Zone1 True Christians need to take a shower after leaving the forums

usmb is different.

Sometimes I wish they had an obscenity ban but better more speech than less, like some anti-free speech forums

they ban nudity & probably the most egregious of slur words - but other than that, pretty much anything goes. have you visited the basement/taunting arena yet? that is where you can really get yer freak on.

they ban nudity & probably the most egregious of slur words - but other than that, pretty much anything goes. have you visited the basement/taunting arena yet? that is where you can really get yer freak on.

I didn't know the basement was even here... I've seen the Garage.

I got rid of my "freak" a long time ago when I started following Jesus seriously... compliments of the rosary
I didn't know the basement was even here... I've seen the Garage.

the last 3 forums on this here little message board.

I got rid of my "freak" a long time ago when I started following Jesus seriously...

okey dokey. no judgement from me ( see what i did there? )

compliments of the rosary

m'k. i was baptised roman catholic - but haven't been one since a nun threw me outa catechism( but i digress ) - so i know all about that there rosary. my favorite passage from the good book is

matthew 6: 5-13....

anyhoo, whatever gets you thru yer life that involves being good to yer fellow man & woman; which includes letting others live theirs.
anyhoo, whatever gets you thru yer life that involves being good to yer fellow man & woman; which includes letting others live theirs.
oh, so you accuse me of interfering with others' rights...

rights to do what?

murder the unborn?

Yes, I will always attempt to interfere with THAT
oh, so you accuse me of interfering with others' rights...

a little paranoid, are we?

rights to do what?

have the same ones as you.

murder the unborn?

& a little suspicious, are we?

<pssst> the bible sanctioned abortion.

Yes, I will always attempt to interfere with THAT

well, you made that crystal clear. although, i know many MANY of god's flock who believe otherwise.
you are if you saythe Bible sanctions child murder.

In fact that is when God got the most angry at Israel, when they sacrificed their children to Molech

i said the bible sanctioned abortion. but as for child murder - there was that whole first born thingy too....

you are a touch angry yerself there, forkdude.
i said the bible sanctioned abortion. but as for child murder - there was that whole first born thingy too....

you are a touch angry yerself there, forkdude.
the word Abortion is not in the Bible

Child murder is mentioned, however, and again, God got the most angry at Israel for sacrificing their children to the god Molech.

I've read the entire Bible.. so now you can mosey along and try to lie to someone else
the word Abortion is not in the Bible

how does that make any difference? the word incest isn't mentioned either - but it occurred as well.

Child murder is mentioned, however, and again, God got the most angry at Israel for sacrificing their children to the god Molech.

sacrificing children is not the same as abortion.

I've read the entire Bible.. so now you can mosey along and try to lie to someone else

numbers: 5-31.
People who say a child is not a child

are delusional

or that murder is not murder.... :uhoh3:
Yeh, I am mostly speaking of a spiritual shower, namely people need to PRAY after dealing with some of the nasty stuff said on the forums.

I suggest the rosary. However, I know most people here will just laugh at that and call me a fanatic or whatever... ho hum... so boring.

Anyway, I am NOT kidding or exaggerating here. You have to pray after reading some of this stuff or you'll lose your peace... and won't even consciously realize it half the time!

Maybe I could solve this problem by putting all libtards on Ignore? Yeh, might as well because a problem WILL inevitably come up in the future w/ said persons, so might as well head it off at the pass..

Some things on this board are absolutely demonic. I do not overstate that for hyperbole or whatever. I mean straight from the pit of Hell.

I won't say more except agree.

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