
Big Hoss

Aug 2, 2010
I registered here probably 6 months or more ago and completely forgot about it. Not very many forums where I can express my opinion so hoping this is one of them. I am a national socialist but really take offense to being called a nazi as its very ignorant. I am willing to debate my political ideology with anyone although I am not here to force my beliefs on anyone nor cause trouble I just enjoy debating politics. Matter of fact I agree with liberals on some things and with conservatives on others so I am sure I can find a place to fit it all I ask for is a chance.
Probably not but it won't be because I didn't try and be nice to everyone...I am only a prick when forced to be one. :D
I believe National Socialism is the best political ideology for white people yes.

This is a thread to welcome people.

Not to start off attacking them.

We should welcome all types of new members and their different perspectives..

Makes for some lively debates.

It would be really boring if we only allowed like minded people to post here. :cool:
We've got out own little enclave of white supremacists/nationalists/separatists, so you're not alone nor special.

But expect to get roundly mocked by me and many others here. Most of us have seen and heard it all before. Welcome.
I believe National Socialism is the best political ideology for white people yes.

But what shall we do with those pesky colored people?

Send them back to their own continents/countries if they choose to go willingly those that choose to fight ok then we fight. I am not crazy enough to think the U.S as a whole will ever be under NS control but eventually within my life time separate racial enclaves will develop and some already are. Mexicans are slowly taking back the south west. Blacks are moving to the south in a large force Jews and liberals have the west coast and New England so that leaves the pacific northwest and the midwest for whites. Fine with me.

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