Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

He was the Senate Majority Leader at that time. But you’re right neither he nor Pelosi controlled the NG
Yes, Mitch McConnel was not in charge of the Senate, typically that is the Vice President. The Vice President was not present in the Senate hence the President of the Senate was the President Pro Tempore.

This is not about who has control of Federal troops. It is about who has control of the jurisdiction of the Capitol building grounds. That is the legislative branch of government.

The Legislative branch of government has Jurisdiction the property they meet and do their daily business. A separate branch of government than the Executive branch of government.

The Executive branch needs prior written authorization to deploy troops in the jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of government. This is fact, proven by laws and precedents.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies​

Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions...
Assistance by the Executive departments is the President of the USA. It must be written, or in the case of a declared emergency the written authorization is in the, Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.

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then why wasn't the National Guard sent when CP requested and Pelosi requested, on 1/6 during the emergency?
CP nor Nancy knew trump was going to send his Ellipse crowd two miles away, marching down Pennsylvania avenue to the Capitol or have a protest at the Capitol.

trump requested that his event planners keep it a secret and NOT PUT IN THE REQUEST for the March and Protest with Park Police for the permits.
Police would have been better prepared and requested some National Guard ahead of time...

Trump ILLEGALLY sent his crowd marching to the Capitol.
Federal Troops were sent immediately. It takes time, when the written authorization was never given prior to the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol is implemented.

It is no secret that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, hated and showed contempt for President Trump. Pelosi displayed the contempt and disdain in public in thee most unprofessional, immature way. Never before seen by the American Public. It took hours, as testified under oath by the Chief of Capitol Police, for Nancy Pelosi to eat crow, and declare an Emergency so that the person she publicly hated could deploy troops to rescue Pelosi from the situation she created.


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Jan. 6th, 2021. The day Congress counted the Electoral College votes to determine who was president. Much happened, a rally and speech by President Trump, a march to the Capitol Building grounds, peaceful protests, a riot, assault and battery, vandalism, breaking and entering, trespass.

One of the many questions that arise from the events of this day is who was in charge of security of the Capitol building and grounds.

The Legislative Branch of Government which is Congress, is a separate and equal branch of government, which has sole jurisdiction over where they meet and conduct their constitutional duties.

This thread is not an argument, it is an archive of information.

Calling out the NG is an executive action. Trump saw what was going on and DID NOTHING!!!
Federal Troops were sent immediately. It takes time, when the written authorization was never given prior to the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol is implemented.

It is no secret that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, hated and showed contempt for President Trump. Pelosi displayed the contempt and disdain in public in thee most unprofessional, immature way. Never before seen by the American Public. It took hours, as testified under oath by the Chief of Capitol Police, for Nancy Pelosi to eat crow, and declare an Emergency so that the person she publicly hated could deploy troops to rescue Pelosi from the situation she created.
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This old bullshit again. How many times do we have to debunk your bullshit and lies???

Calling out the NG is an executive action. Trump saw what was going on and DID NOTHING!!!
It requires authorization from the Speaker, per the black letter laws and authorizing regulations.

That's the entire point here...Try to keep up.

Could it be that the situation got way out of control, and it is that the Democrat's caused it because of their possible guilty mind's upon how the presidential office was won during their highly controversial election methods used ?????

Were they (the Democrat's), basically stuck in a mode of secrecy that caused people like Pelosi to abandon or ignore her responsibilities along with her duties on that day (leaving the situation wide open), and it all being because of her "GUILTY MIND maybe ???? Was it that she was wondering if they were going to get away with what they had allegedly done to win the election, so she sat on her hands in hopes that what happened therefore provided even more cover over a possible stolen election that had just taken place ? Was it a trap laid or was it just guilty mind's that actually seized up their thinking that would have protected the capital if they would have done their job's upon knowing the possibilities and situations that could occur before hand ???
Pelosi and others needed the riot to happen. It made it possible for her to change the rules when they reconvened for the certification. Under her emergency rules no one was allowed to challenge any votes.
Pelosi and others needed the riot to happen. It made it possible for her to change the rules when they reconvened for the certification. Under her emergency rules no one was allowed to challenge any votes.
Subsequently, none of the voluminous evidence of the blatant cheating ever got entered into the public record.

There aren't any coincidences.
Yes, Mitch McConnel was not in charge of the Senate, typically that is the Vice President. The Vice President was not present in the Senate hence the President of the Senate was the President Pro Tempore.

This is not about who has control of Federal troops. It is about who has control of the jurisdiction of the Capitol building grounds. That is the legislative branch of government.

The Legislative branch of government has Jurisdiction the property they meet and do their daily business. A separate branch of government than the Executive branch of government.

The Executive branch needs prior written authorization to deploy troops in the jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch of government. This is fact, proven by laws and precedents.

§1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies​

Assistance by the Executive departments is the President of the USA. It must be written, or in the case of a declared emergency the written authorization is in the, Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.

