Hell yes! It’s happening. China fears manufacturing exodus

Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.

Speak for yourself on that one.

Me and my dad recommended a Toyota to my parents neighbor. She went out and got a brand new 2011 Camry. That thing was the biggest lemon she ever owned. It spent more time in the shop than on the road. She eventually traded it in on a 2015 Honda CRV and hasn't looked back.

There are 5 recalls on that car.

Toyota quality is not what it used to be. Honda has taken over.

And Honda is what, an American car? I don't know the reliability of your source, but Kelly Bluebook has a much different opinion of the vehicle.


In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.

Actually I completely agree, but the problem now is that we have not made them in so long, that it is not clear we know how to make them any more?
We gave all the intellectual property to China, and then stopped teaching anyone here how to do it. For example, the universities no longer teach computer programming, but only simple scripting using interpreted languages like Python. You can't write an operating system, embedded software, network protocols, device drivers, or anything real and commercial, in a scripting language like Python.
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.

They are? China has owned all our electronics industry for the last couple of decades. Do you really believe the Android phone has no Chinese parts or assembly in the manufacturing process? I don't know the answer to that myself, but if you want, I can do some research on it tomorrow. I'm willing to bet you are wrong.
Android phones are assembled all over the world. Apple phones are mostly assembled in China. However the components of both come from all over the world, screens mostly from Japan, memory mostly from South Korea and Taiwan The CPU are manufactured in the US, China, and several other countries. Audio from Germany and several other countries. The Android operating system is an open system but is assembled by Android Inc. which is owned by Google. The Apple IOS system is owned and produced by Apple. The various apps come from all over the world. These products are truly a product the world, not the China or US.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.

No, outsourcing offshore typically is easily prevented by government. There are a number of ways of doing it, such as tariffs when imported, value added tax, picky safety regulations, subsidies of domestic products, etc.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.

Oh stop. This braiding hair thing has been used for decades. There is a very good reason why that's regulated. If you can't see that, that's your problem. If you don't want someone who is a professional working on your hair, do it yourself. Meanwhile those of us who do want a professional working on our hair want to know that they aren't going to do damage. Plus, deregulating the hair industry it's going to bring any job back to America. You can't outsource that job. The person who cuts or braids or colors hair is here. Not in China. Try something that's not so lame.

Meanwhile business has been deregulated since Reagan. Every president since him has been deregulating for business.

All that deregulation has not brought any jobs back to America. The only thing that deregulation has done is make big business even more rich and harmed our economy and environment. Deregulation is what caused the collapse of our economy in 2008.

You're willing to sacrifice safety for our nation, economy and environment but you aren't willing to do what will actually bring those jobs back to America.

Stop your whining about jobs not being here. You don't want to do what it takes to actually accomplish it. All you want to do is make those who are already filthy rich, even more filthy rich.
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.

I agree, but the problem now is that we have not made them in so long, that it is not clear we know how to make them any more?
We gave all the intellectual property to China, and then stopped teaching anyone here how to do it. For example, the universities no longer teach computer programming, but only simple scripting using interpreted languages like Python. You can't write an operating system, embedded software, network protocols, device drivers, or anything real and commercial, in a scripting language like Python.
I agree. America has either given away or abandoned the creation of operating systems and other hardware related software such as hardware drivers. What this mean is that we no longer have the capability of producing intelligent device such as computers and cell phones. We can produce the apps, tons of web site software, support for products but we are leaving the basic design and production of intelligent devices to to others.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.

Oh stop. This braiding hair thing has been used for decades. There is a very good reason why that's regulated. If you can't see that, that's your problem. If you don't want someone who is a professional working on your hair, do it yourself. Meanwhile those of us who do want a professional working on our hair want to know that they aren't going to do damage. Plus, deregulating the hair industry it's going to bring any job back to America. You can't outsource that job. The person who cuts or braids or colors hair is here. Not in China. Try something that's not so lame.

