Hello leftists and your dreams of electric everything...sigh. Copper anyone?

Most of your transmission lines are aluminum coated steel cables.

And transformers can be made out of aluminum too....makes them a lot lighter even though the wires are larger.

However...aluminum is much more disastrous to adding greenhouse gasses than the worst polluting vehicle imagined. Those greenhouse emissions don't exactly go away either. And every can of red bull and drink can is made from it. Much much worse than any soda bottle made from plastic ever hoped to be.

So...the fix is worse than the problem.

This is why I do research, and expose people who lie, the alleged Lithium mine is a Cooper Mine, with small amount of other minerals including Lithium so the lie is a half-truth.

Salton Sea is a potential hotspot for lithium production​


"Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Riverside, and Geologica Geothermal Group have launched a project to both quantify and characterize the lithium resource in the Salton Sea geothermal field in California.

"After receiving a $1.2 million grant from the US Department of Energy, the scientists plan to use an electron microscope and other advanced analytical tools to learn what are the mineral sources of lithium in the area and whether the rocks will “recharge” the brine with lithium after it has been extracted from the produced fluids."

"At present, 11 commercial plants operating at the Salton Sea field produce geothermal energy by pumping up hot fluids from deep underground and converting the heat to electricity. Normally, the cooled fluid would simply be reinjected underground, but the researchers want to first extract the lithium from the brine before injecting it back."

This is why I do research, and expose people who lie, the alleged Lithium mine is a Cooper Mine, with small amount of other minerals including Lithium so the lie is a half-truth.

Salton Sea is a potential hotspot for lithium production​

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"Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Riverside, and Geologica Geothermal Group have launched a project to both quantify and characterize the lithium resource in the Salton Sea geothermal field in California.

"After receiving a $1.2 million grant from the US Department of Energy, the scientists plan to use an electron microscope and other advanced analytical tools to learn what are the mineral sources of lithium in the area and whether the rocks will “recharge” the brine with lithium after it has been extracted from the produced fluids."

"At present, 11 commercial plants operating at the Salton Sea field produce geothermal energy by pumping up hot fluids from deep underground and converting the heat to electricity. Normally, the cooled fluid would simply be reinjected underground, but the researchers want to first extract the lithium from the brine before injecting it back."
Lithium mines and Copper mines. They both strip the land. And the mass scale as proposed by the electric everything people means it will be on scale never seen.

BTW, crude in its unrefined state isn't pollution. You realize how many metric tons of crude bubbles up from the ocean floor annually? But it's black and looks icky so it's an easy sell for the media and Hollywood to show us how icky it is. Natural gas is also relatively clean and burning coal will keep happening unless we go back to the stone age cause that is how iron and steel is made. While other metals are mined, iron and steel is still a giant need.
They used to do aluminum wiring in homes. Only thing is it is less desireable because it expands and contracts more and causes early insulation failure and your house to burn down.
Aluminum conducts electricity 61 percent as well as copper but weighs 1/3 as much. Because of this, aluminum conductors are less expensive than conductors made of copper. Most aluminum wires made to conduct electricity are made of aluminum alloys. The aluminum AA-1350 series is 99.5 percent aluminum with 5 percent of iron, copper, silicon and other metals.

The problems with wiring houses with aluminum are not really the fault of the metal. Aluminum wiring was installed so extensively and so quickly that the workmanship was substandard. The fact that aluminum expands more than copper when it is heated made for loose connections, which created fire hazards. The connections could also be made of copper or some other metal and led to corrosion when they came into contact with aluminum wire.

Most of your transmission lines are aluminum coated steel cables.

And transformers can be made out of aluminum too....makes them a lot lighter even though the wires are larger.

However...aluminum is much more disastrous to adding greenhouse gasses than the worst polluting vehicle imagined. Those greenhouse emissions don't exactly go away either. And every can of red bull and drink can is made from it. Much much worse than any soda bottle made from plastic ever hoped to be.

So...the fix is worse than the problem.
I would ask as I have if aluminum wiring was used in your house over copper wiring and if it was aluminum, either sell or....uhhhh, check out your homeowners insurance so the Ts are crossed and i's dotted. Also, have fire extinguishers handy. Yeap
I would ask as I have if aluminum wiring was used in your house over copper wiring and if it was aluminum, either sell or....uhhhh, check out your homeowners insurance so the Ts are crossed and i's dotted. Also, have fire extinguishers handy. Yeap
Actually Aluminum works very well as a conductor...you basically just go up one wire size and it's the same resistance as copper.
So if you needed a #12 you now need a #10 wire...
Most terminals you connect to are AL/CU anymore anyway...so it doesn't matter. Just use some antioxidant grease and all is gold. Now the fires from using aluminum wire came from people using equipment with terminals not rated for aluminum wire...which will cause arcing and fires. (Like cheaper plugs and light switches)

Aluminum wire, properly installed is just fine...usually a lot cheaper than copper too. It certainly is a lot lighter. However it is a disaster for the environment and greenhouse gasses.
Lithium mines and Copper mines. They both strip the land. And the mass scale as proposed by the electric everything people means it will be on scale never seen.

