He'd Be Perfect!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I've agreed with much of what I've heard Macgregor say....he certainly is strongly pro-America.
Maybe you've seen him on Fox:

2. Now, this:
"GOP Aides: Trump Nom for German Ambassador ‘Dead on Arrival’
Col. Douglas Macgregor under fire for anti-Semitic comments
The Trump administration's nominee to assume a critical ambassadorship in Germany is "dead on arrival," according to three senior Republican congressional aides who pointed to Douglas Macgregor's insinuation that a cadre of American Jews are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.

At issue is Macgregor’s claim that a group of powerful Jews are pushing the United States to support Israel unconditionally and in a manner that is detrimental to the United States. "They operate in a variety of settings in the government and in the media, and they support or advocate, for all intents and purposes, unconditional support for whatever the Israeli government wants to do. They are no means the majority and they are by no means representative of what I would call Americans who happen to be Jewish," Macgregor told the Daily Bell website in 2012.

American Jewish groups are also raising questions about Macgregor's 2018 statement suggesting that Germany's atonement for the Holocaust is overkill."

3. I don't agree with his beliefs about Jewish folks, and I like Abraham Lincoln's advice:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

but.....heck..... there couldn't be a better pick for ambassador to Germany!!!

I bet he's got Sunni's vote.
1. I've agreed with much of what I've heard Macgregor say....he certainly is strongly pro-America.
Maybe you've seen him on Fox:

2. Now, this:
"GOP Aides: Trump Nom for German Ambassador ‘Dead on Arrival’
Col. Douglas Macgregor under fire for anti-Semitic comments
The Trump administration's nominee to assume a critical ambassadorship in Germany is "dead on arrival," according to three senior Republican congressional aides who pointed to Douglas Macgregor's insinuation that a cadre of American Jews are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.

At issue is Macgregor’s claim that a group of powerful Jews are pushing the United States to support Israel unconditionally and in a manner that is detrimental to the United States. "They operate in a variety of settings in the government and in the media, and they support or advocate, for all intents and purposes, unconditional support for whatever the Israeli government wants to do. They are no means the majority and they are by no means representative of what I would call Americans who happen to be Jewish," Macgregor told the Daily Bell website in 2012.

American Jewish groups are also raising questions about Macgregor's 2018 statement suggesting that Germany's atonement for the Holocaust is overkill."

3. I don't agree with his beliefs about Jewish folks, and I like Abraham Lincoln's advice:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

but.....heck..... there couldn't be a better pick for ambassador to Germany!!!

I bet he's got Sunni's vote.

Good Lincoln quote. Republicans should adopt it.
1. I've agreed with much of what I've heard Macgregor say....he certainly is strongly pro-America.
Maybe you've seen him on Fox:

2. Now, this:
"GOP Aides: Trump Nom for German Ambassador ‘Dead on Arrival’
Col. Douglas Macgregor under fire for anti-Semitic comments
The Trump administration's nominee to assume a critical ambassadorship in Germany is "dead on arrival," according to three senior Republican congressional aides who pointed to Douglas Macgregor's insinuation that a cadre of American Jews are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.

At issue is Macgregor’s claim that a group of powerful Jews are pushing the United States to support Israel unconditionally and in a manner that is detrimental to the United States. "They operate in a variety of settings in the government and in the media, and they support or advocate, for all intents and purposes, unconditional support for whatever the Israeli government wants to do. They are no means the majority and they are by no means representative of what I would call Americans who happen to be Jewish," Macgregor told the Daily Bell website in 2012.

American Jewish groups are also raising questions about Macgregor's 2018 statement suggesting that Germany's atonement for the Holocaust is overkill."

3. I don't agree with his beliefs about Jewish folks, and I like Abraham Lincoln's advice:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

but.....heck..... there couldn't be a better pick for ambassador to Germany!!!

I bet he's got Sunni's vote.

Good Lincoln quote. Republicans should adopt it.

Amusing, that coming from one who supports this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Amazing how little self-awareness you Leftists have.
Statements need to be evaluated in their chronological context. 20 years ago, there were several Jewish organizations which exerted considerable influence over our preferential relations with Israel. Since 9/11 and the subsequent antisemitism of the Democratic Party, our policies have become more aligned with our own national interests. Israel has proven to be our reliable ally in a very unstable and dangerous part of the world.

