HELLO!?- Tillerson in meeting with Putin for 2 hours so far. Is Putin coming around on Assad? Let hi

It's a joke, and the basis for a giant pile of BS GOP propaganda. CNN also discussed Russian hacked e-mails after that for a whole year as if they meant something.
After looking at that video, you are saying Chris Cuomo declaring CNN had done everything they could do to help Hillary was a 'joke'?

Bwuhahahahahaha! Speaking of 'propagada'.
It's a joke, and the basis for a giant pile of BS GOP propaganda. CNN also discussed Russian hacked e-mails after that for a whole year as if they meant something.
After looking at that video, you are saying Chris Cuomo declaring CNN had done everything they could do to help Hillary was a 'joke'?

Bwuhahahahahaha! Speaking of 'propagada'.
Totally out of context BULLSHYTTE, dupes. HE was joking, and it's a joke, and YOU'RE a joke.
Tillerson said the Russians are still mostly pissed at Obama, now president Trump has to clean up Obama's mess, again.
Trump gave them the impression he was a fool, that's how the Sarin attack happened. Now they're even more pissed at him. GOOD, the feqqing a-holes.
That's like the 4th time a dupe has linked to that stupid video as proof CNN is biased. IDIOT dupes...

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