Hell yes! It’s happening. China fears manufacturing exodus

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.
Possibly because it is in our national interests to have a solid manufacturing base here for strategic purposes. What if it got to the point where all the anti-viral drugs were mainly manufactured in Communist China. Oops. We may have discovered and designed, but it appears, Communist China already makes the majority of anti-viral drugs for us. Not impressive at the moment, is it?
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.
iphones? That is nothing, everything is manufactured in China, everything! Walmart ain't called "Chinamart" for nothing, literally every item retailed in Chinamart comes from China, and that most especially includes every pharmaceutical, or medical supply dispensed from a walmart pharmacy! The US chamber of commerce literally lobbied for the entire north American industrial base to decamp to communist China, and under Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama virtually all of it did! You want made in America, find an Amish store, or a farmers market.....

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!

Foreign companies will have no money soon to withdraw companies from China

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

Think that would work? What do you think voters would be saying if they had to pay $35.00 for a clock radio instead of $9.99 when you voted for this tax you're talking about? How about a 60" television for $2,300.00?

Our founders (and leaders afterwards)never designed taxation to control actions of their citizens. Taxation into compliance is what dictatorship governments do--not free countries.
The examples you mentioned are assembly line products that could be made here. We should be able to manufacture as inexpensively here, if we were willing to pay environmental costs that communist China doesn't bother with in many cases, as witnessed by air quality problems in their cities, to the extent of necessitating masks just to go outside even before coronavirus.

There are a lot of costs here besides environmental. Your employer has to carry unemployment insurance on your behalf, workman's compensation insurance, match your SS and Medicare contributions, OSHA costs and ridiculous regulations. There are a lot of costs associated with hiring employees in the US compared to China. That's why we get our stuff from China.

Yes, a lot of stuff can be made here, if you're willing to buy it for much more money than Chinese products. However most American consumers will not, that's why Walmart is the number one store in the US, and has been for quite some time now.
How many of YOU own Apple products?

The moment the suicide net story broke I ditched ALL my Apple products and will never again support them.

I thought I was the only one who did that. After I heard that I went full Android and haven't looked back.

Is Android all American made?

Android phones are made all around the globe, but aren't made in factories where workers are jumping out of windows.

They are? China has owned all our electronics industry for the last couple of decades. Do you really believe the Android phone has no Chinese parts or assembly in the manufacturing process? I don't know the answer to that myself, but if you want, I can do some research on it tomorrow. I'm willing to bet you are wrong.
Android phones are assembled all over the world. Apple phones are mostly assembled in China. However the components of both come from all over the world, screens mostly from Japan, memory mostly from South Korea and Taiwan The CPU are manufactured in the US, China, and several other countries. Audio from Germany and several other countries. The Android operating system is an open system but is assembled by Android Inc. which is owned by Google. The Apple IOS system is owned and produced by Apple. The various apps come from all over the world. These products are truly a product the world, not the China or US.

Why do you think they make them in China? For one, that's where all the components are produced. Two, they sell a lot of phones in China. It's a very common business practice for manufacturers to develop and assemble products close to their customers. I'm sure Android has the same customers Apple does.

In any case, both phones are produced in places other than China. But it doesn't matter if it's China, Brazil, or Taiwan. It's work that's not being done in the US.
I don't think there are any cell phones assembled in the US. The final assemble of a few computers is done in the US. However, that typically means loading software, adding logos, accessories, and testing.

Building intelligent devices such as phones and computers will only be done in the US when factories can be automated sufficiently to eliminate 90% of the labor. Labor costs in electronic manufacturing plants in China runs about $3/hr. In the US, labor would easily run $20 to $30 including benefits. Without extreme automation a $500 computer or cell phone manufactured entirely in the US would be priced at about $2000. We could use tariffs to protect American manufactures but their products would unsellable outside the US.
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In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

Think that would work? What do you think voters would be saying if they had to pay $35.00 for a clock radio instead of $9.99 when you voted for this tax you're talking about? How about a 60" television for $2,300.00?

Our founders (and leaders afterwards)never designed taxation to control actions of their citizens. Taxation into compliance is what dictatorship governments do--not free countries.
The examples you mentioned are assembly line products that could be made here. We should be able to manufacture as inexpensively here, if we were willing to pay environmental costs that communist China doesn't bother with in many cases, as witnessed by air quality problems in their cities, to the extent of necessitating masks just to go outside even before coronavirus.

There are a lot of costs here besides environmental. Your employer has to carry unemployment insurance on your behalf, workman's compensation insurance, match your SS and Medicare contributions, OSHA costs and ridiculous regulations. There are a lot of costs associated with hiring employees in the US compared to China. That's why we get our stuff from China.

