Heirloom Democrats ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
no such thingy exists any mores.Because Today's Democrat is far more
likened to Nikita Khrushchev than J.F.K.
J.F.K was a staunch supporter of the Middle class and blue collar
worker.Jack Kennedy suffered from Addison's disease.He needed
hershey chocolate candy to relieve his low energy.That dint,however
keep him from proving his mettle.After PT 109 was hit and burning.
He single handidly save the life of a PT boat crewman by pulling
him over a mile in waters that were aflame from PT fuel burning.
Today's Democrat is far more of the mindset of Kennedy's
infernal nemesis { Nikita Khrushchov } the very defintion of a
male ballbuster.The odd part is ... Todays Democrat Female
is also a manifest example of a ballbuster.As personified just hours
ago at a Stanford University protest when a conservative group
showed up for a Debate.Stanford students including the Provost
acted juvenile.Snarky,nasty and very impolite.Like a female version
of the snarky Russian Premier Khrushchov.
What drives Today's Democrat.Definately Not
- Profiles in Courage -.
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Ironically an heirloom is a keepsake,beholdin to
one for it's cherished history and value over the
years.Not so with todays Democrat.
In fact,it's the polar opposite.
Ironic since Government derive their power
from the electorate { We the People }
" Humble as I am,plebian as i may be deemed,permit
me in the presence of this brillant assemblage to
enunciate the truth,that courts and cabinets,the
President and his advisers,derive their power and
their greatness from the people.
Senate,March 4 1865 on being sworn in
Andrew Johnson { 17th President of the United States }
Ironically an heirloom is a keepsake,beholdin to
one for it's cherished history and value over the
years.Not so with todays Democrat.
In fact,it's the polar opposite.
Ironic since Government derive their power
from the electorate { We the People }
" Humble as I am,plebian as i may be deemed,permit
me in the presence of this brillant assemblage to
enunciate the truth,that courts and cabinets,the
President and his advisers,derive their power and
their greatness from the people.
Senate,March 4 1865 on being sworn in
Andrew Johnson { 17th President of the United States }
An heirloom is also a type of tomato. Which when mixed with other vegetables...makes a salad...which is exactly what these posts are.

You could have just said...DEMOCRATS>>>BAD!!!!! :)
An heirloom is also a type of tomato. Which when mixed with other vegetables...makes a salad...which is exactly what these posts are.

You could have just said...DEMOCRATS>>>BAD!!!!! :)
Not unlike Locusts.There used to be Good Democrats.
Like Daniel Patrick Moynihan,Bill Bradley and Georgia
Senator Zell Miller.And also Sam Nunn of Georgia.
An heirloom is also a type of tomato. Which when mixed with other vegetables...makes a salad...which is exactly what these posts are.

You could have just said...DEMOCRATS>>>BAD!!!!! :)
The old timers like W.C.Fields used to refer to galsy as
" Tomatoes ".I prefer that characterization.
Not unlike Locusts.There used to be Good Democrats.
Like Daniel Patrick Moynihan,Bill Bradley and Georgia
Senator Zell Miller.And also Sam Nunn of Georgia.
There are still a lot of good Democrats. Most who would like to solve the issues that plague our society and economy.
Wish I could say the same thing about Republicans.
There are still a lot of good Democrats. Most who would like to solve the issues that plague our society and economy.
Wish I could say the same thing about Republicans.
I say ... That's a Joke son,I say that's a Joke - { Foghorn Leghorn }
realized.Name one doggone thing that Biden and Harris have
done to Help American citizens.Just one will do.
Democrats are on an Obama inspired mission to " Transform "
this country as fast as possible.Via Marxism.Plus use of
Dadaism.Making surreal what is anything but surreal.Like our
Economy,and especially our Freedoms and Liberty.
THE implicit intent of our Founders is being smashed right before
our very eyes like the recent example by Radicals at UC Davis.
Where Protests erupted when Charlie Kirk {Founder of Turning
Point USA } again tried to have a public debate forum at a
popular University { UC Davis } where before the Forum even started
the Chancellor { Gary S. May } released a video referring to Kirk as
as a " proponent of Hate ". I guess that explains why Protestors
smashed the glass doors but not before they blocked anyone from
entering the building which Antifa spray painted.
That Chancellor { Gary S. May } Lied as usual.That is how they
acheive permission for unlawfull attacks.By doing what they
Preach against. May falsely claiming that Kirk " advocated for
Violence against Transgender individuals ".

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