Meanwhile business has been deregulated since Reagan. Every president since him has been deregulating for business.

All that deregulation has not brought any jobs back to America. The only thing that deregulation has done is make big business even more rich and harmed our economy and environment. Deregulation is what caused the collapse of our economy in 2008.

You're willing to sacrifice safety for our nation, economy and environment but you aren't willing to do what will actually bring those jobs back to America.

Stop your whining about jobs not being here. You don't want to do what it takes to actually accomplish it. All you want to do is make those who are already filthy rich, even more filthy rich.

The MAIN cause of manufacturing being too expensive here is employer health insurance.
Stop the tax exemption for employer benefits, and that does away, making the US competitive overseas again.
Can we get ONE liberal to admit it’s a good thing if we aren’t as reliant on China manufacturing?

How about the flip side? Can we get liberals in here to tell us why it’s bad for China to lose some manufacturing.

You know the left are hypocrites. On one hand, they bitch about employee pay in this country, on the other hand, they support virtual open borders for immigrants to come here and take our jobs and lower pay for Americans.

There is only one true way to lessen our reliance on China manufacturing, and that is for Americans to buy American products. Tariffs made our products more competitive to China, and look who was complaining about that.

Americans buying American campaigns have been past total failures.

You have Toyotas assembled in Texas and Chevrolets assembled in Mexico.

Which one is American?

Chevy is Government Motors. Never buy another new GM product.

Toyota is Japanese but they hire American.
Gave up on GM and American made cars after getting stuck with a 1978 Pontiac Grad Prix. That car was a lemon and a piece of shit and I told the head of pontiac motor division that directly. It was really his piss poor attitude that convinced me to give up American makes and to never go back.

The last American made car I owned was a Malibu. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. One day when he came to my house to repair my car yet again, he told me how little work he gets from people that own a Toyota. He talked about the quality of parts they use, the engineering, and told me to pay attention to the side of the road when I'm on any highway, and take note of what kind of cars are there.

He talked himself out of my business, because when I finally got fed up, I bought a Toyota. I'm on my third one in the last 20 years. Never been late for work or had to call off, never seen a tow truck, and the Camry I bought last August comes with a 7 year--100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. Everybody compliments me on the looks of the car.

It doesn't surprise me though. As a truck driver, I had my share of dealing with those union idiots on the docks at our auto plants. In fact the last company I worked for finally stopped taking auto plant deliveries, because those union idiots would take a half a day to unload my truck, something non-union places did in 20 to 35 minutes.

Speak for yourself on that one.

Me and my dad recommended a Toyota to my parents neighbor. She went out and got a brand new 2011 Camry. That thing was the biggest lemon she ever owned. It spent more time in the shop than on the road. She eventually traded it in on a 2015 Honda CRV and hasn't looked back.

There are 5 recalls on that car.

Toyota quality is not what it used to be. Honda has taken over.

And Honda is what, an American car? I don't know the reliability of your source, but Kelly Bluebook has a much different opinion of the vehicle.

I never said Honda was an American car.

You linked to the 2020 Camry. I said she bought a 2011 and linked to it.

Pay attention. And read what is actually written.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.

Oh stop. This braiding hair thing has been used for decades. There is a very good reason why that's regulated. If you can't see that, that's your problem. If you don't want someone who is a professional working on your hair, do it yourself. Meanwhile those of us who do want a professional working on our hair want to know that they aren't going to do damage. Plus, deregulating the hair industry it's going to bring any job back to America. You can't outsource that job. The person who cuts or braids or colors hair is here. Not in China. Try something that's not so lame.

Meanwhile business has been deregulated since Reagan. Every president since him has been deregulating for business.

All that deregulation has not brought any jobs back to America. The only thing that deregulation has done is make big business even more rich and harmed our economy and environment. Deregulation is what caused the collapse of our economy in 2008.

You're willing to sacrifice safety for our nation, economy and environment but you aren't willing to do what will actually bring those jobs back to America.

