Hello to all!


May 27, 2009
First time here and I wanted to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 who has never really defined myself as republican or democrat until this election. I firmly believe that this Administration does not stand for the people it stands only for politics, popularity, and it's own agenda's. I am so irate that our President cares so little about democracy and the constitution and has belittled Americans time and time again by words and actions. This is the administration of blame and my feeling is that when you show Americans a shovel and tell them that you have to dig us out of the mess of past Administrations the result is a hole that this Administration is falling into and only burying themselves..........and America is paying a tremendous price which we simply can't afford.
First time here and I wanted to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 who has never really defined myself as republican or democrat until this election. I firmly believe that this Administration does not stand for the people it stands only for politics, popularity, and it's own agenda's. I am so irate that our President cares so little about democracy and the constitution and has belittled Americans time and time again by words and actions. This is the administration of blame and my feeling is that when you show Americans a shovel and tell them that you have to dig us out of the mess of past Administrations the result is a hole that this Administration is falling into and only burying themselves..........and America is paying a tremendous price which we simply can't afford.

Put the blame where's it's due lady....and it ain't this admin...

BTW, why do so many people who start these introduction threads never stick around...
ahhh another republican denier...i am not a republican...i am just a stupid bitch....why dont you give us the reason that in less than 200 days obama did so wrong...what are your feeling about bush and his 8 years..come on...lets hear some facts ..other than you are the mother of 3
Yes we all know that Bush II and all the previous POTUSs left this nation in perfect shape and that Obama has set out to destroy it.
First time here and I wanted to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 who has never really defined myself as republican or democrat until this election. I firmly believe that this Administration does not stand for the people it stands only for politics, popularity, and it's own agenda's. I am so irate that our President cares so little about democracy and the constitution and has belittled Americans time and time again by words and actions. This is the administration of blame and my feeling is that when you show Americans a shovel and tell them that you have to dig us out of the mess of past Administrations the result is a hole that this Administration is falling into and only burying themselves..........and America is paying a tremendous price which we simply can't afford.

Which makes it practically identical to the vast majority of Administrations.

Politicians don't do what they feel to be right. They set targets they feel are right and then adjust the target positions either before or (frequently) after firing. Some of their bullets are very slow moving. Some aren't even aimed, as the sound of gunfire gives the impression that something is going on. Many are blanks, which at least allows injury from potentially shooting one's foot to be minimized.

I've clearly taken the 'target' analogy far enough now. Time for more coffee.
Politicians don't do what they feel to be right. They set targets they feel are right and then adjust the target positions either before or (frequently) after firing. Some of their bullets are very slow moving. Some aren't even aimed, as the sound of gunfire gives the impression that something is going on. Many are blanks, which at least allows injury from potentially shooting one's foot to be minimized.

I've clearly taken the 'target' analogy far enough now. Time for more coffee.

Reads like you hit the bullseye to me, TB
First time here and I wanted to introduce myself. I am a mother of 3 who has never really defined myself as republican or democrat until this election. I firmly believe that this Administration does not stand for the people it stands only for politics, popularity, and it's own agenda's. I am so irate that our President cares so little about democracy and the constitution and has belittled Americans time and time again by words and actions. This is the administration of blame and my feeling is that when you show Americans a shovel and tell them that you have to dig us out of the mess of past Administrations the result is a hole that this Administration is falling into and only burying themselves..........and America is paying a tremendous price which we simply can't afford.

Your griping is 8 years too late.
Welcome no2!

Don't let the Loons get you down. There are organizations across the country that aren't taking the demise of our Constitution and our way of life lying down. Seek them out, get involved, make your voice count. The Loons would have you believe that these organizations have only sprung up since the inauguration of BO, the Loon of all Loons. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that our elected representatives no longer represent US, the constitution, our will, or our way of life. This has been the case for decades and it happened because We The People, sat idly by, and did nothing about it. Collectively, we must let them know that we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.

Now that we’ve entered the error of this dark and mysterious administration that panders to our critics, extends gratuities to our enemies, practices opaqueness verses transparency, and spends money like a small child gone awry in a candy store, with the blessing and encouragement of the US Congress, it’s up to us, The People, to put a halt to it. Any reasonable adult understands that one cannot borrow one’s way out of debt. That’s exactly what this administration would have us believe they are trying to doing and it’s doing it based on hypothetical doomsday scenarios, just as the previous administration did, when they told us that companies were “to big to fail”. The fact is; the government will make money from what they’re doing, but it will not be returned to the the people, it will be used to grow government and further oppress the people.

Our government, including previous administrations, has lost faith in the people, the very people who built this nation. They can’t seem to see the forest for through trees due to their own greed and dishonesty, special interest groups, and their individual quest for life-long political power.

We don’t need a government run health care system for the people; we need health care system run by the people, for our government.

We don’t need our government running corporations; we need corporations with business savvy people running them who aren’t as greedy and dishonest as our politicians.

We don’t need ACORN type organizations putting people in houses they don’t deserve; we need people to build houses that those who deserve them can afford to buy.

We don’t need the government to create a Green environment; we need the private sector to invest in making our environment Green.

We don’t need to penalize corporations that go off shore; we need to create incentives to bring those corporations home.

We don’t need elected officials that ignore the will of the people; we need elected officials that are the people.

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