Here are examples of debunked Muslim conspiracy theories.

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I have spent a great deal of time in this post and the previous one to reach out to you. I felt you were worth it. I do not like to type this much. These two lengthy posts conclude my reaching out to you with mainstream reality.


When one is a distance swimmer, one of the first things you are taught is if you run out of energy in the middle of the lake, you should roll over and float. That is precisely my intention in dealing with the coming events.
You see USMB isn't any fun anymore for ME posters, and, sadly, people are looking in your direction. I am satisfied that I have given you my best, most honest, effort to communicate with you in these last two posts.

I will stand my ground with the others. I do not think you are a bad person. Perhaps you are just out of your depth. I hope you find whatever it is that you are looking for.
Good luck on whatever you decide.


Here's a freebie BB...

People are...people...

and they act as individuals.

Because of that, I want to try my best to treat them as individuals and judge them by their individual actions, not the actions of extremists.

I just happen to think that is a better way to approach people.

Not to be flip, but that is the Christian way I was raised. As life goes on things change, we understand more of the world around us as our experience grows. Christian philosophy is replaced by hard-ball politics. Winston Churchill summed it up this way. "If you are not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at age 50, you have no brain."

In 2009 I was in Sacramento, our State capitol. I was waiting for an airport bus when I was mugged. ID, plane ticket, money, all gone. My wife was out of town. I was unable to reach anyone and spent a week in a homeless shelter. Needless to say my politics went from liberal to independent. Had it not been for the manager at the local Bank of the West, who knows what would have happened to me? The manager said that even though my clothes were rumpled and dirty, my hair cut looked classy, so he believed me enough to help.

At the homeless shelter there were all kinds of people. I watched as a young man pushed a older woman out of the way to get into the food line. At that moment I realized the pecking order, and social graces I had known all my life were out the window. I realized that there were a lot of people who enjoyed the opportunity to kick a white man when he was down. Frankly, I was shocked and scared. I spoke to the desk Sargent at the police station, and he treated me like a homeless bum, (well, yes, I looked like one). I was threatened with jail if I did not leave! I swear to God if someone pulled that on me in Los Angeles, I would have their badge, and my family knows people who could do it, God Damn it.

Then back in my home near the beach in Santa Monica I saw things differently. Society, American or otherwise, does have a pecking order. The poor behave better because they understand what a real punishment can be. Fear contributes to order in every society. I saw a homeless man arrested because he stole a 99 cent bag of peanuts from a convenience store! I saw a pan handler arrested by a MacDonald's manager for begging in front of his store. I tried to intercede on the beggars behalf, and I was threatened with arrest.

I began a new journey in Santa Monica that took me to the local homeless shelter. I volunteer monthly. I will stop at Canter's Deli, (best in the city), and buy four dozen of the best Kosher hot dogs in town. I will go to the shelter and grill them myself for the homeless. I will not allow that connection to be broken.

All groups have good and bad, but Muslims can not be communicated with. They are always vomiting some brainwashed garbage. So, it is real simple to me. Block them all, they will not ASSIMILATE to my country. So admit we made a mistake by offering them a chance in our country, and get rid of them.

Muslims think they are going to tell my 300 year old protestant family how to run this country? Muslims think that we WASPS are just going to forget our 300 year old partnership building this nation with the Jews with for Muslim Morons? Wrong Muslims are here to LEARN not TEACH, and the verdict is in, Muslims fail.

Dump them, and get immigrants who appreciate our ways. Some Muslims will make the cut, it will those Muslims we allow to stay that we will use to throw the others out. Yep, that is how America handles troublemakers without violating a precious word of our founding documents.

Yes, I am all for making life easier for the poor, and our responsibility is first to our citizens. We have been breaking promises to Native Americans, Blacks, and Jews for a long time. We have not settled with Asian-Americans or Mexican-Americans so they are the next in line. After that we can look at relations with Muslims. But from what I read at USMB, Muslims are complainers who have contributed nothing to Western Society, but problems. As far as I am concerned let the Jews decide what they want to do with Muslims. Jews are the ones who have been most insulted by Muslims. And, Coyote, I am not alone in these views - not by a long shot!


Let the Jews decide what to do with American Muslims.
As someone who does not frequent the ME section of USMB, let me just say, WTF? :confused:

You have just witnessed some of the insanity that goes on in the ME forum. All you really need to do is get Muslims on your radar - be prepared. Muslims have been a problem for America since 1803 when they raided American shipping. Basically, Muslims have been brainwashed by the 164 passages in the Qur'an that promote Jihad, (holy war). Here is a utube of a brainwashed Muslim two year old. Muslims do not respond to common sense, only to violence and terrorism, such as they served up to American on 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombings.

This is pretty scarey stuff. Two years old,
and headed for a life of hating America.

Between Syria with its dictator, Egypt with the Muslim brotherhood forcing conservative Muslim law on their population, and now Israel standing against Iran's nuclear weapons program with the help of Muslim Saudi Arabia it is extremely difficult to follow.