Yes, a lot of stuff can be made here, if you're willing to buy it for much more money than Chinese products. However most American consumers will not, that's why Walmart is the number one store in the US, and has been for quite some time now.
I try to buy American. Always have. There are cost to the United States with not making stuff here, economic, strategic, societal, that are not being addressed, mainly because the globalist do not see and cost except the cheapest bottom line price, today. I also shop local and buy local. It may cost me a little more, but it is good for my local community and economy. Never been the short sighted type, but that's just me.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.
Possibly because it is in our national interests to have a solid manufacturing base here for strategic purposes. What if it got to the point where all the anti-viral drugs were mainly manufactured in Communist China. Oops. We may have discovered and designed, but it appears, Communist China already makes the majority of anti-viral drugs for us. Not impressive at the moment, is it?
That kinda goes with the territory. If you allow private businesses to make decisions on what's best for their bottom line, they are going to buy from the lowest cost provider, even thou it's China.
BTW, antivirals are manufactured in a number of countries including the US. Both India and China tend to concentrate their manufacturing on high volume low cost generics. The US, UK, and EU countries concentrated on more high end products.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.
Possibly because it is in our national interests to have a solid manufacturing base here for strategic purposes. What if it got to the point where all the anti-viral drugs were mainly manufactured in Communist China. Oops. We may have discovered and designed, but it appears, Communist China already makes the majority of anti-viral drugs for us. Not impressive at the moment, is it?
That kinda goes with the territory. If you allow private businesses to make decisions on what's best for their bottom line, they are going to buy from the lowest cost provider, even thou it's China.
BTW, antivirals are manufactured in a number of countries including the US. Both India and China tend to concentrate their manufacturing on high volume low cost generics. The US, UK, and EU countries concentrated on more high end products.
Good to know. I was just referring to articles lately saying most come from Communist China, like this one:
Where Your Drugs Come From: 90% of Many Common Drugs Made in China; FDA has Lost Control

American consumers have no idea that the majority of the over-the-counter drugs they buy come from China, where there are few regulations. The increasing dependence on China for active pharmaceutical ingredients and nutritional supplements is of growing concern. China is the world's largest manufacturer of bulk drugs and nutritional supplements and is now exporting a large portion of its production to the United States.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The question is, a wake up call to who? Industry does not control outsourcing or automation, the American consumers do. Industry only provides what their customers demand, and most Americans demand cheap, low quality products, that can't possibly be produced in the US.

It's all over Facebook and other places to stop buying Chinese products. I spoke with one friend who said she went to Walmart yesterday, and the place was packed due to the stimulus checks that went out this week to 80 million citizens. Apparently they are not reading those social media postings.

Bottom line is, it's up to us to bring back manufacturing to the US, not politicians, and not industry. It's up to us to have less things in life and pay more for them. The question is, when will we collectively do that?
I noticed a new line of lathes and mills at low prices online with an Ask-us-a-question page

I asked them if their products were made in china and they never responded

GM aka Government Motors under obama has been toying with the idea of closing factories in America and importing from china instead

Still Government Motors but under a new government and a new master
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In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The only way companies are going to come back to America is if they're forced to do so.

They've been given incentive after incentive to come back. They have not.

The only way to force them to return is to make it too expensive for them to be out of America. That happens with taxes. Hit them with huge taxes to be out of America.

You will see them return but of course hitting them with penalties isn't going to happen.

We need to cut regulations for all types of businesses.

An example of over regulation is needing a permit to braid hair. I know that isn’t a China/US thing, just an example.

We made it too expensive to do business here and we need to make it less expensive as a matter of national security. It seems pretty fucking obvious.
Some regulations are bad. Some are good. Regulations limiting toxic chemical into the environment are good, unless you want our cities and country to have the same pollution levels as many parts of Communist China, where many people had to wear mask, just to breath before there was a coronavirus.

I said reduce, not eliminate.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The question is, a wake up call to who? Industry does not control outsourcing or automation, the American consumers do. Industry only provides what their customers demand, and most Americans demand cheap, low quality products, that can't possibly be produced in the US.

It's all over Facebook and other places to stop buying Chinese products. I spoke with one friend who said she went to Walmart yesterday, and the place was packed due to the stimulus checks that went out this week to 80 million citizens. Apparently they are not reading those social media postings.

Bottom line is, it's up to us to bring back manufacturing to the US, not politicians, and not industry. It's up to us to have less things in life and pay more for them. The question is, when will we collectively do that?
I noticed a new line of lathes and mills at low prices online with an Ask-us-a-question page

I asked them if their products were made in china and they never responded

GM aka Government Motors under obama has been toying with the idea of closing factories in America and importing from china instead

Still Government Motors but under a new government and a new master

We can't make people buy American made products. What we can do is create a law that all products have to be clearly labeled where it came or is produced from; a large enough sticker that you don't need reading glasses for, and it must be put on the face of the product, not some corner of the package written in four different languages somewhere. In fact, I have purchased products several times where you can't find out where the product is made until you open it up, and look at the instructions or something.
If you don't like american workers and their families then simply offer those jobs for $5 an hour then complain how nobody wants to do them.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.

