Help: Greenbeard Rightwinger my friend sued for hospital expenses


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Hi Greenbeard rightwinger
And anyone else who may offer help:

My friend D is being sued for not paying hospital expenses.
He says because he and his mother share a household
(he had run his father's home business between when his father died
and when the company was finally closed down, and in exchange he
lives there and was going to inherit the house but they have to sell it now)
then her social security income counts as his. It is not enough for both of them,
but it is high enough where he doesn't qualify for help.

He says he would have to pay about 8,000 in expenses before
the Obamacare insurance kicks in and covers.

So he doesn't have that money.

Both he and his mother had a series of medical crises back to back to back,
they keep recovering from one, and the next one hits.

The mother filed for bankruptcy so she protected the house,
ie they still have to sell it and move someplace cheaper (they could not afford the property taxes)
but at least they get to keep the money from the sale of the house (cannot sell it for another 6 months).

Is there anything you know about the ACA that could help my friend.

What is the deal that the mother's SS income is supposed to count for two people.

I understood that for one of my Disabled friends, HER payments counted for HER.
But what is this about the Household Income being too high.

Is there any way my friend D can get help?

He is threatened with legal action over hospital bills he cannot pay.

Is there any way or any referral you can offer for my friend to look into?


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