If you can understand why Israel and the United States are on the same side, but Obama is seen as backing Muslims, you pretty much know enough to discuss it after a couple Google searches.

I can only tell you that this Presbyterian has had enough of this issue, but from my study, Israel is the injured party here.
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I'm not sure why we jumped to Israel now. :)

Look, Muslims around the world seem to be crazier than most at this point in history. I get that.

On the other hand, considering there are more than a billion of them, I'm fairly confident they aren't all bloodthirsty maniacs by any stretch of the imagination.

So, I'm not entirely certain how Coyote's declaration of taking Muslims on an individual basis led to your lengthy, rant-like response.

As I said, I don't frequent the ME forum, so I'm assuming there is a history between you of which I am unaware. I'm not asking for a rehash of that entire history, just wondering if the basic premise you are trying to present is that all Muslims are bad and Coyote is foolish for believing otherwise, or if this is more personal between you and nothing I can really get involved with?

And just to be clear, I tend to look at all religious belief as pretty inexplicable, but as I said, Muslims do often seem to be a bit further off the deep end. I do, however, think it likely that American Muslims are probably less radical in general, as our country seems to avoid a lot of the crazy that others endure, probably due in large part not only to our culture but our affluence.
I'm not sure why we jumped to Israel now. :)

Look, Muslims around the world seem to be crazier than most at this point in history. I get that.

On the other hand, considering there are more than a billion of them, I'm fairly confident they aren't all bloodthirsty maniacs by any stretch of the imagination.

So, I'm not entirely certain how Coyote's declaration of taking Muslims on an individual basis led to your lengthy, rant-like response.

As I said, I don't frequent the ME forum, so I'm assuming there is a history between you of which I am unaware. I'm not asking for a rehash of that entire history, just wondering if the basic premise you are trying to present is that all Muslims are bad and Coyote is foolish for believing otherwise, or if this is more personal between you and nothing I can really get involved with?

And just to be clear, I tend to look at all religious belief as pretty inexplicable, but as I said, Muslims do often seem to be a bit further off the deep end. I do, however, think it likely that American Muslims are probably less radical in general, as our country seems to avoid a lot of the crazy that others endure, probably due in large part not only to our culture but our affluence.

OK, great, you are thinking about Middle Eastern issues. That is to your credit. I guess I will have to dig a little deeper. As I said the ME forum is insane. We non-Muslim types, (I am Presbyterian), have made many efforts to find common ground with Muslims in USMB. We were polite, we posted logical arguments, asked intelligent questions, posted fact/links and graphics to support our opinions.

Never have I seen a single link in defense of Muslims. You will learn there are no links supporting Muslims because they defend the indefensible.
They post dramatic statements of opinion, and expect us to just take their word that it is true. :bsflag:

No evidence is ever supplied. When losing an argument they just disappear. So, now I just post a photo shop picture of Mecca being blown up with nuclear weapons, and I get an EXCITED response. But, not any more, not since Coyote removed my nuke Mecca graphic, (it is the only way she can defend her radical positions). I post photos of third-world Muslim slums, and ask a question like this.


If Muslims can not even clean up the filth where they live, how could they ever run the world?

Bottom line is Americans and Europeans are learning the only way to control Muslim extremists is to climb right down in the gutter with them and fight it out. Murder, terrorism, anything against Mohammed gets their attention for a span of about 30 seconds before they vomiting more Mohammed crap.

And, these quiet friendly Muslims you are talking about? They read the 164 passages in the Qur'an that promote Jihad, and quietly enjoy the actions of Muslim radicals. You and I are the "infidels" (by the way they see that as a very insulting word about us). These are not human beings that deserve respect. These are "animals who need to be herded and kept on a short leash," according to Russia's Vlad Putin. Believe that if they concor your country, the message is "convert or die." Google, "Muslims, convert or die." It's all there.

Don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself. Form your own opinion. See through all the noise on both sides. You are in this like it or not because you are a citizen of planet Earth. Yes, some estimate the world population of Muslims at 1.3 Billion, which leaves 4.7 Billion non-Muslims. And Coyote? There is a mod who threaten those who post against her agenda with banning. In the last month we count 12 anti-Muslims being banned, including me.


Enough reasonable discussion for today. My two long posts were my last rational thought for Coyote. Notice how she has disappeared from this thread since being confronted with facts? No surprise at all. It is good to review the rational reasons for a USMB war from time to time. Unfortunately, no new revelations for me, but thank you for your interest. Happy Thanksgiving!
Ah. Well, until I spend more time in the ME forum I'll try to avoid weighing in on whether Coyote is or isn't doing a good job as a mod there. :redface:

I think you are more strongly anti-Muslim than I am, and we likely disagree to some extent about the amount of 'moderate' Muslims out there. But it's nothing I feel a need to argue about. :)

Thanks for clarifying!
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