BTW, crude in its unrefined state isn't pollution. You realize how many metric tons of crude bubbles up from the ocean floor annually? But it's black and looks icky so it's an easy sell for the media and Hollywood to show us how icky it is. Natural gas is also relatively clean and burning coal will keep happening unless we go back to the stone age cause that is how iron and steel is made. While other metals are mined, iron and steel is still a giant need.
STATEMENT: Lithium mines and Copper mines. They both strip the land.

RESPONSE: A half-truth. See:

The latter links are from Oct 2021.
That doesn't include the amount of copper needed for the enormous wind farms.

There is literally nothing that can replace copper. According to the periodic table there is nothing that can replace it. There is only one thing that conducts electricity better and that is silver and considering how much less silver there is than copper.

They used to do aluminum wiring in homes. Only thing is it is less desireable [sic] because it expands and contracts more and causes early insulation failure and your house to burn down.

On large-scale applications, such as the aforementioned “enormous wind farms”, aluminum is widely used, in place of copper, primarily because it is much cheaper than copper, and much lighter, which makes it easier to work with.

But aluminum has issues of its own, and can produce very dangerous results, if improperly used. That's why it's never used for normal branch circuit wiring in residential homes, and rarely, if ever, even in branch circuits in commercial applications. It is widely used for feeders, though.

The problem with aluminum is that it is extremely reactive, and oxidizes instantly on contact with normal air. Unlike most metal oxides, aluminum oxide is not electrically conductive. Used improperly the terminal connections oxidize, and create resistance, which creates heat, which starts fires that burn buildings down. Special hardware and materials have to be used to make terminal connections with aluminum wire.

Aluminum oxide has a greyish/silver appearance, which is why you think you see bare aluminum, when what you are really seeing is an aluminum surface covered in aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide is also one of the harder substances, used as the definition for 9 on the Mohs scale, diamond being 10. Gem-quality aluminum oxide is known as a ruby, if it is pigmented with a certain red impurity, otherwise it is known as a sapphire.
But the nuclear plant?... I doubt that. Why would it take less transport wires than solar, or any other electric supply?

Consider that a solar farm would have panels spread over a large area of land, and need wires to carry the electrical power from all those panels to a central location.

A nuclear plant would probably have one generator, in a single location. Perhaps multiple generators, but not very far apart. Much less distance.
The cool thing is....you don't have to buy an electric car if you don't want to.

The criminal California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order, that if it stands, will ban the sale of new internal-combustion-engined vehicles in 2035 and beyond.

If he gets his way, Californians will not have that choice.

It won't stand, though. All it will take to throw it out will be for the next Governor to rescind the order, or for anyone affected by it to challenge it in court on the basis that the Governor has no authority to unilaterally make such a dictate.

Certainly, when 2035 gets closer, and it becomes clear that electric vehicle technology is still a very long way form being practical for more than a niche market, the order will fall one way or another.
I'm always amazed at how opposed to invention and innovation some backwards fucking idiots can be

Nobody is opposed to invention or innovation.

But government cannot force technological advancement to happen any faster than it is capable of happening.

Electrical cars will become practical when they become practical; and no good is accomplished by government trying to force people into them before the technology is ready.
Actually Aluminum works very well as a conductor...you basically just go up one wire size and it's the same resistance as copper.
So if you needed a #12 you now need a #10 wire...
Most terminals you connect to are AL/CU anymore anyway...so it doesn't matter. Just use some antioxidant grease and all is gold. Now the fires from using aluminum wire came from people using equipment with terminals not rated for aluminum wire...which will cause arcing and fires. (Like cheaper plugs and light switches)

Aluminum wire, properly installed is just fine...usually a lot cheaper than copper too. It certainly is a lot lighter. However it is a disaster for the environment and greenhouse gasses.

It's a very, very, very bad idea to use aluminum wiring for branch circuits.

Aluminum wire is safe, if it is properly installed and terminated. But it's just too damn easy to not properly install and terminate it, especially where some homeowner might try to do what he thinks is minor maintenance to his own home's wiring.
Here are some facts to consider lefties.

It takes around 180lbs of copper to make one electric vehicle. That is approximately 5 times more copper than it takes to make a combustion engine vehicle.

A solar farm used to generate energy used to deliver to houses takes around 5 times the amount of copper that it would take for a natural gas or coal fired or nuclear power plant.

Now try to imagine converting every last vehicle into a electric vehicles then we are going to be needing a significant amount of copper.

If they are going to build every last house and convert every last house and building in the world to run on electric solar to satisfy the largest group (millennials) demands, then we are going to be needing a whole lot more copper.

That doesn't include the amount of copper needed for the enormous wind farms.

There is literally nothing that can replace copper. According to the periodic table there is nothing that can replace it. There is only one thing that conducts electricity better and that is silver and considering how much less silver there is than copper.

Currently there is around 870,000,000 tons of copper in reserves.

There is 530,000 tons of silver in reserves.


The left. Oh and as we can see this is one big giant reason in a lot of big giant reasons why the power elites are using all of the past known methods of population reduction to reduce the population.

Wars, disease and famines. While we the sheeple argue back and forth the power elites clink their little tea cups in their little smoke filled rooms and watch the show.

That's why when we see these idiots like harris, pelosi or biden look so disgusted that they still need to do press conferences.

Pray everyone and ask for forgiveness. It's happening.
Guess who controls the rights to 80% of the copper reserves on the planet? I'll bet you get it in one guess.

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