Stop your whining about jobs not being here. You don't want to do what it takes to actually accomplish it. All you want to do is make those who are already filthy rich, even more filthy rich.

The MAIN cause of manufacturing being too expensive here is employer health insurance.
Stop the tax exemption for employer benefits, and that does away, making the US competitive overseas again.

After Commie Care started, a lot of employers dropped their healthcare benefits. Are they anymore competitive today?
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.

They are? China has owned all our electronics industry for the last couple of decades. Do you really believe the Android phone has no Chinese parts or assembly in the manufacturing process? I don't know the answer to that myself, but if you want, I can do some research on it tomorrow. I'm willing to bet you are wrong.
Android phones are assembled all over the world. Apple phones are mostly assembled in China. However the components of both come from all over the world, screens mostly from Japan, memory mostly from South Korea and Taiwan The CPU are manufactured in the US, China, and several other countries. Audio from Germany and several other countries. The Android operating system is an open system but is assembled by Android Inc. which is owned by Google. The Apple IOS system is owned and produced by Apple. The various apps come from all over the world. These products are truly a product the world, not the China or US.

Why do you think they make them in China? For one, that's where all the components are produced. Two, they sell a lot of phones in China. It's a very common business practice for manufacturers to develop and assemble products close to their customers. I'm sure Android has the same customers Apple does.

In any case, both phones are produced in places other than China. But it doesn't matter if it's China, Brazil, or Taiwan. It's work that's not being done in the US.
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.

They are? China has owned all our electronics industry for the last couple of decades. Do you really believe the Android phone has no Chinese parts or assembly in the manufacturing process? I don't know the answer to that myself, but if you want, I can do some research on it tomorrow. I'm willing to bet you are wrong.
Android phones are assembled all over the world. Apple phones are mostly assembled in China. However the components of both come from all over the world, screens mostly from Japan, memory mostly from South Korea and Taiwan The CPU are manufactured in the US, China, and several other countries. Audio from Germany and several other countries. The Android operating system is an open system but is assembled by Android Inc. which is owned by Google. The Apple IOS system is owned and produced by Apple. The various apps come from all over the world. These products are truly a product the world, not the China or US.

Why do you think they make them in China? For one, that's where all the components are produced. Two, they sell a lot of phones in China. It's a very common business practice for manufacturers to develop and assemble products close to their customers. I'm sure Android has the same customers Apple does.

In any case, both phones are produced in places other than China. But it doesn't matter if it's China, Brazil, or Taiwan. It's work that's not being done in the US.

I never said I was against manufacturing outside of the US. I said that I was against supporting a company who hires people overseas who commit suicide while working there enough that they have to install jump nets to avoid deaths.

You really need to work on replying to what is actually said.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.

This is a very dated article I kept on outsourcing, but it's worth the two minutes to read. What the professor explains is how outsourcing invites insourcing as well, and how in the long run, it benefits our country. After all, if we isolated ourselves and didn't outsource work, then nobody would participate in our insourcing either.

LOL China is going to screw themselves-------------
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
China has been a friend to us, they helped us bust the unions in America.
And why was busting the unions a good thing?

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.
Some regulations are bad. Some are good. Regulations limiting toxic chemical into the environment are good, unless you want our cities and country to have the same pollution levels as many parts of Communist China, where many people had to wear mask, just to breath before there was a coronavirus.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

Think that would work? What do you think voters would be saying if they had to pay $35.00 for a clock radio instead of $9.99 when you voted for this tax you're talking about? How about a 60" television for $2,300.00?

Our founders (and leaders afterwards)never designed taxation to control actions of their citizens. Taxation into compliance is what dictatorship governments do--not free countries.
The examples you mentioned are assembly line products that could be made here. We should be able to manufacture as inexpensively here, if we were willing to pay environmental costs that communist China doesn't bother with in many cases, as witnessed by air quality problems in their cities, to the extent of necessitating masks just to go outside even before coronavirus.

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