Heh - Waxman Hearing Postponed


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Just announced in the business news:

Henry Waxman's hearing to quiz Caterpillar and other companies over their accounting of ObamaCare's drug care tax provision has been postponed.

No future date has been set.

Guess they thought better of that idea, Don't want to hear what the rest of us already see!!
Yeah, considering pretty much everything the Feds have done is a bust... not sure they're really in a position to be wagging their fingers in anybody's face.

Enough already.
Waxman obviously wants to avoid the excruciating scene of executives explaining how they are just following the legally required GAAP accounting they must provide to the SEC.
Waxman's dad must've been a pig:

Waxman probably just discovered what the clusterfuck of a HC bill is REALLY going to cost.

He's probably hiding under his desk hoping no one will notice he's missing.

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