Hello from Germany


Oct 28, 2013
Hameln- Germany
Good morning, it´s 8.30 a.m. in Germany :eusa_angel:
At first: I´M SO SORRY! My english is not so good and I hope it gets better after a while.
I admit that I'm curious about the opinions of citizens of the United States. In particular, because of the monitoring practices in your Country.

Thank you for allowing me to be here in this Discussion Forum and forgive me all my spelling Errors now and in future! :eusa_shifty:

Good morning, it´s 8.30 a.m. in Germany :eusa_angel:
At first: I´M SO SORRY! My english is not so good and I hope it gets better after a while.
I admit that I'm curious about the opinions of citizens of the United States. In particular, because of the monitoring practices in your Country.

Thank you for allowing me to be here in this Discussion Forum and forgive me all my spelling Errors now and in future! :eusa_shifty:


Welcome Choosy! What part of Germany are you from?
Good morning, it´s 8.30 a.m. in Germany :eusa_angel:
At first: I´M SO SORRY! My english is not so good and I hope it gets better after a while.
I admit that I'm curious about the opinions of citizens of the United States. In particular, because of the monitoring practices in your Country.

Thank you for allowing me to be here in this Discussion Forum and forgive me all my spelling Errors now and in future! :eusa_shifty:


It's not the "monitoring practices in our country"

It's the monitoring practices of Obama and his Brownshirts.
Thank you! What part of Germany? That´s funny :) Well, I was born in West-Germany in Hameln, you maybe know the Pied Piper of Hamelin?

It sounds like a lovely place...no rats and no kids...
Good morning, it´s 8.30 a.m. in Germany :eusa_angel:
At first: I´M SO SORRY! My english is not so good and I hope it gets better after a while.
I admit that I'm curious about the opinions of citizens of the United States. In particular, because of the monitoring practices in your Country.

Thank you for allowing me to be here in this Discussion Forum and forgive me all my spelling Errors now and in future! :eusa_shifty:


It's not the "monitoring practices in our country"

It's the monitoring practices of Obama and his Brownshirts.

We think Obama has taken this practices from George W. Bush - we hate him so much :evil:

I would like to know, why you are against "Obamacare"? In Germany we can't believe that so many are opposed of it.

That would take some time... The short answer, is I believe in the free market and less government intervention in my life. Lastly, it's cost prohibitive. There are many threads on this board about this subject that are all pretty much in agreement.

The healthcare I have was fine before Obamacare, now it's still fine but 76% more expensive costing $168 more a month.

But that is not logical!!! If everyone pays for health insurance it needs to be cheaper! Everybody in Germany must have health insurance. This also applies to many other European countries. And we have the impression that the government interventions in the USA are huge without structure. It seems to be indiscriminately and non-uniform.
But that is not logical!!! If everyone pays for health insurance it needs to be cheaper! Everybody in Germany must have health insurance. This also applies to many other European countries. And we have the impression that the government interventions in the USA are huge without structure. It seems to be indiscriminately and non-uniform.

Welcome Aboard … I was stationed in Katterbach, outside of Ansbach not far from Nuremberg for a couple of years.

Portions of the legislation penalize policies and their holders … When the coverage they choose exceeds the limitations of the standard “bulk rate” crap the government offers.

In other words … Not only do our tax dollars subsidize the ACA to start with … If we choose to have a better plan on our own, with no assistance from the government … We will be taxed up to 40% of the cost of the plan in addition to what we already pay.
Some people here do not trust the government to have our best interests in mind … Do not want their programs that don't work … And are both capable and willing to take care of ourselves.
For the government to charge us even more than they already are … Just to punish us for not trusting in their inability to take care of anything … Is wrong.

Before you start wondering about why don't we trust the government … Go back and read your own comments about what you don't like about our meddling in what we shouldn't be meddling in.
The ACA is more of our stupid government sticking its nose in where it isn't wanted and doesn't belong.


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