The question is, a wake up call to who? Industry does not control outsourcing or automation, the American consumers do. Industry only provides what their customers demand, and most Americans demand cheap, low quality products, that can't possibly be produced in the US.

It's all over Facebook and other places to stop buying Chinese products. I spoke with one friend who said she went to Walmart yesterday, and the place was packed due to the stimulus checks that went out this week to 80 million citizens. Apparently they are not reading those social media postings.

Bottom line is, it's up to us to bring back manufacturing to the US, not politicians, and not industry. It's up to us to have less things in life and pay more for them. The question is, when will we collectively do that?
I noticed a new line of lathes and mills at low prices online with an Ask-us-a-question page

I asked them if their products were made in china and they never responded

GM aka Government Motors under obama has been toying with the idea of closing factories in America and importing from china instead

Still Government Motors but under a new government and a new master

We can't make people buy American made products. What we can do is create a law that all products have to be clearly labeled where it came or is produced from; a large enough sticker that you don't need reading glasses for, and it must be put on the face of the product, not some corner of the package written in four different languages somewhere. In fact, I have purchased products several times where you can't find out where the product is made until you open it up, and look at the instructions or something.
With tariffs we can raise the price of imported products from dirt poor, slave wage, no environmental control countries so that American workers can compete

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Fuck you China!

Let’s eat Sushi, NOT BATS!
They should be very afraid. It was foolish for the world, particularly the US to outsource majority of industrial production to the Communist Chinese in the first place. Maybe corona will be a wake up call., but kinda doubt it actually.
In regard to outsourcing, the decisions were made not by government but by individual businesses. Whoever provide the best product at the lowest price got the work. This is the heart of American capitalism. Why would an American business pay more money for the same work done in the US that can get done for less abroad. In a more socialist economy, government would pressure the business to hire American workers. In a more capitalist economy, government would support free market principals allowing the business to shift the work abroad to maximize profits. Siding with free market principals vs socialism is not a win win proposition.
Possibly because it is in our national interests to have a solid manufacturing base here for strategic purposes. What if it got to the point where all the anti-viral drugs were mainly manufactured in Communist China. Oops. We may have discovered and designed, but it appears, Communist China already makes the majority of anti-viral drugs for us. Not impressive at the moment, is it?
That kinda goes with the territory. If you allow private businesses to make decisions on what's best for their bottom line, they are going to buy from the lowest cost provider, even thou it's China.
BTW, antivirals are manufactured in a number of countries including the US. Both India and China tend to concentrate their manufacturing on high volume low cost generics. The US, UK, and EU countries concentrated on more high end products.
Good to know. I was just referring to articles lately saying most come from Communist China, like this one:
Where Your Drugs Come From: 90% of Many Common Drugs Made in China; FDA has Lost Control

American consumers have no idea that the majority of the over-the-counter drugs they buy come from China, where there are few regulations. The increasing dependence on China for active pharmaceutical ingredients and nutritional supplements is of growing concern. China is the world's largest manufacturer of bulk drugs and nutritional supplements and is now exporting a large portion of its production to the United States.
The FDA conducts about 1000 inspections a year on foreign drug manufacturing facilities. This is about twice the number of inspections they do on US facilities. This is in addition to quality control inspections done by the US buyer of the drugs and those of other countries. Most all of these drugs are sold in a number countries, many of which have their own requirements which may include inspections. Drug recalls on prescription drugs are rare compared to other products. I have not seen anything to indicate that drugs manufactured in the US are any safer than those manufactured abroad. The companies that make these drugs are typically very large and supplying many countries including the country they are located in.
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.
Well said buddy!

Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.
Well said buddy!

Where is that manufacturing going to go in a pandemic which has only just started.
Anyone who would be against China losing a SUBSTANTIAL portion of their manufacturing is really stupid.

We need to bring back a ton of that manufacturing and Japan can certainly take on more.

This crisis is a great opportunity to take manufacturing away from China.

All your iPhones are made in China. Why? Those should all be made here....just as an example. ALL OF THEM....EVERY SINGLE IPHONE.
Well said buddy!

Where is that manufacturing going to go in a pandemic which has only just started.
You are asking the wrong question. If you have not been paying attention so what has been taking place over the past 5 years don't blame me. Not only has the manufacturing been moving out of China at a rapid pace since the tariffs supercharged that movement covid 19 Ultra charged it! That's right the appearance of the pandemic has not slowef down the Exodus of work from China it's speeded up that exit. What China has left now is to try to provoke a military confrontation.


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