Zone1 Here Are the Real Reasons Why We White People Struggle to Admit That Racism Still Exists

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good to be white.jpg
Without the word "white", this would be applicable to all people and would be true. As it stands, it is at best a partial truth and a partial falsehood.
Actually the history of this country doesn't support your belief.
Very few whites deny that racism still exist'. The thing is whites, are more often the victim of racism than blacks.

Your very lucky you can say this negative thing about whites, without being accused of, hating whites and trying to incite violence against them. If whites say something negative about blacks, they are accused of those things.

Whites don't have the option to use their words.
The OP is an article by a white dude.

The history and present continuing racism by whites is why things are as you whine about. This is something you have chosen to ignore in order to cry about how oppressed whites are. Whites are no more victim of racism than anyone black or any other color.

The article was from a white man and you do everything he described.
Hmmm....I believe the vast majority already do.
Of course the race pimps will never let racism die.
The race pimping comes from the white right wing. Cognitive dissonance has whites here posting volumes of racism while declaring racism is gone.
There are members of the white right wing in this forum who claim that racism is over. Apparently they think that because signs aren't up denying blacks of opportunity that it's gone. And it's funny because the people making this claim do so while expressing the same attitudes whites had during Jim Crow.

Here Are the Real Reasons Why We White People Struggle to Admit That Racism Still Exists

1. White People Must Choose to Extend Our Personal Values towards Racial Issues
When someone calls us as White people out for racist behavior or language, we are almost never being accused of being card-carrying members of the KKK.

Yet so many of us are stuck in a surface level, 1950s conception of racism where we can clearly identify it as wearing White hoods and burning crosses.

But even then, racism was far more complex and insidious.

2. White People Benefit Materially from Racism

Therefore, most of us have an unacknowledged political and economic stake in maintaining White supremacy.

3. White People Have an Emotional Stake in Denying White Supremacy

Because that way, we can avoid dealing with how we’re complicit in its pervasiveness.

4. Working towards Racial Solidarity Means Being Vulnerable

Because that’s the only way for us to transform ourselves for the better.

Now go ahead and disagree with this white dude about how whites deny racism.
This is just a little samba made of just one single note
I’m not saying all of little im.2’s OP’s belong in the rubber room or the badlands;
I am just saying it would be appropriate.

The child has one note and it’s always off key.
I see the op found a guilt-ridden white lib giving free shoe shines to black people and is now inflicting him on the rest of us

How predictable
And of course, we see how anyone white working to end racism gets denigrated by whites who are part of the problem.

You say you should not be blamed for what your ancestors did, right?

So why do you believe the same things about blacks as they did?
And of course, we see how anyone white working to end racism gets denigrated by whites who are part of the problem.

You say you should not be blamed for what your ancestors did, right?

So why do you believe the same things about blacks as they did?

Just keep killing each other. We know, you folks keep killing each other because of Whitey.

FBI: Blacks Made Up 60.4% of Known Murder Offenders in 2021
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