Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

The DC Guard is under the jurisdiction of the executive branch
The Capitol Building and it's grounds is the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch.

Executive branch can not deploy Federal troops beyond the Jurisdiction of the Executive branch. In the case of the Capitol the Legislative branch must authorize the President of the USA with written permission or by declaring an Emergency and implementing the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol


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Getting back to Don Trump's responsibility for J6:

1. He called the mob to DC ....to 'be there, it will be wild".

2. He intentionally provoked the crowd at the Ellipse.

3. He intentionally sent them to the Capitol knowing that many were armed.

4. He intentionally did NOT seek the required permit to block Pennsylvania Ave and march......which would have alerted authorities to erect traffic and crowd control barriers, and increase staffing, and position mobile rapid deployment units.

5. And once the violence began Don Trump, the Commander in Chief of the United States of America sat on his butt and watched it all on the telly.
Sat on his butt for over 3 hours while over 140 uniformed officers were savagely attacked and injured, while our Capitol was vandalized with furnishings, records, and computers were stolen and our legislators were threatened with being shot by the attackers.

And now, some posters here allege that our President of the United States of America wouldn't do anything to help because....well, because:

"Not my job, man!" "The buck don't stop here". "Sheeeeesh!!"
Getting back to Don Trump's responsibility for J6:

1. He called the mob to DC ....to 'be there, it will be wild".

2. He intentionally provoked the crowd at the Ellipse.

3. He intentionally sent them to the Capitol knowing that many were armed.

4. He intentionally did NOT seek the required permit to block Pennsylvania Ave and march......which would have alerted authorities to erect traffic and crowd control barriers, and increase staffing, and position mobile rapid deployment units.

5. And once the violence began Don Trump, the Commander in Chief of the United States of America sat on his butt and watched it all on the telly.
Sat on his butt for over 3 hours while over 140 uniformed officers were savagely attacked and injured, while our Capitol was vandalized with furnishings, records, and computers were stolen and our legislators were threatened with being shot by the attackers.

And now, some posters here allege that our President of the United States of America wouldn't do anything to help because....well, because:

"Not my job, man!" "The buck don't stop here". "Sheeeeesh!!"
All hyperventilating, opinionated deflection, none of which refutes the facts of the black letter law presented here.

Traffic....go play in it.
There it is, the National Guard must be requested by Nancy Pelosi. Yes, people can argue this states Capitol Police, and I can cite the precedents and codes that the Capitol Police are governed by showing that during emergencies the Capitol Police are in direct communication with the Speaker of the House

To continue from my OP link, the request must be written, even in an emergency
It does not say “must be requested by”

The authority rests in the Executive. Congress or the Capitol Police can ASK that the Executive branch provide troops but that is not a requirement for calling them out
The "61 courts" tossed the cases on marginal ( at best) technicalities, and never looked at any evidence.
Well, OK. That is what you allege.
So, persuade us that none of the 62 courts reviewed evidence.
You allege it.....you prove it.
Be a responsible adult poster here, Oddball.

You say all of the 61 courts and 90+ judges (including 9 Supremes) threw the cases out due to "technicalities".
So, it works this way, Oddball, you assert such....you need to prove such.
Do so.
Show the forum your homework. Your due diligence.


Hint: Watch Ben Ginsberg's testimony on the June 13th hearing. Watch all of it. Here is just a snippet ---

Here's another hint....Reporting:

" At the committee hearing, Lofgren questioned Ginsberg about the 62 lawsuits the Trump campaign filed, claiming election fraud, asking if the campaign effectively made its case.

“I’ve looked at the more than 60 [cases] that include more than 180 counts and no. The simple fact is that the Trump campaign did not make its case,” Ginsberg said.

He also noted there were post-election reviews, and “in each one of those instances there was no credible evidence of fraud produced by the Trump campaign or his supporters.”

The Capitol Building and it's grounds is the Jurisdiction of the Legislative Branch.

Executive branch can not deploy Federal troops beyond the Jurisdiction of the Executive branch. In the case of the Capitol the Legislative branch must authorize the President of the USA with written permission or by declaring an Emergency and implementing the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol
No idea what that was supposed to be but it did NOT support your nonsense

Show me something that says that Congress MUST approve NG deployment to the Capitol
The VP breaks ties. That’s about it
Jesus you are so full of shit
We are not speaking of what the duties of the Vice President of the United States. We are speaking of the duties of President of the Senate, or the Senate President Pro Tempore

There is a Speaker of the House, and a President of the Senate. They preside over the day to day operations of the House, the Senate.
We are not speaking of what the duties of the Vice President of the United States. We are speaking of the duties of President of the Senate, or the Senate President Pro Tempore

There is a Speaker of the House, and a President of the Senate. They preside over the day to day operations of the House, the Senate.
The President of the Senate does not preside over day to day activities of the Senate.

And he re is the chain of command for the DC Guard



Sec of Defense

Commanding General
"you are fucking horse shit....a single fucking .....presented by you shitlib freaks"

It appears some other poster (Lesh?) scored a Bazinga! on poor triggered poster Oddball. He appears discombobulated.

Oddball, this is Adult Swim.
You gotta do your homework. Do your due diligence and then, once you've made that investment, then come here and make your case.

Hint: The more you rely upon f-bombs, epithets, ad hominems, vulgarity......well, mi amigo, the less credibility the forum can offer you.

Good luck. We do think you could be a better poster with maturity and effort.
Calling out the NG is an executive action. Trump saw what was going on and DID NOTHING!!!

Correct, an Executive action limited to the jurisdiction of the Executive branch of government which does not extend into the Legislative branch's jurisdiction.

Trump by law could nothing without prior written permission or until Pelosi declared an emergency implementing the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol which contains written permission authorizing the Executive branch to deploy troops into the jurisdiction of the Legislative branch.



I linked and quoted this in the opening comment of this thread
Correct, an Executive action limited to the jurisdiction of the Executive branch of government which does not extend into the Legislative branch's jurisdiction.

Trump by law could nothing without prior written permission or until Pelosi declared an emergency implementing the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol which contains written permission authorizing the Executive branch to deploy troops into the jurisdiction of the Legislative branch.

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View attachment 939178
I linked and quoted this in the opening comment of this thread
Legislature: authorizes.

Executive: executes.

6th freaking grade civics.
Hint: The more you rely upon f-bombs, epithets, ad hominems, vulgarity......well, mi amigo, the less credibility the forum can offer you.
Good luck. We do think you could be a better poster with maturity and effort.
You might want to change your post; you ended your comment with an, ad hominem.
"...you ended your comment with an, ad hominem.

Actually, I ended it with a winking emoji.

No ad hominem was nearby. In fact, the last portion of the post was explicit encouragement for the poster (Oddball) to be a better poster. And that the forum had confidence that with maturity and effort he could be.

All good.
Calling out the NG is an executive action. Trump saw what was going on and DID NOTHING!!!
Please see my post #110.
It shows that BOTH Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund requested the NG BEFORE J6, but both requests were denied by Pelosi and Bowser.

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