As far as Germany is concerned, the Holocaust is one of several large scale atrocities that occurred during the last century. To singularly hold it in perpetual penitence is both unwarranted and destructive. The lessons of Versailles should not be forgotten.
1. I've agreed with much of what I've heard Macgregor say....he certainly is strongly pro-America.
Maybe you've seen him on Fox:

2. Now, this:
"GOP Aides: Trump Nom for German Ambassador ‘Dead on Arrival’
Col. Douglas Macgregor under fire for anti-Semitic comments
The Trump administration's nominee to assume a critical ambassadorship in Germany is "dead on arrival," according to three senior Republican congressional aides who pointed to Douglas Macgregor's insinuation that a cadre of American Jews are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.

At issue is Macgregor’s claim that a group of powerful Jews are pushing the United States to support Israel unconditionally and in a manner that is detrimental to the United States. "They operate in a variety of settings in the government and in the media, and they support or advocate, for all intents and purposes, unconditional support for whatever the Israeli government wants to do. They are no means the majority and they are by no means representative of what I would call Americans who happen to be Jewish," Macgregor told the Daily Bell website in 2012.

American Jewish groups are also raising questions about Macgregor's 2018 statement suggesting that Germany's atonement for the Holocaust is overkill."

3. I don't agree with his beliefs about Jewish folks, and I like Abraham Lincoln's advice:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

but.....heck..... there couldn't be a better pick for ambassador to Germany!!!

I bet he's got Sunni's vote.

There seems no depths of depravity too low and offensive for so called 'Political Chic'.
Says she doesn't agree with his (Macgregor's) beliefs about Jews - i.e. anti semitic, but he would be the perfect pick for ambassador to of all places Germany!
Even Macgregors statement suggesting that Germany's atonement for the Holocaust is....and about the worst word he could have used in the English language, and I quote -"overkill." does nothing to deter her and quite frankly beggars belief.

Why does she gleefully think that he'd get Sunni's vote?
Could it be that in every one of Sunni's post's is an accompanying Holocaust denial video?

She is one complete sick bitch!
It is not anti-Semitic to observe that the nearly-blind support of American politicians for Israel cannot be justified by any strategic considerations, and MUST be based on either domestic financial or other disproportionate political considerations. Clearly, there is an imposing "lobby" supporting Israel, and that lobby remains under cover.
It is not anti-Semitic to observe that the nearly-blind support of American politicians for Israel cannot be justified by any strategic considerations, and MUST be based on either domestic financial or other disproportionate political considerations. Clearly, there is an imposing "lobby" supporting Israel, and that lobby remains under cover.

See if you can find the meaning of the word "ally."
Yesterday, the President named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller/


Macgregor speaks at our 2019 Washington conference, making a case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers...

Now. Putting that aside, and as a courtesy, I'll remind the group that winning is defined by changing the course of history. It is not and will never be about just trying to hurry up and get elected. You cannot achieve meaningful progress sitting around on a keyboard. You have to do it like a thief in the night. You have to participate in the process itself. You have to place your people within a corrupt system and then you have to work from within that same corrupt system. And you have to lead the mob to believe it was their own doing all along. Requires great humility, of course. But it's the only way. It just takes time. It is a process of continuing growth.

Additional relevant reading - Trump hires Neocon slayer

Anyway. That's all I have to say about that.


Enjoy your day, all.
Last edited:
Yesterday, the President named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller/


Macgregor speaks at our 2019 Washington conference, making a case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers...

Now. Putting that aside, and as a courtesy, I'll remind the group that winning is defined by changing the course of history. It is not and will never be about just trying to hurry up and get elected. You cannot achieve meaningful progress sitting around on a keyboard. You have to do it like a thief in the night. You have to participate in the process itself. You have to place your people within a corrupt system and then you have to work from within that same corrupt system. And you have to lead the mob to believe it was their own doing all along. Requires great humility, of course. But it's the only way. It just takes time. It is a process of continuing growth.

Additional relevant reading - Trump hires Neocon slayer

Anyway. That's all I have to say about that.


Enjoy your day, all.

Interesting post.

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