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The VP breaks ties. That’s about it

Jesus you are so full of shit
It requires authorization from the Speaker, per the black letter laws and authorizing regulations.

However, Speaker Pelosi nor Leader McConnell had any jurisdiction over Pennsylvania Ave., nor any other of the streets surrounding the Capitol.

Don Trump could easily have, should easily have,gotten on the horn to the Pentagon and said to the right commander: "This is horseshit that is going on in our Capitol. It needs to stop right now! Get the G-D troops out there on Pennsylvania Avenue, Maryland Avenue, Constitution, Independence, First Streets South, SW & NW. Seal that damn place up so no more attackers get in......and capture the ones who try to escape."

Instead, Don Trump, sat on his keister watching it all on the telly, and speaking only to legislators to urge them to NOT count the EC ballots. He made zero effort to discourage the seditionists for 187 minutes.....over 3 hours! THAT.....was dereliction of duty by the United States Commander in Chief.

Again, lemme repeat: Don Trump did nothing to mitigate the violence. And did that nothing--- for over 3hours of dire danger to America.

Don Trump is responsible for what happened on January 6th, 2021....and responsible for the coordinated effort to stop the peaceful transfer of power to the winning Presidential candidate.

THAT was sedition. And he needs to be held accountable.
This old bullshit again. How many times do we have to debunk your bullshit and lies???
Old? Nobody has posted links and quoted the law Pelosi did not follow. Nobody has addressed the Precedents that are followed. Nobody has mentioned the Jefferson Manual Pelosi follows.

Debunk? How do you debunk laws, precedents, and the house rules? How do you debunk quotes from the forementioned when they are quoted and linked directly from the government's websites.

President Trump represented the Executive Branch of Government. Speaker Pelosi represented the Legislative Branch of Government.

The Speaker, Pelosi, must authorize Executive assistance by writing, or in the case of an emergency, it is previously written in the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.

I can link to the opening comment of this thread that contains the links to the law Pelosi did not follow for hours.

However, Speaker Pelosi nor Leader McConnell had any jurisdiction over Pennsylvania Ave., nor any other of the streets surrounding the Capitol.
Your first mistake that shows you are making things up is "Leader McConnell" is not in a position equal to Speaker Pelosi. Senator McConnell is the Senate Majority Leader. The person with a similar position to Speaker of the House is the President of the Senate.
"Subsequently, none of the voluminous evidence of the blatant cheating ever got entered into the public record."


Those 61 courts and their 90+ judges weren't public?
Those were 'secret' courts that TailTucking Giuliani, and KrakenPot Powell, and Gena Ellis, made their cases too?

It was a secret hearing that Melissa Carone made her deadsolid persuasive argument in?*

Do this, poster Oddball: Read the Final Report of the J6 Committee, at least the Executive Summary section.

And too, to supplement that, go to YouTube and watch the entirety of the J6 hearings. It is what responsible patriotic American citizens do. I am mildly sure you should know that.

Here is MAGA Melissa:

Those 61 courts and their 90+ judges weren't public?
Those were 'secret' courts that TailTucking Giuliani, and KrakenPot Powell, and Gena Ellis, made their cases too?

It was a secret hearing that Melissa Carone made her deadsolid persuasive argument in?*

Do this, poster Oddball: Read the Final Report of the J6 Committee, at least the Executive Summary section.

And too, to supplement that, go to YouTube and watch the entirety of the J6 hearings. It is what responsible patriotic American citizens do. I am mildly sure you should know that.

Here is MAGA Melissa:

The "61 courts" tossed the cases on marginal ( at best) technicalities, and never looked at any evidence.

The J6 committee?!?....ROFLMFAO!!!

Go play in traffic, moonbat.
Total fucking horse shit

The DC Guard is under the jurisdiction of the executive branch


And having you MAGARATS bitch that Pelosi didn’t protect herself from YOU

However, Speaker Pelosi nor Leader McConnell had any jurisdiction over Pennsylvania Ave., nor any other of the streets surrounding the Capitol.
Other than your ignorance as to not knowing that McConnel as majority leader, does not have any jurisdiction, which is power vested in the President of the Senate.

It is impossible for the Legislative Branch to have jurisdiction on streets where the Capitol Building and Grounds are not located.

In one sentence, Chillicothe, you demonstrate that you are making things up off the top of your head.
Take a look at a map. The jurisdiction extends across the street to curbs? Yes or no? As defined by law? Even if we take a guess at that and state in is the D.C. Metro police, it is a fact that they did request the National Guard and were granted that request by President Trump. The Metro police had the assistance of Federal Troops.
Total fucking horse shit

The DC Guard is under the jurisdiction of the executive branch


And having you MAGARATS bitch that Pelosi didn’t protect herself from YOU

The law and subsequent regs written under its auspices say that you are fucking horse shit.....And there's not a single fucking shred of evidence presented by you shitlib freaks that refutes the fact.

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