Zone1 Hello


Apr 25, 2023
Hello all, I'm new to this website, hoping for some good conversation about politics, policy, and the like. Politically I consider myself to be a traditional style of Republican. In college I volunteered with the George W. Bush campaign for president, and my political beliefs haven't really changed all that much since then. If you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise I'm sure you'll see more of me within different topics posted here. Thanks.
Gee, that must have hurt to work for a guy you thought was a good republican only to find out he's really just another deep pocket RINO democrat working for the deep state!
Nope. Actually, it was an honor, it was fun, I learned a lot, I got to meet him on more than one occasion and he was great, and I'd do it all again. What you may call a RINO I call a realist. But hey, no worries, we can disagree.
Hello all, I'm new to this website, hoping for some good conversation about politics, policy, and the like. Politically I consider myself to be a traditional style of Republican. In college I volunteered with the George W. Bush campaign for president, and my political beliefs haven't really changed all that much since then. If you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise I'm sure you'll see more of me within different topics posted here. Thanks.

Haircuts are important here; do you style yours. or just burr it all off?
Welcome CBTX.

Ya better gird your loins. There's alot of angry liberals here who talk & talk and say nothing.

What makes them so angry?

I dunno...have you ever seen a happy liberal? :D

I'm the only liberal here, and I'm pleasant to all human beings.
Did I mention they lie?

And if you make a good point they ask you for a link just so you waste your time looking for links instead of making good points.

It's a little trick they like to play.

All asking for a link means is they don't know shit about the topic and just want to make up some snivel or other about 'sources n stuff', as if they have a clue, or they don't read them and shift the topic to the next talking point they're here to parrot. Doesn't much matter whether they're left or right wing as far as that goes. Take a look at the formal debate forum, and see all the crusted old bird shit and fast food bags laying around; nobody there, which says a lot. It means most are here to shill for their team, and aren't informed about much of anything else.
Yes, Bush was a pussy whipped realist who left the democrats hand him his balls in office then went over and joined the other side. Shame. GW is who in large part destroyed my trust in the GOP.
He damn sure fucked-up Virginia with his .gov expansion in the name of "security".....Then The Halfrican doubled-down with free-shit programs.
He damn sure fucked-up Virginia with his .gov expansion in the name of "security".....Then The Halfrican doubled-down with free-shit programs.
Then go get your bag of freebies and quit bitching.

Oh, and welcome to the new guy, I think you'll like it here. Hopefully you're not a Trumper like the rest of the so-called "Republicans".
Hello all, I'm new to this website, hoping for some good conversation about politics, policy, and the like. Politically I consider myself to be a traditional style of Republican. In college I volunteered with the George W. Bush campaign for president, and my political beliefs haven't really changed all that much since then. If you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise I'm sure you'll see more of me within different topics posted here. Thanks.
Somebody turn down the lights please

Hello all, I'm new to this website, hoping for some good conversation about politics, policy, and the like. Politically I consider myself to be a traditional style of Republican. In college I volunteered with the George W. Bush campaign for president, and my political beliefs haven't really changed all that much since then. If you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise I'm sure you'll see more of me within different topics posted here. Thanks.
Welcome to USMB, CBTX99. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Yes, Bush was a pussy whipped realist who left the democrats hand him his balls in office then went over and joined the other side. Shame. GW is who in large part destroyed my trust in the GOP.
He sure left Obama in the bind, I'm a liberal, howdy.

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