work with an agency with a hostile environment that expected me to have sex with important clients. My parents would not allow that.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Not really. I have been on a few dates. It was nothing serious. I am shy, so I have difficulty talking to boys.”

“It may not have been serious for you. I am confident that each of those boys has a crush on you. They will remember the time they spent with you forever.”

“They are nice like you, but they are not eloquent like you.”

“I suspect that any boy who looks at you falls in love with you. I know I would have.”

“What about now.”

“You are not too young for me. I am too old for you.”

Her face projected melancholy and understanding beyond her years.

“If I may ask, why are you still a virgin?”

“I am not interested in casual sex and sexual variety. The girls I know who have had sex with guys tell me it was disappointing. The man I want to get married to will want me to be a virgin. He might be one too. If he loves me he will be willing to wait.”

“Some girls enjoy casual sex and sexual variety,” she continued. “Most girls don’t, but we are told that we should, and that if we don’t, there is something wrong with us. An older friend of mine told me that the more men a woman has sex with the harder it is to say ‘No’ to the next one, and the less likely he is to stay. I don’t want to get trapped into that.”

I replied, “Because our models are known to be virgins, men ask to be introduced to them. We screen the men before introducing them. We chaperone their early dates. Several of our models have married men who first saw them on our website. By accounts those marriages are working. I have read in The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind that in marriages where both partners are virgins, only fifteen percent of the marriages result in divorce. Children raised by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life. We fund the weddings of our models who get married.”

“I want to be married in my church,” Corinna said.

“We would not want it any other way. How does it feel to be eighteen?”

“I’m not sure. Kind of good, I guess. Sometimes I feel like I am still a little girl. In my bedroom I have two large stuffed animals that my parents gave me when I was little.”

“We would like to take some photos of you with those animals. Would your parents mind?”

“I do not see why they would. They know I am applying for a position as one of your models. They like the atmosphere you create for your models.”

“You will still need to undress for me so I can verify your virginity. Will that be a problem for you?”

“I am nervous about it. No man or boy has seen me naked before. I have always gone to women doctors. The few boys I dated never saw me that way.”

“I will not touch you.”

I’m glad.”

“We pay our models extra if they pose in the nude for our photographers,” I said. “They are never required to. As you have seen from our website, the photos are not pornography. They are erotic art. Our photographers study the photographs of Jock Sturgis and David Hamilton. Toward the end of his life a woman accused Hamilton of raping her when she was his model. He committed suicide as a result, so I think he was guilty. That shocked and disgusted me, but his photographs are still beautiful. I would never do something like that, but a man accused of that will never come clean. He will always be suspected. Even rumors of a scandal like that would destroy our agency.”

“Please get up, and walk around for awhile. Let me look at you.” As I admired Corinna walking back and forth I said, “You certainly have the screen presence of a model. You will be a beautiful addition to our modeling agency. Are you ready to remove your dress?”

“Do you need to record this on your cam recorder?”

“Yes I do. The virginity of our models is one of our selling points. Our clients and potential clients want to know what they are paying for. We periodically re verify the virginity of our models.”

“I hope you verify me next time, but this is embarrassing. I am not used to undressing in front of a man.”

“That is why we want you to be one of our models.”

Corinna hesitantly removed her shoes and her dress, and stood in front of me. “This is excellent,” I said. “Your curves were implied by your dress. Now they are more obvious, hidden only by your bra and your panties. It is not really necessary for you to remove your bra to have your virginity confirmed. For my sake, and the sake of our clients, I wish you would.”

When she hesitated I reassured her, “Go ahead. I won’t harm you.”

Corinna turned her back to me, and slowly unfastened her bra, and removed it. When she turned around to face me, she covered her breasts with her hands, and then she gradually removed her hands. “Your breasts are beautiful,” I said. “They are large, round, and firm. Your areolas are the size and shape of silver dollars. Your nipples stick out to me with what looks like sexual arousal. Your belly is flat, and your waist is narrow. Now please remove your panties.”

She slowly complied, before holding her hands over her vulva. “Please remove your hands,” I said. I want to get a good look at you.”

When she did I said, “Your rounded hips beautifully frame your virgin vulva. Did one of our women employees teach you how to shave your vulva?”


“She taught you well. Please thank her on my behalf. Turn around. Let me see what you look like from behind.” When she did I said, “You look beautiful from any perspective. Now turn around again. When she did I said, “I cannot claim that any part of your body is my favorite, because everything is perfect. As a man my attention is naturally drawn to your smoothly shaven virgin vulva, with the slight mound, and the well defined slit. It does not get better than that. You are showing me what you have not shown the boys you dated. This is a real privilege.”

Corinna picked up her dress, held it in front of herself and said, “I am getting modest again. I’m sorry. This is silly. I knew I had to do this. I am taking too much of your time. You must have another model to verify.”

“You are my only assignment for this afternoon,” I said, “I am enjoying this. I hope you are too. Near to our offices there is a romantic French restaurant with a quiet atmosphere. We can walk to the restaurant and from there to your car. Would you like to go there with me after I verify your virginity?”

“Yes, I would like that a lot,” Corinna said, putting down her dress. “I am ready to be verified now. What do you want me to do?”

“Sit on the sofa, spread your thighs, and raise your knees. That’s it. Now put your hands under your thighs. With your fingers separate your labia lips. That’s it. Your maidenhead looks thick, so your first intercourse will probably be painful. Everything else needs to be perfect. If you are thoroughly aroused, it will not hurt as much.”

“That is what I think,” Corinna said. “That is why I want to be married first.”

“Good girl. That is the way we want you to be.” After recording her hymen I moved the focus of the cam recorder past her breasts to her face. She looked nervous, but proud to be a virgin. “OK, put your clothes back on. Signing the document verifying your virginity will only take a few minutes. Let’s go to that restaurant.”

“Thank you,” Corinna said, while still quite naked. “This has been wonderful. You have been wonderful. You made a shy girl feel like a princess.”

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