I'd like to tell y'all a little story

The Duke

Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2022
Okay, so you have this little friend, and he has a good sense of humor and you're both at the bus stop for school every morning.
And there's joking, riddles and basically fun durng that time.
But then one day, you notice your little friend isn't at the bus stop, and he always is.
Then you start thinking "Maybe he slept in and his parents had to go to work". I know he wants to go to school.

So I go over there to get him for the bus stop, and I'd done that more than a few times before.

But this time was very different.

His scary father was not there, no; BUT

There's 3 black boys from the neighborhood terrorizing this kid in his own home.

Oh, I forgot to add "big". Well, IDGAF about that.

I grabbed a metal pipe and ran them right the fuck out that little boy's house. I told them "The first one that steps up gets it real good, and next one's gonna get some too."

Yeah, I'm his hero for life for being a decent human being, but...they caught me in the wrong place and time, jumped me, and had 2 other guys

beating me for that on a Halloween night. Yeah, that was not good. That hurt..

All but but 1 have been dealt with by me and/or my friends by now. That one was in prison.

I think he's out now.

Yeah, they didn't like that I stopped them from bullying the little boy very much at all.

Ya know, it's not up to me to say if people like that should live or die,but what good is a person like that to society?

Now who would blame the little boy for being weak so I had to stick for him, and then later get jumped by several

people that happened to be black and they all attacked me at once on a dark Halloween night?

It surely wouldn't be me.

That boy is like sunshine. Something so innocent and good about him I can't even explain it.

I wouldn't want him around me all the time, but that is an innocent soul.

He really don't even know what I went through about that day. I'll never tell him, probably.

I regret nothing.

I regret NOTHING! Except maybe giving those turds the benefit of the doubt one time too many.

If they ever mess with me again? There's no telling what I'd do.
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